Defeat of ISIS marks a major foreign policy win for Trump

Nearly thirty years in the military means I certainly do know the difference between "tactical" and "strategic", flighty. And I damn well know that Odumbo's back benching from D.C. impaired rather than facilitated combat operations against ISIS, flighty. So, you can take your brown-nosing for Odumbo and shove it up your ignorant, lib-retard ass, flighty, because the maps tell all there needs to be known about what happened and when, flighty.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IS FLIGHTY looking to demonstrate his proficiency in Dingleberry picking as trained by Mr. Doty 5 times and EKIM to impress the rest of the reach around crew ??????
flghtr65's Avatar
Nearly thirty years in the military means Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The professor and Jihad expert who authored the CNN link disagrees with you. Apparently you don't know the difference between tactical and strategic. From the same link that Clownboy quoted from.

Under Obama, ISIS also lost significant Iraqi cities such as Falluja, Ramadi and Tikrit.
To be sure, Trump loosened the "rules of engagement" for the US military, enabling ground commanders to more easily carry out operations without having to seek permission up the chain of command, but these are tactical changes -- not strategic game changers.

You can take your bullshit and shove it up your Bush worshiping ass.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The professor and Jihad expert who authored the CNN link disagrees with you. Apparently you don't know the difference between tactical and strategic. From the same link that Clownboy quoted from.

Under Obama, ISIS also lost significant Iraqi cities such as Falluja, Ramadi and Tikrit.
To be sure, Trump loosened the "rules of engagement" for the US military, enabling ground commanders to more easily carry out operations without having to seek permission up the chain of command, but these are tactical changes -- not strategic game changers.

You can take your bullshit and shove it up your Bush worshiping ass.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
It's a verifiable fact that your Clinton News Network is in bed with the dim-retard party, flighty; so, you can take CNN's biased, agenda driven diatribe and shove it up your lying, lib-retard ass, flighty.
flghtr65's Avatar
It's a verifiable fact that your Clinton News Network is in bed with the dim-retard party, flighty; so, you can take CNN's biased, agenda driven diatribe and shove it up your lying, lib-retard ass, flighty. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The author of the CNN link is a professor from Arizona State and he is an expert on Jihad, something you are not. I did not lie you fucking moron. Take your bullshit about CNN and shove it up your ass.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The author of the CNN link is a professor from Arizona State and he is an expert on Jihad, something you are not. I did not lie you fucking moron. Take your bullshit about CNN and shove it up your ass. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You claim your not lying even as you look at the visual evidence revealed in the maps and deny that it didn't happen, flighty. Everyone else knows you're lying even though you may have successfully deluded your indoctrinated ass, flighty.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Soooo, Mr. WK FLUFFER, that SURE looks like YOU are speculating on someone's MEDICAL CONDITION ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You do know medical and mental condition are not exactly the same thing. especially if you are a Republican. By the way, what business is it of yours? I bet I know!
MT Pockets's Avatar
You claim your not lying even as you look at the visual evidence revealed in the Charts and links provided and deny that it didn't happen, IB. Everyone else knows you're lying even though you may have successfully deluded your indoctrinated ass, IB. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There, I fixed it for you. Has kind of a "Deja vu" ring to it.
lustylad's Avatar
Clownboy, this was in the CNN link about Trump...

Under Obama, ISIS also lost significant Iraqi cities such as Falluja, Ramadi and Tikrit.
To be sure, Trump loosened the "rules of engagement" for the US military, enabling ground commanders to more easily carry out operations without having to seek permission up the chain of command, but these are tactical changes -- not strategic game changers.

Did you read that Clownboy? Trumps changes were not strategic game changers.

You and IB idiot did not hand anybody anything. Case Closed! Originally Posted by flghtr65
From the same link that Clownboy quoted from.

Under Obama, ISIS also lost significant Iraqi cities such as Falluja, Ramadi and Tikrit.
To be sure, Trump loosened the "rules of engagement" for the US military, enabling ground commanders to more easily carry out operations without having to seek permission up the chain of command, but these are tactical changes -- not strategic game changers.

You can take your bullshit and shove it up your Bush worshiping ass. Originally Posted by flghtr65

My, my, my... don't you sound testy today, flighty? You even posted the same quote twice. After proclaiming "case closed!" Lol! Meltdown much?

What's more, you're too stupid to realize that the quote you cited twice supports and confirms IB's point about how "odumbo's back-benching from DC impaired combat operations against ISIS"!

Is it your strategy to have your ass handed to you over and over again in this thread? Or is that just a tactic of yours?
Here is a more factual account of what happened. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Give us all a break with this CNN crap. Obama wasn't trying to defeat ISIS ever, he and Clinton basically created ISIS and funded them with weapons and supplies. Trump will do more to crush ISIS in his first year than Obama ever did in eight.

lustylad's Avatar
Hey flighty... tell you what... I will admit that odumbo initiated the broad strategy that was tweaked and refined and accelerated by Trump to result in the defeat of ISIS in Syria... if you concede the obvious - the adoption of this strategy by odumbo was an explicit admission that he fucked up bigly when he prematurely pulled all US troops out of Iraq in 2011.

Are you honest enough to do that, fucktard?
I B Hankering's Avatar
There, I fixed it for you. Has kind of a "Deja vu" ring to it. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
The only ring apparent here is the one in your nose that allows you to be dragged by your handlers from one wholly fallacious, lib-retard belief to another equally fallacious, lib-retard belief, M T Brain Socket.
flghtr65's Avatar
You claim your not Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The professor from Arizona State University has stated that Trumps changes were not strategic game changers. Raqqa was going to fall regardless of Trump. I did not lie. It's not my fault you don't agree with an expert on Jihad.
lustylad's Avatar
The professor from Arizona State University has stated... Originally Posted by flghtr65
Pssst... flighty! Word of advice... you look really stupid referring to Peter Bergen as an ASU professor. The guy is a well-known TV/cable journalist and author. He's been around for decades. Everyone knows who the fuck he is. He interviewed bin Laden in a cave years before 9/11. He doesn't need you to hurt his reputation by calling him a fucking professor, ok?

His most recent column is titled "Trump Has Scored Some Successes In Foreign Policy"... ooops! I guess a hyper-partisan hack like you doesn't want to mention that one, huh?

P.S. Since you seem to know these things, where does your libtard buddy Professor Fellatio teach at?
flghtr65's Avatar
You even posted the same quote twice.

that the quote you cited twice supports and confirms IB's point about how "odumbo's back-benching from DC impaired combat operations against ISIS"!
: Originally Posted by lustylad
1. You have to repeat things for IB idiot. He has been in the military for almost 30 years. Has probably heard his fair share of bombs explode. His thinking is a little impaired.

2. You keep leaving out the last part of that statement that the professor made about Trump's changes. One more time just for you.

"but these are tactical changes -- not strategic game changers".

Did they teach you at Harvard debate club to always leave out the part that hurts your argument? LOL.

That one statement alone negates the point that the OP is trying to make. Everyone knows how big a mission the taking of Mosul was and that started under Obama.
flghtr65's Avatar
Pssst... flighty! Word of advice... you look really stupid referring to Peter Bergen as an ASU professor. Originally Posted by lustylad
Did you read the editors note in the link knucklehead? Here it is.

Peter Bergen is CNN's national security analyst, a vice president at New America and a professor of practice at Arizona State University. He is the author of "United States of Jihad: Investigating America's Homegrown Terrorists."

Do your homework before you post.