What's in your price range?

Oh damn, an intelligent poster... You are so right...
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-14-2010, 09:12 PM
I do kind of stick out like a dick on a fish, sometimes.
Or tits on a bull? =))
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-14-2010, 09:34 PM
And I'm just about as useful
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Oh I got a good grasp on what Whispers was saying!! Dude, I'm not some stupid bimbo. And definitely was NOT in the wrong (as you put it) for posting (my) opinion. I'm a female and his comments were directed at us and were found to be insulting. (I know because I've received many emails from male & female members alike who agreed). However, some don't want to call him out on it because they don't want to give him the pulpit to continue the preaching according to whispers. We've heard enough of it on aspd.
This is Eccie and we're here to enjoy the hobby community as equals.

I read what the almighty whispers wrote and *I* found it offensive for him to accuse the ladies who participated in this thread. As skewing things (IE:lying) and insult them by stating that their posts were Ads. WTF.
They're participating in a co-ed discussion for crying out loud.

Last time I looked. This was the CO-ED forum. If men like whipsers has an issue with women posting. Then take threads like these and other topics to the male LR and then we ladies won't have to be insulted at every turn.

This is not aspd. We're not in Kansas anymore! It's about time the ladies are shown some respect and not be ridiculed every time they make a post. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
I don't think you are a bimbo. I did NOT say you were wrong to post your opinion. I was saying that Whispers is calling providers liars when he mentions skewing the poll is incorrect.

I agree this isn't Kansas, but we brought our baggage with us. It seems you are the only provider posting on this thread who has an issue, and no one is being disrespectful, just stating our opinions and facts.

I knew I was going to regret posting a reply to you, and I should have just ignored it. You do like to stir stuff up, you don't read whole paragraphs, and you take things out of context.

I give up!

I think you have some interesting points. However, I have to respectfully disagree that the participation of a lady in a co-ed is akin to an ad. There are those that obviously exist for self-promotion, but I see many women posting dissenting opinions and interjecting with thoughtful commentary that sheds a lot of light on the flip side of the hobby coin. We often don't have a forum in our personal lives to talk about what it means to be a pro. Many of us are thankful to have a place to express our thoughts to other people who share our secret world.

This poll also doesn't take into account the fact that we're not talking about a single market. There are many niche markets within the hobby and for some gentlemen of more ample means, the experience they're searching for will be considered before price point. In my experience, these are often the lurkers who we hear from on this board and others infrequently, but who are very active hobbyists.

And finally, I agree it's unethical for a provider to vote in this particular poll...unless she occasionally indulges in a little PforP herself. It happens more often than you think. What women doesn't love a nice massage and a few selfish orgasms? Besides, we have excellent references

Be sweet, play nice, have a wonderful day. Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
Thank you for reading my entire post and understanding the spirit in which it was posted. Maybe not ALL posts by providers in COED are ads, but MANY are. And I am glad to see a provider admit that participating in this poll would be wrong. As far as providers engaging in p4p, well that might be the case, BUT the poll was directed at the gentlemen customers.

Sadly, until the poll actually defines what the price range includes, it is really useless. Reference the "Diamonds and Tuxedos" thread about what is a HDH..... We are all here for different reasons and, as such, spend our money different ways. I personally expend funds as a tribute to a Goddess that does more than just provide sex, some are just looking for the best looking port in a storm, some like to chat, some like to walk in and get down to business.

Interestingly enough, some will spend $500 for 40 minutes of chat and 20 minutes BCD. Some only want to spend $200 for 5 minutes of chat and BCD that lasts as long as they do. Therefore, this thread is really irrelevant.

So the question that probably really needs to be answered, is what do you consider the most important thing to you BCD...eg, What are you really paying for? Companionship? Time with a lady you click with? The number of times you can nut in a prescribed period?

That answer is as different to people as describing a certain color to a blind person. To me, I like spending my time with one person who knows me and my life challenges, talks and advises me, and understands my deepest fantasies. To others, the color described may be a quickie in a pick-up truck behind a gas station with a SW... To some its tomato red, to some its tomahtoe red... Originally Posted by dammit
I agree, but the poll would end up being more of a matrix with many variables. I agree that just talking price is pretty pointless. If my comfort zone is 200/hour but the provider is cbj, it is a "no go".

I think there's some unrequited sexual tension between Whispers and Wicked Milf. Originally Posted by Carl
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

This one has been discussed ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

[Someone shoot me a PM when the topic, "Do I give you too much head during a session" comes up. I wanna read that one... ]

So with a serious decline in business I'm curious... Are my rates too high? Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe

Marley, beautiful, lovely, charming Marley.

The only person that can answer that question is YOU.

An independent contractor and self-employed professional sets their wages according to what they deem appropriate.

If the service provided by said self-employed professional is wanted/needed by someone, then the self employed professional will have their price met.


Let's look at the recent computer industry woes.

