Loki Pk

Wakeup's Avatar
Intent is immaterial. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Well, unless you're Fancy...the rest of these tards are shit out of luck though...
cowboy8055's Avatar
He posted an advancement of the outing. He paid the price. Originally Posted by dearhunter
How could he advance it when she was already outed. That was already done by the OP. Franklin's post is being treated as though it was a necessary piece to the puzzle. It wasn't.
How could he advance it when she was already outed. Originally Posted by cowboy8055

Noob sharriff flexing muscles... Abitmor than necessary....
and the lack of Abitmor's in the pipeline....
And staff rallying behind because no one else will take the job...
and of course WOS....
It always comes back to WOS....
I'm sure if I add: "It's complicated"... we will get no shortage of "zero tolerance" staff answers....
Won't THAT be fun????
I'm all broken up...you're enjoyment is a priority for me... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I'll get over it, but thancks for your concern....
Wakeup's Avatar
No problem...I'm here for you buddy...
So I don't really have any skin in this debate, but my take away from all of this nonsense is that no one should post any more strip club/spa reviews as the stripper/masseuse could be a member here and listing the club/spa is a direct violation of rule #5 since a review would mention place of employment.
dearhunter's Avatar
You can post whatever you want until you can't.......just like Franklin4.

I am the most sympathetic ear you retards have in modtardville.........until you start dancing around a member's RLI........then, I will cut you from the herd in a heartbeat.
jokacz's Avatar
You can post whatever you want until you can't.......just like Franklin4.

I am the most sympathetic ear you retards have in modtardville.........until you start dancing around a member's RLI........then, I will cut you from the herd in a heartbeat. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Another cowboy, all hat and no cattle.
dearhunter's Avatar
Rounded up some cattle today........ijs
offshoredrilling's Avatar
pigs count ?