Trigger Trumptards

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Or...what about the extremist Republicans that killed RFK, MLK & JFK? Originally Posted by Presj22
Pale in comparison to the lynching dem established KKK.
Or...what about the extremist Republicans that killed RFK, MLK & JFK? Originally Posted by Presj22
Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray and Lee Harvey Oswald were Republicans?
Care to share where you learnt of their party affiliation?
Presj22's Avatar
Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray and Lee Harvey Oswald were Republicans?
Care to share where you learnt of their party affiliation? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Did Oswald really do it or was it CIA?
King's family doesn't believe it was Ray.
Sirhan? Ha! RFK Jr says it wasn't him.
This is all old news.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Oswald was a Marxist, so basically a dem.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Did Oswald really do it or was it CIA?
King's family doesn't believe it was Ray.
Sirhan? Ha! RFK Jr says it wasn't him.
This is all old news. Originally Posted by Presj22
Did you get that info from Blue-Anon? 😂
Did Oswald really do it or was it CIA?
King's family doesn't believe it was Ray.
Sirhan? Ha! RFK Jr says it wasn't him.
This is all old news. Originally Posted by Presj22
If you say so.....

So... the CIA is a Republican group?
King's family believes it was a Republican? I'd like to see that linck....
And don't let the pesky video of Sirhan pulling the trigger a foot away from RFK's head....
CryptKicker's Avatar
This is all old news. Originally Posted by Presj22
So is the old conspiracy theories that you are trying to equate here. None of this is apples to apples. Each situation stands on its own. Each of these situations had folks that thought they were right and righteous and still do. The dems justify the over a year worth of riots to racism. They justify all of the socialist programs they want to implement to racism. They justify the open borders to racism. And all they are really trying to do is screw things in such a way that they establish one party rule. The exact same thing that Trump has been accused of doing with the 1-6 riot and the election fraud scenarios.

Neither party is righteous. They all have their right wing and left wing nuts. One of the biggest problems now is that the more moderate parts of these parties are becoming afraid of the left and right wing because any dissent and they simply get doxed.

Calmer and more sensible minds on both sides have to decide enough is enough and stand up to the AOCs and the ultra Trumpers of their parties.
Presj22's Avatar
So is the old conspiracy theories that you are trying to equate here. None of this is apples to apples. Each situation stands on its own. Each of these situations had folks that thought they were right and righteous and still do. The dems justify the over a year worth of riots to racism. They justify all of the socialist programs they want to implement to racism. They justify the open borders to racism. And all they are really trying to do is screw things in such a way that they establish one party rule. The exact same thing that Trump has been accused of doing with the 1-6 riot and the election fraud scenarios.

Neither party is righteous. They all have their right wing and left wing nuts. One of the biggest problems now is that the more moderate parts of these parties are becoming afraid of the left and right wing because any dissent and they simply get doxed.

Calmer and more sensible minds on both sides have to decide enough is enough and stand up to the AOCs and the ultra Trumpers of their parties. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
I will say this: I agree with you 100%. AOC and her followers are way way WAY out of their minds just like the ultra Trumpers (the ones who believe his every word). I have an ultra Trumper uncle and he said, the day after the Insurrection that Pence should be hung. Still does actually. That's how f-ed up some of these people are
elghund's Avatar

Neither party is righteous. They all have their right wing and left wing nuts. One of the biggest problems now is that the more moderate parts of these parties are becoming afraid of the left and right wing because any dissent and they simply get doxed.

Calmer and more sensible minds on both sides have to decide enough is enough and stand up to the AOCs and the ultra Trumpers of their parties. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

This is the truth.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
we'll never know the truth on JFK. Hell Some still saying CIA by order of LBJ with the help of the MAFIA
If we do, it will take about the same amount of time to know the truth on 2020 election

JFK and LBJ hated each other. JFK inherited a small thing called NAM, JFK wanted it to stay small or get out. LBJ wanted to make NAM huge. Tricky Dicky(Nixon) pulled plug. Nixon then gets the nick name Tricky Dicky partly for if not guilty, then was guilty of the cover up try. And so he had ta go

both sides have some fuck ups
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I agree that democrats are pieces of shit.
lilylivered's Avatar
I agree that democrats are pieces of shit. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Also, racists.
Presj22's Avatar
I agree that democrats are pieces of shit. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
So are you, so..
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Also, racists. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
So are you, so.. Originally Posted by Presj22
you can almost feel the LOVE in this thread