Vaccine Nazis

offshoredrilling's Avatar
No one is denying your right to make wrong choices. The unvaxed are much more likely to die or be hospitalized than the vaxed. Also, while the vaxed can spread it, they are much less likely to do so, because their viral load is less. Originally Posted by brasil

the jabbed are the super spreaders Sir .
Why, they do not know they have it. And so more likely to go to a club. Tip a stripper a few bucks and some C19 ta boot. NICE, such a giver

AND the right choice is unknown. What are the LONG term effects mmmmm they be having a hard time with knowing just the short term mmmmm

the jabbed also more likely to die of something. Then get labeled a C19 death. That bus that ran he/she over had nothing to do with it
offshoredrilling's Avatar
wrong according to whom? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
wrong according to whom? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
The poster (Mr. Dingleberry) asserted his right to choose what should go into his body. He provided the reasons for his choice.

I agreed with his right to choose. However, the reasons for his choice, while true, omitted some important facts which made those reasons quite misleading, implying that it really did not matter if someone is vaccinated or not. I pointed out the information that he omitted and which makes his choice a wrong choice.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The poster (Mr. Dingleberry) asserted his right to choose what should go into his body. He provided the reasons for his choice.

I agreed with his right to choose. However, the reasons for his choice, while true, omitted some important facts which made those reasons quite misleading, implying that it really did not matter if someone is vaccinated or not. I pointed out the information that he omitted and which makes his choice a wrong choice. Originally Posted by brasil

if you agree with his right to choose, what difference does it make if he's right or wrong?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The poster (Mr. Dingleberry) asserted his right to choose what should go into his body. He provided the reasons for his choice.

I agreed with his right to choose. However, the reasons for his choice, while true, omitted some important facts which made those reasons quite misleading, implying that it really did not matter if someone is vaccinated or not. I pointed out the information that he omitted and which makes his choice a wrong choice. Originally Posted by brasil
WRONG or are you her Dr., Lawyer etc
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'm waiting for the bullshit rules from elected and unelected government officials to actually affect me personally.

Still not wearing a diaper, still haven't had a single asshole say word one on this.

Walked into a United States Post Office today, the building had one of those dumb signs on the door begging patrons to wear a diaper.

The fucking worker wasn't wearing a mask, I sure as shit wasn't, and neither was my daughter, who thinks lemmings wearing masks are gutless cowards, which they of course are.

The GOAT is destroying these power happy scumbags right now.

Are you people going along with these dumb rules?

I'm right with you as far as taking the path of least resistance under almost all circumstances but I'm not rolling over for these bleeding vaginas.

Thank you.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
if you agree with his right to choose, what difference does it make if he's right or wrong? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
National socialists believe everyone has the right to choose as long as he or she makes choices in lockstep with authoritarian government propaganda.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I'm waiting for the bullshit rules from elected and unelected government officials to actually affect me personally.

Still not wearing a diaper, still haven't had a single asshole say word one on this.

Walked into a United States Post Office today, the building had one of those dumb signs on the door begging patrons to wear a diaper.

The fucking worker wasn't wearing a mask, I sure as shit wasn't, and neither was my daughter, who thinks lemmings wearing masks are gutless cowards, which they of course are.

The GOAT is destroying these power happy scumbags right now.

Are you people going along with these dumb rules?

I'm right with you as far as taking the path of least resistance under almost all circumstances but I'm not rolling over for these bleeding vaginas.

Thank you. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Where do you shop? I tried during the last mask fiasco. Target sicks their security guys on you if you're not wearing a mask, they even have a guy at the door checking. If you ignore them they call IPD. So for now I'll stick with the pseudo mask. I know some Walmart stores in the city don't hassle people, but I'm in a lib town, so they don't let it slide here.
valkyra's Avatar
wegmans wasn't so lenient. myself and a friend got handed a mask, as did the people who came in behind us. a lot of people were talking about how dumb the mandate was.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Where do you shop? I tried during the last mask fiasco. Target sicks their security guys on you if you're not wearing a mask, they even have a guy at the door checking. If you ignore them they call IPD. So for now I'll stick with the pseudo mask. I know some Walmart stores in the city don't hassle people, but I'm in a lib town, so they don't let it slide here. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
that may let up in January with the new supervisor

is town board all DEM????
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The last time I walked into a Target was two weeks ago in Natick MA. Went there to buy a pair of sunglasses for my daughter. No idea what the diaper rules are/were there at the time. No one said anything.

20 minutes later I walked into an adjacent Wegmans to buy candy to smuggle into a movie with the kid. No diaper, No problem.

I'm waiting for this to go sideways.

I will not listen to store security or retail employees if they try to get me to wear a diaper, I don't even have one and won't wear one that a random lemming hands me.

If someone calls the police on me and they get there before I'm done doing what I'm doing, I will comply with police orders because I'm not a narcissist or a leftist anarchist scumbag.

Still won't put on a diaper regardless of anything.

I recommend not patronizing stores that try to deny the civil rights of largely law-abiding citizens.
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
Fact. Vaccinated people can still spread Covid.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
To summarize:

Not wearing a diaper under any circumstances no matter who attempts to coerce me into wearing one.

Will not be bulldogged into temporarily putting one on because an amateur authority figure in a store believes he or she has constitutional super-powers, bestowed by a late middle-aged unelected leftist hag.

Will comply with orders from uniformed police officers.

Will not patronize retail establishments attempting to subvert my pursuit of happiness/convenience.

Fuck you if you don't like any of these things.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Fact. Vaccinated people can still spread Covid. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Fact. Vaccinated people can still spread Covid. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry
and yet the mandate is not all masked

Gov Kathy said masked or papers

then she had a mask on today in the TV news LOL

no one within 8ft of her LOL its the 1st time I seen her with a mask

any bets she takes it off to talk to someone when no TV cams running