Gas and inflation affecting the hobby?

Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Foolish is the person that only has one stream of income. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
You can have all the streams of income you want. But when your money is worthless and there's no more food at all your grocery stores or gasoline at the gas station that's when the pitchforks come out and the cannibalism begins.

Let's see how all the snowflakes do in their safe spaces then. Yeah good luck with that, it's coming sooner than you think.

Denial is a real thing, look no further than post #92.

America you're about to be poor - CLICK HERE!
Grace Preston's Avatar
LMAO-- The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!

I'm a country girl-- I could dress a deer before I could drive a car. Save your snowflake apocalypse garbage for someone else.
ManSlut's Avatar
I just saw a report on the news that shoppers are tired of these inflated prices and are holding off on purchases. They mentioned that Macy’s raised the prices of their mattresses and something else $100 and saw a decline in those items being sold and lost customers. Maybe a reduction in provider visits will result in a reduction in their inflated prices. Originally Posted by Finman22
This is absolutely the way to go on everything, quit paying inflated prices on anything- beef, auto prices, home prices, retail goods, vagina, you name it, cut what you’re spending now and shit will change!
Finman22's Avatar
This is absolutely the way to go on everything, quit paying inflated prices on anything- beef, home prices, retail goods, vagina, you name it, cut what you’re spending now and shit will change! Originally Posted by ManSlut
So true, my dumbass with tomorrow’s Dallas visit will have spent $1800 on providers and $500 more in gas so far in March. I’m going to try to limit myself to two visits in April.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
I just saw a report on the news that shoppers are tired of these inflated prices and are holding off on purchases. They mentioned that Macy’s raised the prices of their mattresses and something else $100 and saw a decline in those items being sold and lost customers. Maybe a reduction in provider visits will result in a reduction in their inflated prices. Originally Posted by Finman22
This is absolutely the way to go on everything, quit paying inflated prices on anything- beef, auto prices, home prices, retail goods, vagina, you name it, cut what you’re spending now and shit will change! Originally Posted by ManSlut
The economic term is called demand destruction and its coming to a morally, spiritually, and financially bankrupt nation near you.
ManSlut's Avatar
Good for you Finman...I am going to just one a week and it will probably be one lady that I really bond with @ 250 per visit, absolutely no clock watching, she’s my hidden gem. I’ve taken her on vacations with me...I’ll keep another one two on the bench if needed when the Gem isn’t available, but the Hobby is just not fun anymore for me, too much GPS services and attitudes, just a whole lot of Kardashian & Cardi B worshippers.

I used to always have a good time with 90% of the Rub Girls I might see, but that percentage has dropped to 10% or less...Same as the Escorts- higher rates, poorer services...Sad but true.

My golf clubs, sailboat & fishing boat will get more and more usage, which isn’t a bad thing at all...My Hidden Gem enjoyed Sailfishing with me on a trip once, maybe I’ll teach her how to golf, trim the sail sheets, run a trot line or catch slabs (crappie) and totally walk away from this shit with her as my wingman. She’d do it in a heartbeat, the problem has been me, been single too long enjoying myself when and where I want to.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-21-2022, 08:34 PM
Good for you Finman...I am going to just one a week and it will probably be one lady that I really bond with @ 250 per visit, absolutely no clock watching, she’s my hidden gem. I’ve taken her on vacations with me...I’ll keep another one two on the bench if needed when the Gem isn’t available, but the Hobby is just not fun anymore for me, too much GPS services and attitudes, just a whole lot of Kardashian & Cardi B worshippers.

I used to always have a good time with 90% of the Rub Girls I might see, but that percentage has dropped to 10% or less...Same as the Escorts- higher rates, poorer services...Sad but true.

