New CBO numbers: Obamacare will cost the US 2.5 million jobs

Every tax is a huge income redistribution program you dumb muther fucker. Jesus. You guys state the obvious and act as if you cured cancer.

Nobody making over 50k plus is going to decide to make only 20k because of government subsidy in health insurance....unless they are tired of sucking dick in the Pittsburg area. You tired of sucking dick lustladyboy? Originally Posted by WTF
It has become apparent that LLady is one of the duller knives in the Far Right (Wing) drawer. He seems to fit right in with Hanoi COG, the Idiot Twins and the rest of the ever expanding family of inbreds, idiots and malcontents.

I can't help but wonder if he drives an old, worn out Lexus.
But Jesus loves me!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Link ?
The CBO report revised it's original estimate to the current numbers that Obamacare will cause more than 2.5 million jobs to be lost (that is a net loss) !

So WHY DOES Obama claim job creation is top priority but Obama knowingly advances policies that destroys American jobs ??????

Enquiring minds want to know....

  • In 2009, Obama adviser says job creation is top priority...
  • In 2010, Obama's top priority is to boost jobs...
  • In 2011, Creating jobs must be Washington’s top priority....
  • In 2012, Obama says Creating Just Jobs Must Be Our Top Priority...
  • In 2013, Obama says job creation top U.S. priority...
  • And most recently in 2014, Obama (and Democrats) call for a year of action on job creation.......

Obama, proven liar again and again and again.......

His goal is to destroy American jobs, not create them.......
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-09-2014, 06:54 AM
So tell me - if I voluntarily choose to work only 6 months a year instead of 12, are you (and CBJ7 and assup and timmyturd and dimdoove) ok with forking over $5,510 a year to subsidize my "better choice"? Originally Posted by lustylad
Is that like all those people who were going to go from making $1.2M/yr down to $249,999/yr so they could avoid a tax increase?

Not at all ... we know he's going to lie about it ... but he has gone "over the top"!

He should have stopped at claiming it would improve the economy by increasing jobs. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The biggest whopper of all was "death panels". Who coined that one, big guy?
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you think you can cherry pick the CBO numbers without me pointing out the fallacy? Originally Posted by WTF
Please give me a link where I "cherry picked" any CBO numbers? If you can't just say..

I can't without a bunch of facesaving bullshit.
LexusLover's Avatar
The biggest whopper of all was "death panels". Who coined that one, big guy? Originally Posted by Doove
I suspect it was "coined" around the time of "The Nuremberg Trials" .. but ....

One can put a pig in a pretty pink dress, but it's still a pig.

You can call it what sounds better all you want, but when a "panel" reviews a decision for health care treatment that can save a life or improve the quality of life to prolong the life and denies the treatment and the result will be premature death .... based on life expectancy TABLES .. then to call that panel a "death panel" fits ..... the panelists and the engineers and supporters of the scheme may not find it palatable, but ...

that is what it is. The Pigs are the ones who engineered it and support it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yeah, they do. BLS just reported total employment in Jan. was 145.2 million, of which 26.4 million was part-time. Originally Posted by lustylad
The numbers upon which the unemployment rate is established is based on full time employees who have full time jobs at the time of the polling. Should I be more specific.

Now .. if want to argue that the current unemployment rates INCLUDE part-time employees, MEANING that the rate of unemployment is based upon the FULL TIME and PART-TIME employees added together .... be my guest!!!!!

Then we can pull out the UNDER-EMPLOYED numbers and get a real rate.

Then go back to the end of 2008 ...

............ and compute the "unemployment rate" the same!

Clinton-Gore tried to cook the books also in 2000 ... the unions hit the fan!

That's the problem with some of you smart-asses, you believe their bullshit and you expect others to buy it as well. Then when others don't buy the bullshit, you call them idiots ... etc. That's how ObaminableCare got passed in the first place ... bullshit, lies, and cooked books with a whole lot of wishful thinking and dreaming.
Everyone agrees we are going to have fewer jobs going forward...

So why do Democrats (and GOP Establishment) want to flood the US labor market with immigration ?
LexusLover's Avatar
Everyone agrees we are going to have fewer jobs going forward...So why do Democrats (and GOP Establishment) want to flood the US labor market with immigration ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
#1: Apparently not "everyone agrees" ... apparently there are some on here who wish to argue that the OPINION of the CBO is a FACT even though the CBO gave an OPINION back before ACA was passed, which has now been PROVEN AS A FACT to be WRONG, and they still want to believe the CBO .... even though they believed the CBO back then and it led them into THIS in 2014 .... and beyond.

In other words ...

................. just believe ANYTHING to support Obaminable and his "nightmare at 1600"!

#2: They want "legal immigration" (there already is such a thing!!!) to fill the jobs no one else wants because of low wages .............. like the physician and other healthcare jobs vacated by the existing LEGAL CITIZENS who don't want to work for "minimum" wage under the ACA. ... THE "PRIMARY CARE" grist mills are beginning to pop up .. and the computerized healthcare data base is struggling to get "on line" like the "insurance website"!
LexusLover's Avatar
I can't help but wonder if he drives an old, worn out Lexus. Originally Posted by bigtex
Is there such a thing?
Do you actually believe that if you keep saying shit someone will think it is so ....? Originally Posted by LexusLover
It seems to work with his Austin Reacharound Crew...
That's how ObaminableCare got passed in the first place ... bullshit, lies, and cooked books with a whole lot of wishful thinking and dreaming. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I appears that LL got Obamacare confused with the buildup to the ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Case in point
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Far from being stupid, I'm just doing what the architects of Obamacare made it attractive for me to do. When my subsidy tapers off nearly as fast as my income goes up, what's the point in working as much?

Back on topic, assup - why don't you answer the question? Why don't you say you're totally cool with paying me a subsidy to work less? And why don't you admit that OBAMACARE IS A TWOFER for libtards like you - it's not just a fucking healthcare plan, it's a huge income redistribution program! Why be coy about it? Do you lack the courage of your libtard convictions? Stand up and be counted, boy. Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey, Junior. If you want to live like a pauper and leech off the government, then knock yourself out.

If you'd rather live in poverty so you can receive Medicaiid then we'll all be paying for you.

Sure, I'm OK with that. Just like I am for paying your parent's social security. Or LLIdiot's Medicare, or Simplejacks's disability. ,

what's your point? You think this is gaming the system? then you're as pathetic as you are ignorant, Junior.

Get some food stamps while you're at it. maybe Yinz can find some coal mining hookers who'll take em from you.

Or better yet, do like the Buddist monks did in the Viet Name era. Soak yourself in gasoline and make a point..
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-09-2014, 09:23 AM
Huh? What's your point? I will be working less, earning less, and paying less in taxes, in order to collect a big subsidy (from other taxpayers like yourself) that I would not qualify for working 12 months a year.

So tell me - are you ok with forking over my subsidy (averaging $5,510 a year) so that I can voluntarily enjoy 6 months a year of leisure time? Originally Posted by lustylad

always knew you would lie, cheat the system, and steal from other taxpayers ..