YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

Cucumbers with lime and salt are an excellent substitutiin for my recent obsession with crunchy salty things. Zucchini I have no choice but to fry up and dip in marinara or ranch. Anyways, why buy phallic produce, when the real thing pays for itself??? ;-)
Yummie Marie is so AWESOME!!! : ) Originally Posted by TheAntichrist666
This is the best I could do...LOL

DallasRain's Avatar
I was about to redeem my free hug coupon...but taint no where to be found... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
marie baby---you can have whatever you want!!!

I have a song that I sing randomly when I'm having a good time with friends. Anyone wanna take a guess at it? No? It's very random and actually I don't even know the whole song...AND I ONLY SING THE CHORUS IN A REALLY DORKY WAY...lol:

Still Looking's Avatar
Is it wrong to send this out to FIVE diiferent providers? At the same time?

Is it wrong to send this out to FIVE diiferent providers? At the same time?

Originally Posted by Still Looking
We providers can be quite forgiving...try sending that to your SO and four other civis and report back to us on Tuesday which hospital to send flowers to...
Things I really want to do but never can because I live with munchkins that can't keep their hands to themselves...

1. Put together a large puzzle without losing the pieces
2. Crochet an afghan without having to redo a section of it everyday
3. Play board games without losing the pieces
4. Play cards without finding them in random places around the house.
5. Dump change (coins) in a coin tray and have it stay there.
6. Eat ice cream wherever I want in the house without having to hide...
Things I really want to do but never can because I live with munchkins that can't keep their hands to themselves...

1. Put together a large puzzle without losing the pieces
2. Crochet an afghan without having to redo a section of it everyday
3. Play board games without losing the pieces
4. Play cards without finding them in random places around the house.
5. Dump change (coins) in a coin tray and have it stay there.
6. Eat ice cream wherever I want in the house without having to hide... Originally Posted by YummyMarie

7. Put my high heels in one place, take a nap, & still have them be there when I go to put them back on.
8. Hold on to a tube of toothpaste for more than a week (no really...it gets stolen all the time when the munchkins get bored and want minty fresh digestive tracks)
9. Hold on to a tube of lipstick that does not get used to create a new piece of artwork on a wall.
10. Go more than a few days without having to fish things out of my bathroom sink plumbing.
11. Own a remote control that does not need a tracking device to be located...

To be continued...
Girl, you done lost your damn mind! Hee hee! Gimme a call when you're not so busy w/ the kids. Ofcourse,I got the 411! XXOO

Anyone else spend too much time in the toilet surfing the Internet on your cell phone? It's about the only alone time I get to stare at pics of TAINT...heehee Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Girl, you done lost your damn mind! Hee hee! Gimme a call when you're not so busy w/ the kids. Ofcourse,I got the 411! XXOO Originally Posted by Sofia Simms
What kids??? I live with midgets and munchkins...
Well when the midgets& munchkins are asleep, can mamacita make my day (well, my night) by hitting me up?
I miss her so,
and it's only been a couple of days or so!

What kids??? I live with midgets and munchkins... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
DallasRain's Avatar
lol---I hear ya Marie---I so luv being kidless! I get to run around nekkid when ever I want!
Kids are one thing...oompaloompas are a whole other ballgame. They are naughty little creatures that think putting a whole roll of napkins in the toilet is all in good fun. But the good thing is that they scare away all the heffalumps and woozels...

I hear heffalumps and woozels like pouring sugar in gas tanks, so I feel rather fortunate.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Some days.

. . . Some days, I feel like ramming a pop gun down someone's ass just to see how much fits!