My golf clubs, sailboat & fishing boat will get more and more usage, which isn’t a bad thing at all...My Hidden Gem enjoyed Sailfishing with me on a trip once, maybe I’ll teach her how to golf, trim the sail sheets, run a trot line or catch slabs (crappie) and totally walk away from this shit with her as my wingman. She’d do it in a heartbeat, the problem has been me, been single too long enjoying myself when and where I want to. Originally Posted by ManSlut
You gonna marry a whore MS?
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^ Nah, but at least she knows I have been more of a whore than anyone she has ever known or will know, I guess we have something in common...But monogamous companionship is in her DNA and mine, too...It wouldn’t be hard at all, marriage would be.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-21-2022, 09:05 PM
Sounds good and the in house pussy doesn't hurt, hope she can cook and clean
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Good for you Finman...I am going to just one a week and it will probably be one lady that I really bond with @ 250 per visit, absolutely no clock watching, she’s my hidden gem. I’ve taken her on vacations with me...I’ll keep another one two on the bench if needed when the Gem isn’t available, but the Hobby is just not fun anymore for me, too much GPS services and attitudes, just a whole lot of Kardashian & Cardi B worshippers.

I used to always have a good time with 90% of the Rub Girls I might see, but that percentage has dropped to 10% or less...Same as the Escorts- higher rates, poorer services...Sad but true.

My golf clubs, sailboat & fishing boat will get more and more usage, which isn’t a bad thing at all...My Hidden Gem enjoyed Sailfishing with me on a trip once, maybe I’ll teach her how to golf, trim the sail sheets, run a trot line or catch slabs (crappie) and totally walk away from this shit with her as my wingman. She’d do it in a heartbeat, the problem has been me, been single too long enjoying myself when and where I want to. Originally Posted by ManSlut
I have a few go to girls I see that are provider members, but most of the time, it is dancers OTC and RMT. Inflation has not put a damper on my seeing providers as the one I see, I am grandfathered in at fantastic rates. It is just a couple times a week now for me. The experience for me has always been fun, but since I signed on to Eccie, it has not been fun at all to share intel or post, because of guys like you and a few others who DAILY, not only troll my posts, but also, get providers to not see me with your made up conspiracy theories and disinformation told as fact.

The ladies I see BCD are not clock watchers and make me feel special every second I am with them. I do get a kick out of the trolls that concentrate more on trying to shit all over me (things they would not dare say face to face) than seeing ladies themselves, while I am stacking up the provider OKs on p411 and getting referrals from the ladies I see. It has to be a big kick in the balls and I hope it hurts!
ManSlut's Avatar
Did you see that recent comment I made on a Cassie_Lynn review? She’s 300hhr/500hr and doesn’t allow kissing?!...This in a nutshell is what’s ruining the Hobby, poor service with ridiculous rates, and dumbasses paying for that!!
ManSlut's Avatar
I have a few go to girls I see that are provider members, but most of the time, it is dancers OTC and RMT. Inflation has not put a damper on my seeing providers as the one I see, I am grandfathered in at fantastic rates. It is just a couple times a week now for me. The experience for me has always been fun, but since I signed on to Eccie, it has not been fun at all to share intel or post, because of guys like you and a few others who DAILY, not only troll my posts, but also, get providers to not see me with your made up conspiracy theories and disinformation told as fact.

The ladies I see BCD are not clock watchers and make me feel special every second I am with them. I do get a kick out of the trolls that concentrate more on trying to shit all over me (things they would not dare say face to face) than seeing ladies themselves, while I am stacking up the provider OKs on p411 and getting referrals from the ladies I see. It has to be a big kick in the balls and I hope it hurts! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Dude, I don’t give a fuck who you fuck, and I damn sure don’t talk to whores about Dudes here or anywhere...I troll you because you’re a boring, narcissistic, sociopath and I’m here to entertain the ECCIE Channel, you’re just one of my minions....Your post is typical, you try to spin everything all about you!

You’re a fucking weirdo, the Ladies don’t need me to prove that, they already know it, hence, you have to change your handle from time to time, this is your biggest red flag to Providers.
Did you see that recent comment I made on a Cassie_Lynn review? She’s 300hhr/500hr and doesn’t allow kissing?!...This in a nutshell is what’s ruining the Hobby, poor service with ridiculous rates, and dumbasses paying for that!! Originally Posted by ManSlut
By next year, you can fly to South America, hobby for the weekend, eat some delish foods fly back and still be cheaper than here
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-21-2022, 10:10 PM
By next year, you can fly to South America, hobby for the weekend, eat some delish foods fly back and still be cheaper than here Originally Posted by gameforlife
And off the charts bodies to play with, I'm heading to Medellin Columbia and San Jose Costa Rica to go spoil myself
Finman22's Avatar