Barr should be disbarred!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
. . . hildebeest actually broke the law and obstructed justice:

Yeah, keep telling yourself she committed a crime. Right Waco? Maybe Jussie Smollett will beleive you too.

And Barr and Rosenstein ruled there was no "obstruction". Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Stupid double talk. Dismissed.

. . . Dershowitz noted.

Comey announced the decision not to prosecute Clinton but at the same time described her actions in legally ambiguous terms, which helped fuel speculation from political opponents that she had committed a crime. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
How do we know? Because Comey said so. Right lustylady?

Case closed.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Stupid double talk. Dismissed.

How do we know? Because Comey said so. Right lustylady?

Case closed.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
hildebeest asked if she could use a private server. She was told "no" because it was in violation of Federal laws. She did it anyway. hildebeest violated Federal laws. Fact!

hildebeest received and transmitted classified intel over an unsecure server in violation of Federal law. Fact!

hildebeest destroyed evidence after it was subpoenaed by Congress in violation of Federal law. Fact!

hildebeest shared classified intel with her maid who has no security clearance. Fact!

hildebeest violated FOIA when she didn't provide the State Department with copies of her email transactions. Fact!

The case isn't closed. Barr is reopening the case. Fact!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
hildebeest asked if she could use a private server. She was told "no" because it was in violation of Federal laws. She did it anyway. hildebeest violated Federal laws. Fact!

hildebeest received and transmitted classified intel over an unsecure server in violation of Federal law. Fact!

hildebeest destroyed evidence after it was subpoenaed by Congress in violation of Federal law. Fact!

hildebeest shared classified intel with her maid who has no security clearance. Fact!

hildebeest violated FOIA when she didn't provide the State Department with copies of her email transactions. Fact!

The case isn't closed. Barr is reopening the case. Fact!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

and it gets even better. allow me to show you a president lying. I give you .. Obama.

this of course is a LIE.

this is from the FBI as the direct source.

Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

So Obama clearly LIED about not only knowledge of the server and it's use but also concealed his own use of an email address on that same server.
lickidyclit's Avatar
How accurate is that statistic? Originally Posted by Levianon17
probably fairly close, about 30% of the population beleive his majesty's shit doesnt stink,and would stand up for him regardless of anything he did or plans to do, so sad !
......I watched Giuliani on Meet the Press this morning. He frustrated and demolished Chuck Todd..... Originally Posted by lustylad

Which isn't difficult at all.

Unless Todd is lobbing softballs to Dimms who appear on MTP, he shows time and time again what a complete idiot he is. Just another shill for Nancy and Chuck (Schumer)….
hey Mystic, feel free to chime in here! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
Welcome to ignore.

I really believe that Trump is a fucking liar. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Welcome to ignore.

Which isn't difficult at all.

Unless Todd is lobbing softballs to Dimms who appear on MTP, he shows time and time again what a complete idiot he is. Just another shill for Nancy and Chuck (Schumer)…. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
A well paid but incompetent shill. Most of his guest commentators aren't even third choice "analysts".
The rest of us elected him to be such for you. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
"the people" didnt pick Trump

Busch, jr
they were elected by the electoral colllege, the people voted for hilary/gore

gore woulda been awesome.

at least a 1st female president would have felt pressure to do well
trump only cares about trump and kfc

While Clinton received 2.87 million more votes nationwide (the largest margin ever for a candidate who lost the electoral college), a margin of 2.1%, Trump won a majority of electoral votes, with a total of 306 electors from 30 states, including upset victories in the pivotal Rust Belt region.
probably fairly close, about 30% of the population beleive his majesty's shit doesnt stink,and would stand up for him regardless of anything he did or plans to do, so sad ! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
Whats sad is if Trump wasn't elected we would have had a piece of shit like Hillary Clinton as President or an idiot like Bernie Sanders who doesn't know shit. If Trump is so bad what the Democrats have for 2020 is even worse.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"the people" didnt pick Trump

Busch, jr
they were elected by the electoral colllege, the people voted for hilary/gore

gore woulda been awesome.

at least a 1st female president would have felt pressure to do well
trump only cares about trump and kfc

While Clinton received 2.87 million more votes nationwide (the largest margin ever for a candidate who lost the electoral college), a margin of 2.1%, Trump won a majority of electoral votes, with a total of 306 electors from 30 states, including upset victories in the pivotal Rust Belt region.
Originally Posted by timmystool

but she won only 20 states plus D.C to Trump's 30.
"the people" didnt pick Trump

Busch, jr
they were elected by the electoral colllege, the people voted for hilary/gore

gore woulda been awesome.

at least a 1st female president would have felt pressure to do well
trump only cares about trump and kfc

While Clinton received 2.87 million more votes nationwide (the largest margin ever for a candidate who lost the electoral college), a margin of 2.1%, Trump won a majority of electoral votes, with a total of 306 electors from 30 states, including upset victories in the pivotal Rust Belt region.
Originally Posted by timmystool
Some people really can't let it go. Subtract California and Trump wins "popular vote" in the sum of the other 49 states and DC by 1.3+ million votes.

