"I'll release my tax returns when ..."

And I was tired for 8 years from the world telling Obama and America to Fuck off. Examples - China dissed him, The President of the Philippines actually told Obama he could go to hell,Russia - Putin always looked at him with disdain - you could see it on his face when ever they met. And Israel - well, things really went downhill with Obama there. So yes, Trump is gonna show the world - America comes first. And it's way over due. He's a business man - he's not there to fuck around - he's there to work.

It's been two weeks and I'm tired of him telling the world to go fuck itself every day.

Oh yeah, and when does Congress get to discuss any of these fiats? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
EagleEye's Avatar
I will be happy to answer your questions.

Both of those citations in my previous answer were significant contributors to the divided mess we have today. Separate but equal, when done properly, could lead to less conflict between the races than we have today, and would benefit all races more than our current system.

There is actually only one race in the history of the world that has shown an ability to coexist with other races, blend in, and improve those societies without the friction of our current multicultural disaster. I'm referring of course to the Jewish people. All other races should remain as separated as possible because of the inherent mistrust all races consistently exhibit toward other races, as a group. Individuals of goodwill can get along with individuals of any other race. Unfortunately, the political process lends itself to group politics and fights, leading to inevitable divisions like we have here in the US, and indeed, at this point, all Western democracies.

We are more divided now than at any time in our nation's history. A large portion of that is due to the relentless push for multiculturalism and the government's effort to assuage the tiny bruises and daily inconveniences of life, principally to offset the BS concept of white privilege, and create equality of results and outcomes, which inevitably leads to more and more friction from the unfavored groups. Increasing moralizing occurs, and each side attempts to demonize the other, making cooperation increasingly difficult, and further tearing down the fabric of society.

We are so far gone that Mr. Trump cannot save us, and we would be better served to peacefully sever the the political bands which have connected us and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle us all, of every race. Originally Posted by DSK
Thanks for the response. Interesting perspective.

You don't think we were more divided when some of us had slaves? When we didn't trust Catholics? When all those immigrants flooded Ellis and Angel Islands? It may be turbulent times, but I think there were other periods in our history that were as bad or worse and we made it through.

The Jews have been subject to ghetto-ization and pogroms for centuries, as well as that little Holocaust thing. It hasn't always worked out for them. What are you proposing as the fix? A deconstruction of societies? A Rwanda like ethnic cleansing? An India/Pakistan partitioning? Establish countries based solely on race or religion or some other trait(s)? It sounds like you favor an approach like South Africa in the Apartheid era.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, Eagle Eye, that's EXACTLY what this poseur has been advocating in other forums.

Mostly as DSK, but he also spouted white nationalism (that's a kind term for it) as JL for years before that.

He's referencing the Jews because he's trying to bait Jewish members of this board, ahem.

This is one sick puppy. And he ain't even white!
  • DSK
  • 01-27-2017, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the response. Interesting perspective.

You don't think we were more divided when some of us had slaves? When we didn't trust Catholics? When all those immigrants flooded Ellis and Angel Islands? It may be turbulent times, but I think there were other periods in our history that were as bad or worse and we made it through.

The Jews have been subject to ghetto-ization and pogroms for centuries, as well as that little Holocaust thing. It hasn't always worked out for them. What are you proposing as the fix? A deconstruction of societies? A Rwanda like ethnic cleansing? An India/Pakistan partitioning? Establish countries based solely on race or religion or some other trait(s)? It sounds like you favor an approach like South Africa in the Apartheid era. Originally Posted by EagleEye
I appreciate your kind and reasoned reply. I hope to someday get all the races to come to the realization that multiculturalism is of little benefit to everyday citizens, and all races would find more happiness with their fellow people. We would all benefit from less stress and violent interaction.

The Jewish people have not always received the credit or appreciation as you mentioned. Sad.
Yssup Rider's Avatar


The pillars upon which this great nation was founded.

Thank you Richard Spencer... oops, did I out you, JL?
EagleEye's Avatar
I appreciate your kind and reasoned reply. I hope to someday get all the races to come to the realization that multiculturalism is of little benefit to everyday citizens, and all races would find more happiness with their fellow people. We would all benefit from less stress and violent interaction. Originally Posted by DSK
Generally technological change, job dislocation is a far likelier source of stress than multiculturalism. And although I haven't checked sources, most races kill others in their race far more than killing those of another race.

