The Highest Form Of Flattery?

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  • WTF
  • 05-31-2010, 08:58 AM
The common belief is that the highest form of flattery is imitation, not plagiarism.

Plagiarism is theft. Imitation takes an original idea, and expands on it with new ideas. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
OK but really , what's a squirrel to do? Nutn, I say.

Here is an interesting observation....I'll throw it out for discussion. The younger generation seems much more into sharing and not all that concerned with intellectual property rights , what with down loading music, bootlegged software and the like. We buy rip off purses/sunglasses and do not bat an eye. We seem to pick and choose just what we get pissed off at. Is it just me or do I smell me some mendacity......
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Poor choice of words I would say. You are correct in your asumption though imho.
BTW Becky "I am the other guy" and what I mentioned about a squirrel being a tree rodent is spot on. What CS also mentioned about them carrying diseases and just overall being a general nuisance is spot on. My dad had a squirrel catching dog that was a sight to behold when he was stalking one. Damn I miss that dog. Originally Posted by OneHotMale
I knew it was you, but it sounded more ominous to refer to you as " the other guy".Squirrels are simply rats with bushy tails,but I was attempting to do some damage control with Ansley. It is bad enough that her dog looks like a squirrel without bringing up the entire rodent/rabies connection

Me , and Edward truly are afraid of that local squirrel.My neighbors must be feeding him because that SOB is huge .Edward use to hunt squirrels in his younger years. It was pretty amazing to watch him study their movements, and then use that knowledge when he was stalking one.It was not a hobby I wanted to encourage, but I have to admit he looked absolutely gorgeous when he was after one.

I just wish he had not decided to do it in a busy park in front of a group of horrified onlookers.:m f_tongue:: yikes:
The younger generation seems much more into sharing and not all that concerned with intellectual property rights Originally Posted by WTF
I am speaking from what I see on ECCIE and TER. The younger generation don't seem to care as much about their text compared to the older generation. The ones that do put time and effort into writing their text are protective of it. In the provider only areas there are lots of complaints and chatter about stolen text.
OneHotMale's Avatar
I knew it was you, but it sounded more ominous to refer to you as " the other guy".Squirrels are simply rats with bushy tails,but I was attempting to do some damage control with Ansley. It is bad enough that her dog looks like a squirrel without bringing up the entire rodent/rabies connection

Me , and Edward truly are afraid of that local squirrel.My neighbors must be feeding him because that SOB is huge .Edward use to hunt squirrels in his younger years. It was pretty amazing to watch him study their movements, and then use that knowledge when he was stalking one.It was not a hobby I wanted to encourage, but I have to admit he looked absolutely gorgeous when he was after one.

I just wish he had not decided to do it in a busy park in front of a group of horrified onlookers.:m f_tongue:: yikes: Originally Posted by Becky

Well Becky I completely understand you wanting to do damage control concerning Ansley. How about a novel approach to getting rid of that big old SOB squirrel. Get old WTF to fly out to SF and bring his golf clubs with him. I understand that he has quite a few in the bag that he can't hit worth a chit so maybe he can put on his and go to town throwing those clubs at that big old SOB. Chances are though if his club throwing is no better than his golf swing then he is going to miss but maybe just maybe he can come close enough to scare it to death.
Here is an interesting observation....I'll throw it out for discussion. The younger generation seems much more into sharing and not all that concerned with intellectual property rights , what with down loading music, bootlegged software and the like. We buy rip off purses/sunglasses and do not bat an eye. We seem to pick and choose just what we get pissed off at. Is it just me or do I smell me some mendacity...... Originally Posted by WTF
I think the younger generation's conduct is a result of the world of technology in which they grew up.

In my day, when it cost to purchase any print material or album, or 45 (the single, not the gun), it was easy to draw the line between purchasing a right and outright theft.

However, these days, and with this generation, file sharing has become so easy w/o the payment of any fees, the bright line is gone. And I don't think the younger generation has any concept that what they are doing is wrong because it is so common. Does the younger generation have morals and a concept of right and wrong? Yes, I think so. But in this area there appears to be a feeling among them that because it exists online for free, they should get it for free.

The result, I fear, will be disastrous. I think we are fast approaching the tipping point where it is not worth making new creative pieces. The work is no longer paid for. It is not intentional theft. It has just become the norm.

Does technology progress? Yes. Do we lose people creative in the arts? Most assuredly because it no longer pays to create.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-31-2010, 02:14 PM

Does technology progress? Yes. Do we lose people creative in the arts? Most assuredly because it no longer pays to create. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Creative people will always create. It's in their Linux

I am speaking from what I see on ECCIE and TER. The younger generation don't seem to care as much about their text compared to the older generation. The ones that do put time and effort into writing their text are protective of it. In the provider only areas there are lots of complaints and chatter about stolen text. Originally Posted by Ansley
Provider complaining about someone stealing their orginial idea that they paid someone to create! Gawd Damn, what is the world coming to!

Poor choice of words I would say. You are correct in your asumption though imho. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius 'bout this, "Honey , yo ass looks perfect in that lil lo bitty dress"

You don't like mendacity?
Provider complaining about someone stealing their orginial idea that they paid someone to create! Gawd Damn, what is the world coming to! Originally Posted by WTF
I write all my own text for my website, ads and profiles.

xoxo Sophie
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  • WTF
  • 05-31-2010, 04:29 PM
I write all my own text for my website, ads and profiles.

xoxo Sophie Originally Posted by SophieSimone
Sounds like you write some for others too!

My point in this thread is that we all take a little something here and there when needed. So I'd be flattered.

The burning question is just what one can do about it? Some lower price point girl isn't going to care what she steals and the higher end chicks aren't going to do it. At the end of the day personality, not text will keepem coming back. Most good customers don't wanna hear allot of bitching about the impossible.

At the end of the day personality, not text will keepem coming back. Most good customers don't wanna hear allot of bitching about the impossible. Originally Posted by WTF
There is a lot of truth to that.We can place so much importance on our photos,text, and web sites that it is important to not forget that it is our repeat business that really keeps us around

OK I must now return to my site rewrite .I am detremined to get my text stolen one way or another.
There is a lot of truth to that.We can place so much importance on our photos,text, and web sites that it is important to not forget that it is our repeat business that really keeps us around

OK I must now return to my site rewrite .I am detremined to get my text stolen one way or another. Originally Posted by Becky
Here is a pic for you to consider stealing:
Here is a pic for you to consider stealing: Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Please do not give me any ideas
Send me your phone number. I'll steal your text and put it on Craig's List. Would that make you happy?
Rudyard K's Avatar
Send me your phone number. I'll steal your text and put it on Craig's List. Would that make you happy? Originally Posted by Ansley
Don't worry about it Ans. He has created an artform about bitch'n about things that ain't ever gonna change.

Even bitch'n about the bitch'n is fools play.
Don't worry about it Ans. He has created an artform about bitch'n about things that ain't ever gonna change.

Even bitch'n about the bitch'n is fools play. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
RK it was Becky that was fussing about nobody had ever stolen her text.