Trump Facing Indictment and Arrest?

Soccerjunky's Avatar
I don't hate American Democrats or American Republicans - in most cases, they both want what is best for this country.

Having said that, I dislike the Democratic and Republican Parties - they often put their interests, and their desire to acquire and keep power, above the interests of the country - and in the past three years so many politicians have lost my respect.

We should work to find common ground with our fellow Americans to find solutions to our common problems instead of being sucked into fruitless and divisive fights with, about and among each other, and we should elect people who get this, and put the American interest first, and political party a distant second.

I'd be willing to bet that lots of non-politicians on both sides of the aisle can agree on this.
TinMan's Avatar
It’s certainly frustrating to me, as a center-right Republican. It was a little heartening this week to see, though, both Nikki Haley and local talk-show host Mark Davis plead with the party to seek compromise on abortion. Both are adamantly against it, but they can see the mood of the country and don’t want that to be the hill the party dies on.
Soccerjunky's Avatar
So true, TinMan. Thanks be to Oz, you obviously have a very good brain!

And adding to what I said before, we should stop calling people who are adherents of the "other party" names (unless we're going to call them "Americans").

Very few Republicans are reactionary racist homophobes, just as very few Democrats are radical socialist pedophiles.

If you declare the Americans who do not align with your party, who live in other states, or who disagree with you to be your "enemies" or classify them as "evil," how can you really say that you love the United States?
Chung Tran's Avatar
So true, TinMan. Thanks be to Oz, you obviously have a very good brain! Originally Posted by Soccerjunky
Can't credit Oz, he was a Charlatan. TinMan always had a good brain, it just took a life-defining moment to bring it out. That moment being when Dorothy and Toto discovered him hanging in a Corn Field. The Movie sanitized it, but what really happened is Dorothy and Toto ridiculed TinMan, thinking he was a Dumb Fuck who would forever hang on that Cross. Dorothy flashed her Tits, and Toto pissed on Tinman's feet. The Movie deleted that, and the following moments where TinMan cursed them. The Wicked Witch of the West was actually beckoned by TinMan, to torch Dorothy and Toto, but a careful edit made it seem like the Witch was burning TinMan. He was smart enough to realize he over-reacted, and TinMan quickly switched sides to join Dorothy and Toto against the Witch. Well, not THAT smart, because TinMan's ultimate aim was to shag Dorothy in one of the many Corn Fields, the Movie accurately revealed that never happened.
TinMan's Avatar
Oh, trust me, I eventually got to shag Dorothy.
ManSlut's Avatar
The Wheels of Justice can not turn fast enough for me when it pertains to Donald ‘Orange Man’ Trump.
Soccerjunky's Avatar
I strongly agree with the principle that no man is above the law. For what it is obvious he has done, he should pay.

And if Hunter Biden's laptop has anything more damning on it than conventional porn (though I doubt it), it is what it is; let the chips fall where they may.

No sympathy for lawbreakers of any party, including past presidents and their kinfolk. That's why Lady Justice wears, uh - something cloth, anyway - around her eyes.

Oh, trust me, I eventually got to shag Dorothy. Originally Posted by TinMan
Was she a good lay? Inquiring minds want to know!!
TinMan's Avatar
Seriously, I’ve had several companions surprise me by dressing up as Dorothy for sessions. One of the perks of being me

And, yes, they were all good lays.
Seriously, I’ve had several companions surprise me by dressing up as Dorothy for sessions. One of the perks of being me

And, yes, they were all good lays. Originally Posted by TinMan
Damn tin man, u got it goin' on. I have left the hobby for reasons detailed in a thread where a member got busted going to an outcall. It took me an entire month on seeking to find the right girl. Had to sift thru pros, scammers, you name it!!

But I finally found a beautiful young college freshman with whom I click and with whom I know I can make a positive difference in her life.

I know that when she graduates she will most likely kick me to the curb. Or I will do the same for her own good. But I have never been happier or more satisfied.
TinMan's Avatar
I’d say you have it pretty good yourself. Enjoy!
Chung Tran's Avatar
But I finally found a beautiful young college freshman with whom I click and with whom I know I can make a positive difference in her life.

I know that when she graduates she will most likely kick me to the curb. Or I will do the same for her own good. But I have never been happier or more satisfied. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
I'm happy for you, but don't go changing your title to Look-at-Satisfied just yet. I have heard too many stories where situations like this seemed to blow up without warning. Except there was warning, and the Protagonist ignored it.

I'm sure you already told her you're breaking it off, if her G.P.A. drops below 3.0

It's G.P.S. that's more likely cause for concern.
I'm happy for you, but don't go changing your title to Look-at-Satisfied just yet. I have heard too many stories where situations like this seemed to blow up without warning. Except there was warning, and the Protagonist ignored it.

I'm sure you already told her you're breaking it off, if her G.P.A. drops below 3.0

It's G.P.S. that's more likely cause for concern. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
She is actually very reasonable, and the passion factor is out of this world. Much better than anything I have ever experienced with any provider. She is well over a 3.0 and is going to major in accounting when she gets her academics out of the way.

And no Tran, I will always be HEY STOOOOOPID!!!!
I’d say you have it pretty good yourself. Enjoy! Originally Posted by TinMan
I am very lucky, and I know it. Did Dorothy bring along Toto and did he piss on your carpet?
TinMan's Avatar
Nope. No sign of the mongrel.