Finally, I checked your reviews. The vast majority of them are with Asians. Assuming you are white, don't those sessions contradict your espousing separation of races?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He likes Asians...
gfejunkie's Avatar
Looks like tax returns are a dead issue. The only ones they would matter to now is Congress and guess what? They don't.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Trump can't release his tax returns. It would show how much of a lier in his inflation of numbers of his own wealth.I would also bet that when accounts started looking at the tax returns they would start to question some "funny numbers" that would probably get him into some very hot water. In case you haven't noticed there isn't one number he has ever said on any subject that has been correct.
  • DSK
  • 01-28-2017, 10:17 AM
Generally technological change, job dislocation is a far likelier source of stress than multiculturalism. And although I haven't checked sources, most races kill others in their race far more than killing those of another race.

Finally, I checked your reviews. The vast majority of them are with Asians. Assuming you are white, don't those sessions contradict your espousing separation of races? Originally Posted by EagleEye
I will grant that job dislocations are likely substantially impacted by technological change, cause great stress, and Trump is going to have a difficult time fighting those modern trends. However, at least he is showing concern and sympathy for the plight of the working man.

As for my apparent contradiction in my assertion that separation of the races will benefit all races, I appreciate you bringing that up. As I previously stated, I'm referring to the global view, the macro view of a society. Obviously, individuals of every race can get along well as individuals, and any society going forward will have mixed race couples. There is no conflict with the idea that entire nations should be substantially of one race, say at least 90%, and allow people of mixed race to essentially follow the culture of the dominant race.

For instance, China today is only 91.6% Han Chinese, I believe. They have Zhuang, Hui, Manchu, Miao, and Yi groups making up another 5%, and mixed Asian races making up most of the rest.

They actually segregate Muslims and black to a large degree, I'm told. When I was in Shanghai I only saw one black person.

I'm saying societies should go back to being organized on racial lines for stability as much as possible, to reduce racial conflict among the races. That benefits everyone, not just white racist assholes who hate non-whites.

As Yssup Rider stated, I do love Asian girls...Mexican girls, too. For that matter, there was an Egyptian stripper at Baby Dolls who was awesome..I could just imagine her in my harem...
EagleEye's Avatar
Well, DSK, have one common interest, AMPs.

I really disagree on the multicultural-ism as the big societal stress source. Globalization, corporate tax policy, carried interest, CEO incentive packages, and other Wall Steet favorites have done more to impact the living situation - the PRIMARY cause of stress for most people, IMO - for those blue collar / lower middle class and those without college educations.

Not sure how Trump will be addressing the plight of the general working man. Opening a new plant or not relocating out of country is great for those impacted, but mfg jobs is a relatively small part of our (and most advanced economies) job mix and is rife with replacement by robotics.
Gamer's Avatar
  • Gamer
  • 01-28-2017, 02:41 PM
What part of "Trump won, Clinton lost" do you not understand? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
The part where that precludes one from criticizing him.

Very few of the fine, upstanding moral citizens of this once great country who voted for our outstanding President cared about his tax returns. It was only those on the left, who really didn't care either but wanted a chance to potentially embarrass him. He is now basically telling them they can fuck off and die. Originally Posted by DSK

"Views on tax returns shift decidedly away from Trump’s position. Seventy-four present overall say he should release his tax returns; that includes 49 percent of his own supporters, as well as nearly all of Clinton’s (94 percent) and 83 percent of those who had another preference, or none."


Plenty of illegals voted, Trump is only pointing that out with a bit of hyperbole. It infuriates the faggots who hate him. Originally Posted by DSK
"Plenty", but 0 were caught? 5 million illegals voted, but none were caught? You serious?

Meanwhile the 3 actual cases of voter fraud in the presidential election were all republicans and/or trump supporters.

  • DSK
  • 01-28-2017, 06:02 PM
Well, DSK, have one common interest, AMPs.

I really disagree on the multicultural-ism as the big societal stress source. Globalization, corporate tax policy, carried interest, CEO incentive packages, and other Wall Steet favorites have done more to impact the living situation - the PRIMARY cause of stress for most people, IMO - for those blue collar / lower middle class and those without college educations.

Not sure how Trump will be addressing the plight of the general working man. Opening a new plant or not relocating out of country is great for those impacted, but mfg jobs is a relatively small part of our (and most advanced economies) job mix and is rife with replacement by robotics. Originally Posted by EagleEye
Hey, I like strip clubs, too!!

Sure, Wall Street is completely overpaid, and as a result, Manhattan real estate is way overpriced, but it is a necessary evil that financiers get rich off the suffering of others, or at least that is the message George Soros has always sent out.

While perhaps you and I could care less about working on the factory floor, it is a great living for someone who doesn't want to endure the brainwashing of our large Universities....why aren't they called Diversities? I though diversity was supposed to be a strength.
Dev Null's Avatar
I am in a committed relationship with Scarlett Johanssonn. This is of course an alternative fact.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Hey Dev Null that Scarlett joke is just like your alternative fact in the alert section? Guess what, I'm neither a slut or a whore. I am a provider and a creative sex prodigy and that is fact.