Off the Clock

Camille, I did some research and I have come to find that a lot of ladies get into the business for the attention. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I agree, and some of that inflated sense of self of women that define their worth about male`s attention derives from that. Me don`t need that either, i am also very attractive, but i have seen medium attractive and medium intelligent women believing they are hot shit and intelligent like Einstein just because some clients tend to blow smoke up their butts and they believe it ....:-(( (lol). Some of them are even so thankful to screw plenty of them for free then ;-).
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
OTC time----I have met some ladies that gave me OTC time. The otc time was mutually enjoyable, but did not include bcd activities. The OTC time generally followed our p4p time. I am aware that it's a business. I've seen some ladies just for sake of having the time with them for the bcd experience. Others I've seen because I had a feeling that both of us would enjoy our time together. We did.

It's refreshing to me when a lady relaxes her fantasy persona to allow her real self to emerge a little while we're together. The ladies are people. They have lives, they have goals, personalities, feelings, and so much more.

A few ladies in particular have posted in this thread who I think would enjoy time with me. Am I “all that”?---NO. But some people have better rapport with each other than others.

Talk about Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman --- the one thing I am going to make happen with someone is to take her to dinner otc --- in another city --- we'll fly there --- she'll have no idea until we get close to the airport. In my fantasy, she will genuinely love the idea of doing that. I have two ladies in particular in mind. I really think that could happen with either of them. It's not to sweep her off her feet. It's to give her a lasting memory.

If we spend the night because it's too late to to fly back, the next day --- an exquisite shopping experience awaits.

Ahhh, yes. Fine dining at McDonald's and a Wal-Mart shopping spree.
So gentlemen that see her in her provider life have no idea that the lady they are seeing is in fact Alex, and how she truly feels about them as a group. I just feel it is a deceptive practice.

. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
The "Gretchen - Question" (like in Goethe`s Faust) is "who cares" as long as she delivers. I have made several ordinary jobs and did not like them and i have met several (If not most) providers taht do not like their job every day. I don`t see the problem.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Asking for OTC time with a provider is like a provider text messaging you to $ee her. It's invasion of privacy and it's wrong.
Yeah if you expect OTC time then yeah but what if both people really enjoy each other company ? I see no wrong in that.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I agree, and some of that inflated sense of self of women that define their worth about male`s attention derives from that. Me don`t need that either, i am also very attractive, but i have seen medium attractive and medium intelligent women believing they are hot shit and intelligent like Einstein just because some clients tend to blow smoke up their butts and they believe it ....:-(( (lol). Some of them are even so thankful to screw plenty of them for free then ;-). Originally Posted by ninasastri
Exactly right.


It's refreshing to me when a lady relaxes her fantasy persona to allow her real self to emerge a little while we're together. The ladies are people. They have lives, they have goals, personalities, feelings, and so much more.

Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser

Yeah if you expect OTC time then yeah but what if both people really enjoy each other company ? I see no wrong in that. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
I quite enjoyed going to dinner after our date!
i have seen medium attractive and medium intelligent women believing they are hot shit and intelligent like Einstein just because some clients tend to blow smoke up their butts and they believe it ....:-(( (lol). Some of them are even so thankful to screw plenty of them for free then ;-). Originally Posted by ninasastri
Now that's just sad.......but unfortunately so true with some ladies...
There are a million reasons to desire off the clock time with some of my clients. Unfortunately, there are a small number of bigger reasons dictating why I can do no such thing. I have not enough time for leisure, and when I did, my logic always got in the way. I refused to spend a significant amount of OTC time with a client because it would be a poor business decision. For me, it is as simple as that. Sometimes my desires have to come second to what makes sense.
OTC is an individual experience, it only works if BOTH sides are cool with. No guy should ever have any expectations for it...and it should be clear that its "off the clock".

In my business, I have certain clients that I luv spending non-business time with. Other clients...that I do value, its strictly business.

Now with that said, after reading Alex's post here...I think the real question would be....

Who in their right mind WOULD want to spend any time with her????
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
There are a million reasons to desire off the clock time with some of my clients. Unfortunately, there are a small number of bigger reasons dictating why I can do no such thing. I have not enough time for leisure, and when I did, my logic always got in the way. I refused to spend a significant amount of OTC time with a client because it would be a poor business decision. For me, it is as simple as that. Sometimes my desires have to come second to what makes sense. Originally Posted by China Doll
That damn guy logic. Sometimes he's helpful, but other times he gets in the way. Wish I could find a way to keep him away until I really need him.

I quite enjoyed going to dinner after our date! Originally Posted by Valerie

Ditto Good times that we'll need to repeat again.
Joshua's Avatar
But it sure is nice to have those desires, isn't it?
Even if they can't be realized.......
It's kind of like - wide awake dreaming!

There are a million reasons to desire off the clock time with some of my clients. Unfortunately, there are a small number of bigger reasons dictating why I can do no such thing. I have not enough time for leisure, and when I did, my logic always got in the way. I refused to spend a significant amount of OTC time with a client because it would be a poor business decision. For me, it is as simple as that. Sometimes my desires have to come second to what makes sense. Originally Posted by China Doll
Joshua, I do agree! Having those desires is a really great thing in many ways.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
The "Gretchen - Question" (like in Goethe`s Faust) is "who cares" as long as she delivers. I have made several ordinary jobs and did not like them and i have met several (If not most) providers taht do not like their job every day. I don`t see the problem. Originally Posted by ninasastri

Who Cares? I do. Different strokes for different folks.