Who should be the next President?

No, you won't.

Other people will do all the work and you will reply with a wisecrack or snide remark and then change the subject.

Just like all of your other posts. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Lol. You're quite the emotional one I see. I like.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're the 2nd person to make that argument and I still use Capish. The first guy that made the argument was also sore over losing an argument. Lol Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Oh. Now I see. You are intentionally stupid. It's obvious this is not the only area where you refuse to change your position after being confronted with facts to the contrary.

ZanyBore >>> <<< The Truth

LexusLover's Avatar
Lol. Apparently a majority of Americans thought he was accomplished not once but twice. Wink wink. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
When did he start taking golf lessons?
cowboy8055's Avatar
Some prognosticators are saying the two main candidates will be Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Please God, NO! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
+1 If it comes down to those two the edge goes to Hillary. Can't see this country putting another Bush in the WH. But I'm not sold that Hillary gets the nomination.
Awesome glad I can summon my ~25% white ancestry to fly me to Zanzibar ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
It would be nice if they would fly you into a mountain.

roaringfork's Avatar
I think Plato somewhere makes the point that there is only one reason anyone but a total douchebag would want to be king: namely, to keep some bigger douchebag than himself from being king over him. This seemed to me for a long time to be kind of a weak motivation, but lately, I'm beginning to wonder.....
rioseco's Avatar
Seriously. Who?

You think I want to vote for Hillary Clinton? Shit. Biden? Fucking shit.

You think any Republican candidate provides even a remotely, barely, tiny possible alternative? Mother Fucking Shit.

I can never understand it. A country like ours with so many outstanding fucking people. Why are the people who are supposed to lead us to where we want to be such seemingly unqualified idiots? Originally Posted by timpage

Timpage, with you being a liberal we have so little to agree on.
However, you have it dead on here. The choices seem to worsen with time.

I am sure that as a conservative half white/native I will be attacked viscously but I support Dr. Ben Carlson. For 2008 I supported Herman Cane until he was chased out by scandal. Keep in mind I hate Obama and his agenda yet I support other black canidates. Funny that just a couple days ago some one here falsely alledged me to have ties with the KKK because I am not in support of gays. Can you imagine a klan member supporting a black man for anything? It really is quite ridiculous and naive.
You know me. Since Ron Paul is too old, I will most likely support Gary Johnson if he runs. I don't trust Rand. But I'm open to see who else might run. Some prognosticators are saying the two main candidates will be Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Please God, NO! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Gary was on Red Eye a few days ago. They joked about how high he really was.