Whales, Spinners & Mucho Dollars City

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
The topic wasn't civil to begin with! I might be joining you on the lesbo side Fancy. Just as a provider who is older, or weighs a few extra pounds, or might not had been a cheerleader in school. You do what you have to do! I was working 3 jobs in the healthcare field and making around 60k a year, and worked ALOT. Now it comes easier. I believe once they get started they get addicted to it and can't stop! So get use to alot of big girls coming, and you know we love compliments and attention. And here we get alot of it. From other gentlemen of course! So getting rid of big girls might not be so easy! Originally Posted by bustyamy
So very glad you posted this....... The Very first sentence of this post is completely and utterly incorrect, and only enforces the point I was making. Was the topic uncivil to begin with? Or did you read the title and who posted it and assumed that it was? There was ONE WORD in his title that some have chosen to cling to and twist their precieved tone into furthering their own maytrism or agenda. Show me where within the following where there is ANY type of lack of civility?

The providers influx for the past year has been very interesting in the looks, service and price department. Without too much drama, what does the future looks like for Houston? Originally Posted by ivan
I'm even trying to read it in the nastiest tone I can think of and I can't find ANYTHING uncivil about it......... Many of you love to roll over and play the victim while talking out of the otherside of your mouth. You feel the need to justify yourself, your service, your professionalism, and your physique..... Why? Some people like KC Materpiece Sauce and some like Stubbs...... You think KC Masterpiece bitches and moans when someone bitches about the look on their label?

We are well beyond the time where some of us need to put our big boy/girl Underoos on and stop being so overly sensitive. You can't tell someone to "Stay off my thread if you don't like it" then jump into each and every thread you don't like in return...... That sort of hypocracy gets jumped on with the quickness around here..... Too many people who are too smart and smarmy to allow that to happen....... My advice to all is to take a look in a mirror....... If you are getting all worked up in all of this, you need to push away from your keyboard......

Wakeup's Avatar
Heh heh heh
blowpop's Avatar

Back to predictions. Backpage will eventually succumb to legal and moral pressure and eliminate the escort listings or boggle the providers down with so may restrictions that it will become eventually practically useless as an advertising tool. Not something I like to foretell, as the majority of my gentleman friends come from there, but based on what I've seen happen over the last 5 years with their TOU, Terms of Usage, I think it inevitable.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
And then something else will pop up. The barriers to entry are low, and the money to be made is significant.

And seriously, no joking, I believe that if ECCIE continues to set the standards of civil behavior amongst the members so low, and pass off the ever-increasing level of drama and derision as "entertainment" or "educational," in a couple more years it will be surpassed by another board, just as ECCIE surpassed ASPD when things went to Hell there.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I hope you're right. If an outsider (say, a reporter) stumbles across Eccie, I can see how he would conclude that the hobby is filled with losers wallowing in their misogyny. As someone who'd love to see the hobby legalized for the safety and benefit of everyone involved, I see this sort of PR as a step in the wrong direction.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
So very glad you posted this....... The Very first sentence of this post is completely and utterly incorrect, and only enforces the point I was making. Was the topic uncivil to begin with? Or did you read the title and who posted it and assumed that it was? There was ONE WORD in his title that some have chosen to cling to and twist their precieved tone into furthering their own maytrism or agenda. Show me where within the following where there is ANY type of lack of civility?

I'm even trying to read it in the nastiest tone I can think of and I can't find ANYTHING uncivil about it......... Many of you love to roll over and play the victim while talking out of the otherside of your mouth. You feel the need to justify yourself, your service, your professionalism, and your physique..... Why? Some people like KC Materpiece Sauce and some like Stubbs...... You think KC Masterpiece bitches and moans when someone bitches about the look on their label?

We are well beyond the time where some of us need to put our big boy/girl Underoos on and stop being so overly sensitive. You can't tell someone to "Stay off my thread if you don't like it" then jump into each and every thread you don't like in return...... That sort of hypocracy gets jumped on with the quickness around here..... Too many people who are too smart and smarmy to allow that to happen....... My advice to all is to take a look in a mirror....... If you are getting all worked up in all of this, you need to push away from your keyboard......

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
The term "whale" in regard to a large woman is uncivil. Period. No other discussion needed. When ECCIE officially designates it as a substitute for BBW, then it will be acceptable - and many people will cancel their memberships.

Turning around what Sweet Discretion said earlier, if women don't collectively "fight" for our rights against a bombardment of negativity, it will continue, and worsen. NOBODY is asking ANYBODY to like BBWs, spinners, stallions, ponies, mares, dogs, cats, rubber duckies. All that is asked is a modicum of respect in public discussions. I agree with Blowpop; anyone just dropping in would think ECCIE a pit and jump out pretty quick.

WHY is it necessary to use such derogatory names at all? The op may have thought he was being funny, or maybe he just chose his terminology without thinking, but he could have titled this thread differently and we wouldn't be wasting space and time discussing civility at all, just the intended subject, the future of Houston. This comes off as a preconceived instigation of drama. If he expected this to stay on topic after he muddied the water, he was obviously wrong, and naive.