It continues to be great living in a representative republic where the "mob" of one or a couple states can't take control.
Hotrod511's Avatar
"the people" didnt pick Trump

Busch, jr
they were elected by the electoral colllege, the people voted for hilary/gore

gore woulda been awesome.

at least a 1st female president would have felt pressure to do well
trump only cares about trump and kfc

While Clinton received 2.87 million more votes nationwide (the largest margin ever for a candidate who lost the electoral college), a margin of 2.1%, Trump won a majority of electoral votes, with a total of 306 electors from 30 states, including upset victories in the pivotal Rust Belt region.
Originally Posted by timmystool
History lesson that's why we have the electoral college! So the idiot's in Cal and NY elect a president! Hillary and Gore lost get over it
I B Hankering's Avatar
"the people" didnt pick Trump

Busch, jr
they were elected by the electoral colllege, the people voted for hilary/gore

gore woulda been awesome.

at least a 1st female president would have felt pressure to do well
trump only cares about trump and kfc

While Clinton received 2.87 million more votes nationwide (the largest margin ever for a candidate who lost the electoral college), a margin of 2.1%, Trump won a majority of electoral votes, with a total of 306 electors from 30 states, including upset victories in the pivotal Rust Belt region.
Originally Posted by timmystool
Did you deliberately misread what was posted, or do you enjoy having marginal reading skills?

Trump won the presidency in accordance with the Constitutional dictates required to win the presidency. hildebeest's lazy ass enjoyed her wine more than campaigning in Wisconsin or at Notre Dame. hildebeest lost her ass in 2016. hildebeest was a piece of shit candidate. Get over it. End of story.
Jaxson66's Avatar
That's a complete distortion. I watched Giuliani on Meet the Press this morning. He frustrated and demolished Chuck Todd. The way you and the left are spinning what Guiliani said is shameful and deceitful and pernicious.

Was it ok for the NY Times to publish the Pentagon Papers in 1971? The Supreme Court said yes. They didn't steal the papers, they published what was stolen by someone else. And that involved classified material, not campaign chatter.

When Wikileaks tossed all those DNC/John Podesta emails into the public domain, was the media "taking Russian help" to boost their readership/viewership by reporting it? Was that a crime?

Of course trump hammered home the embarrassing disclosures on the campaign stump! What was he supposed to do, ignore them?

Just like hildebeest hammered home that "grab em by the pussy" tape! You remember... the one she colluded with NBC/ABC to timely release for maximum embarrassment 3 weeks before Election Day? Why don't we spend $35 million investigating how that happened?

So what's it gonna be, Jaxson?

Do you want to argue the SCOTUS erred in its Pentagon Papers decision?

Or will you man up and admit Giuliani is right? Originally Posted by lustylad
Giuliani clearly stated accepting aid from the Russians was ok and not a crime. I believe my eyes and ears.

The hot topic is obstruction of justice by BLOTUS and the facts are there in volume two of Muellers report.There are several references to BLOTUS instructing numerous enablers to fire Comey. Hell there’s a section where BLOTUS is trying to convince Sessions to take back the Russia investigations and open up investigations against political enemies
There’s a hell of a lot more evidence than they had on Nixon or Clinton. So it’s coming. If the Senate wants to sit on their ass and ignore it they will pay the price.
I Stand With Mueller
lustylad's Avatar
Giuliani clearly stated accepting aid from the Russians was ok and not a crime. I believe my eyes and ears. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
No, Giuliani said it's not a crime for a candidate to tell voters how corrupt and dishonest his opponent is - by referring to material that has already been widely disseminated in the mainstream media and verified as true!

Obviously you (mis)heard what you wanted to (mis)hear!

Here is the actual transcript of yesterday's Meet the Press show.
lustylad's Avatar
The hot topic is obstruction of justice by BLOTUS and the facts are there in volume two of Muellers report... I Stand With Mueller Originally Posted by Jaxson66
If you stand with Mueller, then you should stop whining and groping blindly for conclusions that he couldn't find!

As I stated already in this thread, the absence of an underlying crime (collusion) takes all the air out of the obstruction balloon! None of you trump haters has a clue how to respond to my simple observation!

Here we go again... maybe repetition will help!

1. There was no "collusion" or "conspiracy" by trump or his campaign.

2. How do we know? Because Mueller said so!

3. Since there was no underlying crime, Mueller was effectively investigating a non-crime.

4. Logically, you cannot obstruct "justice" by opposing the investigation of a non-crime. To the contrary, justice is best served by halting such a futile and wasteful expenditure of public resources, not by prolonging it!