47 counts of Treason

Jim Wright, the Democratic House speaker during Ronald Reagan's presidency, was accused of interfering when he met with opposing leaders in Nicaragua's contra war. Three House Democrats went to Iraq in 2002 before President George W. Bush's invasion to try to head off war. And Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, went to Syria in 2007 to meet with President Bashar al-Assad against the wishes of the Bush administration, which was trying to isolate him. The Democrats are the biggest hypocrites and lying pieces of trash on the planet! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Not even close to the same thing. They were trying to STOP war, not start one you idiot.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Not even close to the same thing. They were trying to STOP war, not start one you idiot. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Once again you've proved yourself to be a ignorant moron.
I'm not sure what they think they're doing, but it's treasonous.

http://www.politicususa.com/2015/03/...tter-iran.html Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Never, never underestimate the power of the "Military Industrial Complex". I enjoy your liberal views, and never think "Liberal" is bad. True historians know that "the people liberate themselves". . .I have no other words for humanity...Humanity must liberate itself. ..otherwise, there is no liberation!!!

Vote for a woman
Not even close to the same thing. They were trying to STOP war, not start one you idiot. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Do not
stop posting your views. People see them and they are very interested!

Why would they get so upset unless they knew there was truth somewhere.
Once again you've proved yourself to be a ignorant moron. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I have to say I do not think you should be called a "Dali Lama". Do you know anything about their philosiphy? It had nothing to do with war.
Turns out, Obo Jingles and his minions talked to the Iranians and told them NOT to negotiate with Bush before he left office... They would have a better deal with Obo Jingles...

I hope the Iranians are up to date on the political environment of the U.S. Hillary Clinton is going to win the presidecy and will uphold whatever treaty Obama comes up with currently. Then we'll see what happens 8 years after that. Originally Posted by shanm
Ishanmuhammad and Shit Eater will soon meet their 72 eunuchs.
I wouldn't trust Mark Levin as far as I could throw him.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
So I guess what this all means.....

Since treason is punishable by death then all 47 should be shot?

Kind of extreme don't you think?

Put up or shut up.
I wouldn't trust Mark Levin as far as I could throw him. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Yea. we know who you trust... undercuntalinsky

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Even a Manchu style dress and everything. Very asian of ms Jarrett.