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Fair enough...... So you do not agree with his presentation of the topic, but the topic itself was not uncivil in the slightest. How do you know what the OP meant by putting that in the title? Maybe he was referencing the recent posts/threads that have been going on here in Houston as a mere commentary? Is it necessary to empower these words each and everytime you read them or see them and latch on to ONLY that word or phrase each and every time? Empowerment of the word only perpetuates its use..... At some point it will become a self label....... However, such things seem inpossible and the direction is almost instantaniously focused on the ONE WORD in the title and post.... Not by a hobbyist, or a "Hater" but by the very providers who feel it is their cause to fight for it...... Self reflection is the key here...... Do you think that those who constantly bash and put down do not have reprecussions of their own to face? Why continue to add fuel to their fire..... The longer this back and forth continues, the more everyone looses....... At some point you stop being the victim and appear to only be playing the victim...... One gets others to fight for them, the others get the opposite effect.....

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Post edit comment...... If the same post had come from BP, DJ, or Sarunga in the EXACT same manner, would you have taken it differently Fancy? I know ivan in the past has been a bit rough and maybe even a bit asshole-ish in the past.... But he even put in his post "without too much drama"......
Fancyinheels's Avatar
One word can change a country, as in "freedom" vs. "slavery." But let's just stop speculating and ask him; How were you defining "whale" in your title, ivan? State your reason for choosing that term and save us all from further argument.

P.S. - I would have questioned anyone's use of the word in this context. If he was playing off recent threads, he should have made that clear in the initial post, and the fact that he actually had to ask for response "without too much drama" meant he expected it, so knew he should have chosen his words more wisely. But you're right; this is going on and on and on, the original subject matter is moot, so unless ivan comes back in to explain and clarify, I'm done.

P.S.S. - As far as the term "Hater" goes, I find that offensive, too, as it is too concrete in definition, not leaving any room for ideological movement one way or another. I would not label ivan, Wakeup, or anyone else a "hater" unless they just outright said, "I hate _____." (Insert severely disliked noun of choice.)
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
That is a bit more than extreme in comparison wouldn't you say? Again, if you say you have issue with his presentation of his thread by way of its title, then that is fine..... It does not change the subject within his post as being benign by nature and then being quickly turned on its end by post 3 and 4.... So is the word Whale now to be considered a completely taboo word on the board now?

Wakeup's Avatar
The term "whale" in regard to a large woman is uncivil. Period. No other discussion needed. When ECCIE officially designates it as a substitute for BBW, then it will be acceptable - and many people will cancel their memberships. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Wait...you realize that ECCIE didn't "endorse" the term BBW either right?

Fat women chose to start calling themselves that to try and describe themselves in a way other than "fat", ECCIE has nothing to do with endorsing any particular language. If you're saying that ECCIE endorsed the use of BBW by simply allowing it to be used, the by that logic then they also endorse the term "whale" by simply allowing it to be used.

I doubt the owners will see it exactly as you do, but by your logic you can start cancelling away...

P.S.-It's P.P.S. (or PPS), not P.S.S....post post scriptum, not post scriptum scriptum...why do people mess that up all the time?
What if that "word" in the title was a racist one? Yall would be all over it like stink on shit!
Wakeup's Avatar
What if that "word" in the title was a racist one? Yall would be all over it like stink on shit! Originally Posted by bustyamy
Yep, I'd RTM that shit right out of the box. Thank goodness "whale" isn't racist...oh, and it's really really hard for a single word to be racist...
The term 'Whale' in itself is not an offensive term, it is the name of a rather large animal, that's the bottom line. So using 'Whale' as a nickname for a large person, doesn't seem that far fetched to me. Whatever context you choose to take it in is your problem, but I wouldn't expect a large message board to put a ban on the use of the word 'Whale' simply because some of you don't like it.

I've heard some women being referred to as 'Cougars' or 'Birds', but I don't generally hear people kicking off about being called either of those. They are stupid nicknames, that is all.

I've been called every name in the book on this board at some point or another, been referred to as all sorts of things by people who mean absolutely nothing to me and have zero affect on my life, which is exactly why I don't let it bother me and could care less. Don't take what people say on here so personally and you're much better off.
Wake up, all I can see is that you are ignored darling. You are not worth my time reading. So you posting after me to talk shit does no good! There are about 5-6 guys that are completely useless and full of hate on this board, and you are one of them!
Wakeup's Avatar
I've been called every name in the book on this board at some point or another, been referred to as all sorts of things by people who mean absolutely nothing to me and have zero affect on my life, which is exactly why I don't let it bother me and could care less. Don't take what people say on here so personally and you're much better off. Originally Posted by Valerie
Wakeup's Avatar
Wake up, all I can see is that you are ignored darling. You are not worth my time reading. So you posting after me to talk shit does no good! There are about 5-6 guys that are completely useless and full of hate on this board, and you are one of them! Originally Posted by bustyamy
Pretty sure she's missing the entire conept behind the ignore button...AGAIN...