Trumps approval rises while the Democrat Convention tanks!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden will do something "for the country".

Just decompressing things and chilling things down would be a great service to the country.He certainly won't pursue policies the Right love,but he won't over-aggressively pursue Left leaning ones either.

Like Coke Stevenson put it once ; "I'm not going to give you the Dome of the Capital,but I won't give it to the other side either."

Karl Rove gave an interesting analysis a few nights ago ; He said this race is going to tighten up over the next few weeks. And the candidates will be vying for 10-12 % of votes in the middle.

He said for Trump to win he must garner more of those 10-12 % votes than Biden would need to cause Biden will probably have a slight lead.

Rove said Trump must have clear consistent messaging. Stay on message point. Which Trump can sometimes have a hard time doing.

Plus be President the whole time. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Biden doesn't know what country he's actually in.

PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
I though American judges had a free postings for life.

Why did this one retire?
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2020, 04:44 AM
TDS and Trump hate.

DPST's - You have a choice - Vote for Trump Nov 3 - or Cast the Last vote in a free election in America - short of Civil War!
It is coming.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper just haters because the box tells them ,
Watch some of College reform .com questioning people on the street its just fucking scary how stupid the answers get on why they like joey an hHoey
Little Monster's Avatar
Show us your "Proof" of the assertion on Trump, Bill clinton, and Epstein.

How many sexual assault claims does Trump have against him?? That's all the proof I need. Trump has a book written about him from a girl who was raped by him & Epstein together, that's all the proof I need.

It was not a picture of Trump in a blue dress in epstein's home - it was a picture of Bill clinton.

It was not BC's property where a young girl by the name of Virginia Roberts was pimped out to Epstein, it was Trumps resort. That same woman clearly stated that she did see BC on the Island but NEVER seen him do anything inappropriate Alex Acosta the US attorney who got Epstein off the hook was a part of Trump's administration not BC's. That's all the proof I need

Facts and Reality - to DPST's as well as LM Troll - - are what XiNN manufactures from thin air.

Yeah, facts are a bitch ain't they?? All you have is nothing but a wack ass flight log which proves SHIT!!

You are to be 'congratulated" - you are a 'victim' of DPST propaganda - and love it that you have 'victimized ' Oneself.

Now - why not go home and demonstrate for Lenin at Buckingham palace. Or, build a hut and live atop Ayre's Rock.

Thank You - LM troll agitator. Originally Posted by oeb11
You are more than welcome, Señor
By the way your boy Trump is still getting his ass beat in the polls. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

It was not BC's property where a young girl by the name of Virginia Roberts was pimped out to Epstein, it was Trumps resort. That same woman clearly stated that she did see BC on the Island but NEVER seen him do anything inappropriate Alex Acosta the US attorney who got Epstein off the hook was a part of Trump's administration not BC's. That's all the proof I need

You are more than welcome, Señor
By the way your boy Trump is still getting his ass beat in the polls. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Originally Posted by Little Monster

Uh .. NO.

Association with Epstein (2000–2002)

In the summer of 2000,[20][21] Giuffre first met Ghislaine Maxwell when working as a spa attendant at Donald Trump's private Mar-a-Lago club while reading a book about massage therapy.[16] Maxwell, a British socialite and daughter of the late media tycoon Robert Maxwell, approached Giuffre, noted the book that she was reading, inquired about her interest in massage, and offered her a potential job working for Epstein as a traveling masseuse with the assurance that no experience was necessary.[16] Giuffre has stated that after Maxwell introduced her to Jeffrey Epstein, the two quickly began grooming her to provide sexual services under the guise that she was to be trained as a professional massage therapist.[22]

Between 2000 and 2002, Giuffre was closely associated with Epstein and Maxwell, traveling between Epstein's residences in Palm Beach and Manhattan (at the Herbert N. Straus House), with additional trips to Epstein's Zorro ranch in New Mexico and private island Little Saint James.[23] In the Miami Herald's award-winning[24] investigative journalism series "Perversion of Justice", Giuffre describes her experiences of being trafficked by Epstein to provide massages and sexual services for him and a number of his business associates over a two-and-a-half-year period.[25]

no mention of Mar-a-Lago and any activity with Epstein occurring there. to think that Trump would even allow such activity at Mar-a-Lago is pure TDS .. mate!
  • oeb11
  • 08-31-2020, 02:23 PM
As Usual - the LM and racist , marxist, DPST's propaganda has been spewed - and the 'facts' lm presents are in FACT - False

