The Wicked Whispers Show

This would make for the best family-based sitcom since forever. Take Growing Pains and smash it into Roseanne and then smash them into Malcom in the Middle and take the entire debris field and cobble the parts together and then air it on HBO or Showtime for the premium adult content and you'd be RICH! Rich, I tell you!
Originally Posted by Carl
and you can also add "Married with Children", Whispers is a 'shoe-in' for 'Al Bundy'
I guess I'm in the minority but I like eccie hostility and hate-posts free.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-16-2010, 11:38 AM
and you can also add "Married with Children", Whispers is a 'shoe-in' for 'Al Bundy' Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY

Done and Done! Get Norman Lear on the phone! Wait. He's dead. Get me Ricky Gervais. Wait! He's not big enough. Fuck it! Get me Spielberg at Dreamworks! I smell a greenlight!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-16-2010, 11:45 AM
I guess I'm in the minority but I like eccie hostility and hate-posts free. Originally Posted by Devynn von Tease
Think of this as a "controlled burn", like the kind that they use to prevent wildfires.
Skip_8's Avatar
Consider the woman hating husband who adores and loves his wife, because she knows her submissive place. If he meets another women who is not submissive then the tensions start as they jockey for dominance.

Could we apply this to both Saint Whispers and WM? In other words, do both love the opposite sex as long as the they are top dog at the table? Therefore, if both meet in these forums, then is it not just natural that both head-strong people with the aforementioned issue would clash?
ferdburf's Avatar
Ding-ding-ding-ding, we have a winner! Skip 8, please proceed to the prize desk!!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-16-2010, 12:05 PM
So.. pussy has power and power corrupts, so we have corrupt vagazzled vaginas running amok? Originally Posted by lil red Robin
Decorating the vagina is overkill. A plain unadorned one is more than powerful enough. Or so I'm told by a little birdie. A garden variety vagina has a pH capable of powering a small electroplating device that can, given enough time, gold-plate costume jewelery just enough so that it won't turn a clit piercing green. Unless the green is mold, tree moss or some sort of a pus-sy infection. That's "pus". As in wound-snot. Not another slang term for the more medically precise: va-jay-jay.
Whispers's Avatar
and you can also add "Married with Children", Whispers is a 'shoe-in' for 'Al Bundy' Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Some applicable quotes I enjoy!

Marcy : I am Marcy Darcy here on behalf of the Coalition for the Esthetically Challenged.
Al : Challenged? I'd say defeated, exiled and left for dead!

Al : ... show them, as only you can, that the female body is not to be appreciated, but to be feared, reviled and in the case of most of you, kept totally covered at all times.

Peg : Ooh baby! Is that a nightstick or are you just happy to see me?
Al : It's a nightstick and I'm not afraid to use it!

Al: Old McBundy had a farm ... B-U-N-D-Y, and on this farm he had no wife, B-U-N-D-Y, and a no wife here and a no kids there, a hooker coming over on Friday nights ... Big luscious hooters, a pizza and a beer there ... old McBundy had a farm ... B-U-N-D-Y

Al: Now wait a second. My pretty teenage daughter with the brain of a fruit-fly earned a thousand dollars in three nights. Should I be worried?

Al: Now kids, we're not here to attack each other. We're here to attack the baby.

Al: That's what being a man is like : making mistakes and not caring.

Al: It gets better each time as long as it's never with the same woman.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-16-2010, 01:57 PM
Note to self: Is it possible for an individual to sue himself for defamation of character? For definition of character? Is it possible to get a refill from the waitress or should I just go to the counter myself? Yummmmm.
Is this still an advice thread or what, just asking? Lmao

Dear Whispers, for once i wish one of my ATF's would shave his parts, i would discreetly ask, and still nothing, lately the yard is growing out of control. I don't even want to look down there anymore. On top of that he is screaming the girlfriend not interested. can i get some manly advice here. Thanks.....afraid to approach the yard again.
Whispers's Avatar
Is this still an advice thread or what, just asking? Lmao

Dear Whispers, for once i wish one of my ATF's would shave his parts, i would discreetly ask, and still nothing, lately the yard is growing out of control. I don't even want to look down there anymore. On top of that he is screaming the girlfriend not interested. can i get some manly advice here. Thanks.....afraid to approach the yard again. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Dear lise.lisa,

In the presence of a beautiful lady many of us males lack the ability to grasp subtlety or discreetness..... You may have to be a little more direct with the suggestion.... or...... Offer a small discount if he will allow you to trim him up a bit....

Or you might take the session into a little impromptu Roll Play...... Produce a tray of oils and creams and ask if you might be allowed to "play a little bit" and proceed to give him a rather sensual masssage lingering over the private parts...... Grab the tube of bikini Zone hair Removal Cream from under the edge of the bed and work the area up into a good lather..... Pay attention to the clock and commence to some face sitting for the next 8-10 minutes..... Drag him into the show and rinse fully... Presto Chango...... bare ballsack and playground...

Now your skills as an actress come into play as you feign complete confusion and shock realizing someone from your last session switched items on the tray.... In shower go down on him immediately... No man that has EVER experienced a quality BBBJ with the boys heavily involved and no hair in the way and has been known to complain.... It simply feels much better.....

Since he was pushing the GF card you might consider as an apology leading him on a bit.... Give him his fantasy for a while... If the relationship ends you know you saved the next gal one heck of a lot of trouble as well as gave him a quality ride....

of course if he is married he will need to come up with one hell of an excuse regarding what happened........

I learned that lesson the hard way! My wife is still wondering if we will ever get a settlement from the Industrial Accident I was in that resulted in all that hair falling out....

Saint Whispers

PS... Putting into perspective the "costs" of your being his girlfriend might help.... Break down your monthly financial needs and ask if he is willing to step up... Some guys need a little "reality check" at times
Always a pleasure getting a man's perspective.
dicdaddy's Avatar
Dear Whispers

If I posted something like "Damn lisa lisa, love your showcase. You are thicker than a Snicker!".

Does that make me a Pussy Whipped Lap Dog?
I see how it is around here....................a Saint comes in the room and its stone the Fucking prophet time.

Just remember, eventually the Saint will have to ascend..................and you will be stuck with the pissed off Fucking prophet.

I would ask a question.............But, I am the Fucking prophet, and already know the answer. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Get a glock; beats rocks every time.
Whispers's Avatar
Dear Whispers

If I posted something like "Damn lisa lisa, love your showcase. You are thicker than a Snicker!".

Does that make me a Pussy Whipped Lap Dog? Originally Posted by dicdaddy
Dear dicdaddy,

hmmm... That just does not sound right......

No.... Merely being attracted to a lady or paying her a compliment is a normal part of social interaction..... You would have to try much harder than that.

Saint Whispers