Let's Get It Straight - Just Who Are the Real Fascists?

... But you're forgetting that YOU CLAIMED that you
have posts out there where YOU condemned the violence
and said those doing it should go to jail.

And I can't find where you said that as the
burnings and lootings were going on.

I've even asked you to show me one post.

... So you can do vile insults all the day, mate.
But one thing they don't make you - is Truthful. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I didn’t insult you at all Salty. Whether you’re a fan of morning dick or not isnt really anyones business. Now if you’re against morning nuttiness, I’m sure you’ve posted that over and over and you can easily repost where you stated that you don’t like the taste of morning dick. I suppose if you can’t provide a prior post, I should continue to assume that you’re a fan of providing morning blowjobs. In either event, it’s your business and whom you decide to deepthroat at 7am.
  • Tiny
  • 09-09-2022, 09:49 PM
I think we should all swear we hate the taste of dick in the morning so Blackman can’t hold that over our heads sometime in the future, like he did with Salty. I’ll go first.

I swear that I hate the taste of dick in the morning!
  • Tiny
  • 09-09-2022, 09:52 PM
Oops! Did I imply that I know what a morning dick tastes like? Oh shit. Well, never mind.
  • Tiny
  • 09-09-2022, 09:53 PM
Just to be clear, I have no idea what dick tastes like. And I don’t want to know.
Lol. Someone with a sense of humor and without hurt feelings.

The point of course is that

If you accuse someone of taking a position

And they deny that’s their position

You should show the post where they said it was their position.

To say “hey your position is X and if you deny it, show me where you took a different position” is the height of silliness. But unsurprisingly it’s a fan favorite of some people on this site. I even think good ole HF found himself searching for me to have said something he claimed and then ignoring me when I asked repeatedly for him to prove it. Shit, it may have been on the exact same subject as Salty’s latest attempt.
Dr-epg's Avatar
We need to get back on topic
Ducbutter's Avatar
What I was unaware of was that the federal courthouse was “taken over”. Which was the original statement. The reason I was unaware of that was that it never happened. We’re all aware of federal buildings, including the courthouse being attacked. I never disputed that. But taken over, that was a lie. You and others changed the goal post (which isn’t unusual when the premise is false) to federal courthouse being attacked. That wasn’t in dispute. So for fuck’s sake, if you wanna prove up that assertion go ahead. Oh that’s right, you did, by redifinijg “taken over” to mean “attacked” or controlled the outside of the building “at night”.

Nice try bub. It’s all good though, for fuck’s sake. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I did no such thing. My posts do not reference the posts of any others here, either expressly or implied.
I also never used the words "taken over".
Try again.
while being no angel, the dude still wants to dance on the head of a pin

obscuring real things of violence with worthless debate
lustylad's Avatar
... my head which is obviously a perfect match for a dunce cap... Originally Posted by chefnerd
How's that working out for you, conehead?