.The famous [pic of Bill Clinton reclining in a blue dress was IN FACT hanging in Epstein's NY mansion!
Parsing Bill by New York-based Australian artist Petrina Ryan-Kleid.
From rolling Stone - one of 'your' publications - and supported by many other reports!

lm gets away with spewing lies in his own racist, marxist DPST circles of the deluded - but - not to people who are not conditioned and programmed by LSM Lies.

Typical of racist marxsit DPST's - when a Lie is proven false - they happily move on to their next lie - No Problem for those to whom Factual Truth is only what is dictated by the marxist, racist DPST narrative.

Such a shame to be so deluded by Hatred and TDS - professional Help might assist.

Get some help - englishman without a Constitution

just because u don't have a Constitution - does not mean you can destroy America's constitution and bill of Rights.

go to Venezuela for your marxist utopia!
  • oeb11
  • 08-31-2020, 02:32 PM
Yupper just haters because the box tells them ,
Watch some of College reform .com questioning people on the street its just fucking scary how stupid the answers get on why they like joey an hHoey Originally Posted by rexdutchman

I have little reservation that One is looking for a federal handout for 'reparations' - i guess welfare does not provide enough for the 'PIMP' lifestyle of the culture.

Never heard of honest work and advancing oneself thereby - gotta have it given to One by virtue of skin color - and that is RACIST!

such a shame for a life to lived so deluded.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just a way to keep people down ( welfare state )
Little Monster's Avatar
Uh .. NO.

no mention of Mar-a-Lago and any activity with Epstein occurring there. to think that Trump would even allow such activity at Mar-a-Lago is pure TDS .. mate! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
In episode 2 of the Epstein docu on Netflix Virginia Roberts clearly states that she was pimped out to Epstein via Maxwell at a function at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort. I do believe her, I will never however believe any of your fascist right wing sources. EVER.

Given his past, to put something like this past Trump is pure ignorance, bloke!!
Little Monster's Avatar
As Usual - the LM and racist , marxist, DPST's propaganda has been spewed - and the 'facts' lm presents are in FACT - False

From rolling Stone - one of 'your' publications - and supported by many other reports!

lm gets away with spewing lies in his own racist, marxist DPST circles of the deluded - but - not to people who are not conditioned and programmed by LSM Lies.

Typical of racist marxsit DPST's - when a Lie is proven false - they happily move on to their next lie - No Problem for those to whom Factual Truth is only what is dictated by the marxist, racist DPST narrative.

Such a shame to be so deluded by Hatred and TDS - professional Help might assist.

Get some help - englishman without a Constitution

just because u don't have a Constitution - does not mean you can destroy America's constitution and bill of Rights.

go to Venezuela for your marxist utopia! Originally Posted by oeb11
Your fascist wannabe dictator of a president is still getting his ass beat in all 6 key swing states, and is even down by 1% here in Texas. Enjoy these next two months while you can.
  • oeb11
  • 09-01-2020, 01:35 PM
tiny Munster - Deflection, Denial . Lie and cast aspersions - the usual lying racist, marxist DPST defense.

you lied - you got caught - but it makes no difference to DPST's - Lies are all u have.

Go back to home and leave the colonies to themselves - we already fought for our independence - and may do it again. Take a vacation in venezuela - in leavig - you raise the quality of life in both countries.
Little Monster's Avatar
tiny Munster - Deflection, Denial . Lie and cast aspersions - the usual lying racist, marxist DPST defense.

you lied - you got caught - but it makes no difference to DPST's - Lies are all u have.

Go back to home and leave the colonies to themselves - we already fought for our independence - and may do it again. Take a vacation in venezuela - in leavig - you raise the quality of life in both countries. Originally Posted by oeb11
Making stuff up, lies & negativity, divisiveness, you are displaying typical conservative behavior. No wonder why your fascist wannabe dictator of a president is losing badly right now.

Keep it up chief, I want you to!!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Losing badly? LMAO!