BP talent, MOCO talent, SW talent post up! 2016 edition...

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-03-2016, 07:12 PM
Found me some new talent, she hangs around colonial/pine in SD 22 year old with tight everything

Damnthetorpedoes's Avatar
Very good information, thanks y'all.
How the heck do you get their attention on Moco? So many profiles are blocked.
Damnthetorpedoes's Avatar
Just saw this one online, but could not get her to respond...

http://www.mocospace.com/html/profil...?user=71574312 Originally Posted by Jimmy Beam

That is Texas Sunshine here on ECCIE
BLM, she looks like she's in a prison
CG2014's Avatar
Was on my way to BDD for an early lunch, and NW Highway had a lot of talent around. First see a skanky dressed AA crossing the street out of a notel.

Then see a cute (but pissed off) looking Latina with light purple hair as I was driving eastbound towards 35. Her expression was that of a zombie. Just didn't look like there wasn't much upstairs.

Cross under Walton Walker and see a really cute latina sitting outside a fastfood restaurant. Looked a bit out of place as she was dressed to impress. I'm a novice, so if it looks like it doesn't fit I keep moving.

Look across the street and I see a plump brunette in a tank top strolling next to a tall blonde. Loop around and upon further inspection, the tall blonde is the manliest looking tranny I've ever seen. Holy shit!! (S)he has a five o'clock shadow that matches her mascara. That was enough to kill my mood, and I head over to meet my juggsy friend for lunch.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-04-2016, 03:10 PM
BLM, she looks like she's in a prison Originally Posted by jnibble1015
That no-tell is like a prison in a bad part of town
do you have a number for the one on colonial and pine?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-05-2016, 02:01 PM
do you have a number for the one on colonial and pine? Originally Posted by taylorzon2
She's got no phone yet but told me she's always around
Boom Boom's Avatar
She's got no phone yet but told me she's always around Originally Posted by BLM69
I was cruising through around lunchtime and unfortunately didn't spot her. I'll keep on truckin, maybe next time.

Thanks for the intel BLM.
So is there no sw action in FtW anymore?
Riverside between 30&121 usually has SOMEONE walking... how many teeth do you require though?
The first post I saw about her was by BLM69 on 7/20. Her butt seems a little thicker which is good, and she still takes long strides in the same flat saddles. Her body position shows she has some goals. Unlike some walkers that are slow and casual and checking their space all the time like they are playing Pokemon Go!
Due to her long strides and quick distance coverage, she seems to be a nice girl that is simply taking a stroll, going shopping. Not true.

So, I parked and reviewed from 40 yards away.

I had toured the shire of D with no sightings at 7 pm. I had a date with my ATM just east. When I returned I was in a loooong left turn lane onto our happy hunting ground. She appeared!

Damn, had I been 10 minutes later when passing in front of HD, I could have landed her before she was too sweaty, it was still 100 degrees at 8:20 PM!

I drove down and recognized her from BLM69's post. Thanks, bro.

I was waiting on a side street and more removed than usual.
A black Mercedes sedan stopped across several parking spots, so I thought the driver had game. Next, a silver Toyota TRD Sport passed behind the Mer and crossed the public street, curb-to-curb like it was nothing but a thang, then parked and rolled down the driver's window. A red Ford Escape was next and almost parked so the driver could run interference if the Merc lost out and before the Toyota had a chance to play in the game.

The psychology of the game was fun.

The Mer driver rolled down the window to the west and the car was facing south, so she never saw that as an option.

She saw all the dance cards and walked east to the other side of the street. See pic. She came back.

Red Ford was next, she did not approach. He was 20 feet from the curb. (too much effort needed, I guessed?).
The red Ford spun around the get attention, but no deal at the window.

The silver Toyota truck moved south.

Now a white Toyota SUV was on the scene and made the bold move. That could have not been any of us, I trust. PM me if it was and we will give you some pointers.

She did not agree to the retirement plan and moved on.

By this time, she was out of phone camera range and I needed to move on.

When I circled back, she was working on her retirement plan with a consultant, some where.

Now, I just need to learn how to post images in a review. I am dead tired, tonight and must be up by 5AM. Tell me tomorrow.

BTW, this blonde Latina is very cute and prolly in high demand
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-06-2016, 03:56 PM
That's correct, that Latina is top notch for a SW, she would bring 250hr here easily
I just figured out how to attach the files. / pics that I took of the blonde latina. If any of my friends have visited with her, let us know about your visit.