Provider Committment!

You 'tards from Texas just "Jemma-fucked" this thread all to hell - if I were Bristol, I would send you a PM of thanks as this thread will never be on topic again now . . . ijs. Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Absolutely correct.
TexasGator's Avatar
I would be glad to leave Houston, but sadly I cannot. I just wish there was some real gentlemens, who actually respected women, in this city instead of these blood sucking pricks that constantly talk mess on here about every girls flaws. No one is perfect!

FYI you can't exchange me. I'm not your property dearhunter! Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
My dear Lady Jemma:

Do not despair. All in Houston are not pricks with no respect for ladies, finding fault with their every imperfection. Although I have not had the pleasure of your company, I dare say you are too modest to claim nobody is perfect. You, dear lady, are one whose undeniable physical stature & beauty is surpassed only by the intellect and elegance You so graciously exhibited in your apology thread. I'm no sissy cat lover like Boardman, but reading that thread literally brought tears to my eyes for reasons I dare say you'd never envisioned.

Do not despair nor give up hope. Sorry you've yet to meet one yet, but rest assured Houston still has a few real gentlemens. I are one.
Bristal's Avatar
Since I'm such a horriable provider and blah blah blah, I'll solve the problem and save all you wonderful gentleman the pain of every communicating with me.

UNLESS we already have something in the works, I am no longer accepting new clients at this time.

Spending all my time verifying and communicating with new people just to blow them off is stressful.
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm absolutely devastated I won't have the chance to be NC/NS'd by you...honestly...I'm going to cry really...
bp6570's Avatar
UNLESS we already have something in the works, I am no longer accepting new clients at this time. Originally Posted by Bristol
So you're saying I still have a chance??? I'm readin ya!
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Take THAT, you mean bastards.....

That'll teach you!
My dear Lady Jemma:

Do not despair. All in Houston are not pricks with no respect for ladies, finding fault with their every imperfection. Although I have not had the pleasure of your company, I dare say you are too modest to claim nobody is perfect. You, dear lady, are one whose undeniable physical stature & beauty is surpassed only by the intellect and elegance You so graciously exhibited in your apology thread. I'm no sissy cat lover like Boardman, but reading that thread literally brought tears to my eyes for reasons I dare say you'd never envisioned.

Do not despair nor give up hope. Sorry you've yet to meet one yet, but rest assured Houston still has a few real gentlemens. I are one. Originally Posted by TexasGator

boardman's Avatar
But you keep doing it over and over again. Originally Posted by boardman
I would be glad to leave Houston, but sadly I cannot. I just wish there was some real gentlemens, who actually respected women, in this city instead of these blood sucking pricks that constantly talk mess on here about every girls flaws. No one is perfect!

FYI you can't exchange me. I'm not your property dearhunter! Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
What about all the fucktards you apologized to and your WKs are they now all blood sucking pricks?

I sure as hell do! To make sure jerks like yourself leave me alone. Wasn't the point of my apology thread to stop all the goddamn bashing! I did my part and took responsibility for my actions. You people need to quit holding everything I've done against me! You have no right to keep bad mouthing me! You have NOT seen me so quit trashing me. You know... I put your name on that list, but I'm taking your apology back because you do NOT deserve one! You deserve nothing from me. There's only TWO people on this site that I strongly dislike...and that's YOU and your dumb pal Boardman aka sissy cat lover! AND it's none of your business when I retire. You are no concern of mine to even share that date with you. Grow the hell up and quit bringing me up in every negative thread I'm sick of being treated with no respect from you when I already apologized in the first damn place! Buh bye!!!!! Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Hypocrite, Weren't you preaching to EA that he needed to go to church a while back and here you are taking the Lord's name in vain. tsk tsk.

Excuse me!? I haven't! I've repeatedly stated over and over that my attitude is based on how you treat me! I'm only nice to those who are nice to me. Therefore if I have a bad rep for anything...attitude's because of the guy himself! So don't you dare sit there and say I do it over and over again...because you do NOT know me and I suggest you leave me the hell alone! Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
I was talking about your repeated meltdowns, like this one. Now if you are saying that you have a bad attitude that's on you not me. I know it may be hard for you to understand, I tried to type slowly so you would have a better chance of comprehending. You have stated that you want out of Houston, You have made it pretty clear that you don't like what you are doing. You have shared information about your personal life that probably shouldn't be shared on a shmb. You have announced a retirement date and as expected you are still here. Do you really thinck anyone is going to take you seriously. It might be time to get off of your back and look for a new occupation...ijs

You know what really gets me is that you were dumb enough to get sucked into this whole deal in KC based on one little comment that was in probably made to do just that. It's gonna look kinda obvious if your WKs come to this forum to try and protect you from yourself like they do in Houston. You may be on your own. It looks like the KC fucktards don't want anything to do with you.
  • johnb
  • 04-23-2012, 10:43 PM
Excuse me!? I haven't! I've repeatedly stated over and over that my attitude is based on how you treat me! I'm only nice to those who are nice to me. Therefore if I have a bad rep for anything...attitude's because of the guy himself! So don't you dare sit there and say I do it over and over again...because you do NOT know me and I suggest you leave me the hell alone! Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
I would vouch for Jemma. Guys, she's not just a piece of meat. This is a human being here with feelings. Be a gentleman and treat her with respect, or at least don't keep pissing her off. I mean, she wasn't even in this discussion until someone threw shit at her, of course she has to respond. It is her right to be selective in who she meets and whether she likes him or not. Understandably, she does not want to be in this business forever. I actually hope she'd have enough to be able to retire so that all this Jemma-bashing would stop. Right now it's like watching a puppy get beaten up by a bunch of cat-lovers. Grrr I hate cats!
malwoody's Avatar
She does not have to respond, in this case it would have been prudent to let it go...imo.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
dam I miss all the fun during the week
She does not have to respond, in this case it would have been prudent to let it go...imo. Originally Posted by malwoody
offshoredrilling's Avatar
no fun in that. more entertainment value this way. ijs
pyramider's Avatar
Alas, she usually cannot stay away.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
It's gonna look kinda obvious if your WKs come to this forum to try and protect you from yourself like they do in Houston. Originally Posted by boardman
I would vouch for Jemma. Originally Posted by johnb
right on que.

Boardman, I hope you bought a lotto ticket last night.