Many computer companies are buying boatloads of red ink. Everyone is screaming, "netbooks, Netbooks, NETBOOKS," saying they must slash prices to the bone and keep product as cheap as possible to make ANY profit.

Not so with Apple, Inc.

They have continued to market and SELL high end products, they have NOT offered a budget computer to "make it up in volume," and their business is doing just dandy, thank you.

[I am a shareholder, and i've been very pleased with the return on my investment. Apple has a good business strategy.]

I do offer a HH rate... usually at 160 but the special now is 140, which i think is very good. I also do a 15m quickie for the guys who want to get in and out... and skip all the GFE. Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe

If we're just talking the Dead Presidents, let's do some comparison shopping...

[ame="http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=8029"]~ On a (TIGHT) Budget? ~ Specials Starting @ 35!! ~ - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews[/ame]

~ On a (TIGHT) Budget? ~ Specials Starting @ 35!! ~
Begins NOON Sunday, 01/10

35/Quick Study French



You're offering a Half Hour session for 140, this provider is offering a half hour session for 70.

You are also offering a 15 minute session(I didn't catch your rate for that, sorry), and this provider is offering a 15 minute session for 45.

You have to ask yourself - who is your target market?

Let's look at what some of the gents have posted:

With this economy it's less about what you're willing to pay, and more about what you're able to pay.

I can only speak for myself, but the current economy not only makes it harder to spend money, it also makes you afraid to spend money. You see people around you getting laid off, and you think that could be me sooner or later so you end up cutting back on everything and trying to put more into savings. Originally Posted by thundarr28

What's in your price range?

Masturbation. Originally Posted by txtraveler07

I would like to see you, but I am 62 and my needs may be met at a lower price range than your rate this week. Originally Posted by JJones

actually, I am good just with the fuck. Can I get a non-GFE discount???
Originally Posted by LadiesFan

These are good, honest, friendly and informative answers.

They are useful for any provider asking the same questions you are asking yourself right now.

Again, you have to ask yourself - who is your target market?

If your market is comprised of fellows that are looking at the bottom line and you are competing with other providers who offer similar services for rates that are considerably less than what you advertise - you will not get any business. Economics 101.

Along those lines, let's look at another provider's take on the provider's version of "lower prices and make it up in volume:"

If I drop my price below $250... I have to deal with a lot of "bottom feeders"... I would rather starve *smiles* Annie Originally Posted by SensualRedHead

Okay. So, it's obvious some ladies don't want to go this route.

What to do in an economic downturn?

Maybe it's time to go the Apple Route.


Get creative.

Offer something no one else is. It doesn't have to be anything upsetting or disturbing - you'd be surprised!

- You have a session scheduled from 12pm to 1pm. Your client is single. You have determined he is not a vegetarian. When the session is over, you have a Turkey Club Sandwich and Bottle of Odwalla ready for him to take back to his office. Cost to you - nine dollars. He tips you fifty, because you just saved him 10 minutes hassle.

- You have a session scheduled from 7pm to 9pm. You client is married. His MO is that he is working late. After your session, you present him with a bouquet of mixed flowers to take home to his wife. Again - he tips you fifty for your thoughtfulness and convenience in assisting him.

- You have a session scheduled from 8pm to 10pm. I am your client. You have a half pound of Gefilte Fish and a bowl of borscht waiting for me for after our session, and Ren and Stimpy Cartoons to watch during. I run screaming into the night because I cannot stand beets or carp, and cartoons are great but only on saturday mornings while chugging down Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs. Moral - if yer gonna do this, don't get the likes of one person mixed up with another...

Times are challenging - I'm not gonna sugarcoat it.

EVERYONE has to get real creative in their Quest for The Long Green.

Good luck to all of you in your personal quest.

[BTW - my personal answer is, "it's not posted here." ]
trapperkeeper2000's Avatar
MM I think you're hot and I can't argue with the rates I've seen you posting lately. In fact, there was absolutely nothing I didn't like about your ads! IMHO your marketing is spot on.

Since your incall costs you $$ maybe you could find guys willing to show up when you already have the location reserved and paid for. You could setup visits back to back. I'm not sure what the logistics are with scheduling people so this may not be feasible but I just thought I'd throw it out there. I know if a provider said "I'll knock off $20 if I call you and tell you when we'll meet" that I'd jump on it as all times of the day are pretty much the same for me. In all honestly, even if she didn't knock off $$ I'd probably comply.

Maybe there is something you could offer to draw in more newbies, even if it's not a typical encounter. Maybe charge something small to meet up for some beers in a public place so that you can quickly figure out if they are a disgusting douche bag.

Honestly, I tried to set something up with you this week but my lack of references were an issue. I fully understand this decision as I wouldn't ever see a girl without first finding some sort of reviews of her online. It's a shame I learned that the hard way though after getting ripped off by that stupid "Temptations Lingerie" place in North Austin. Right now I'm stuck in a position where no one I want to see will do so due to my lack of references and anyone that will see me also lacks references. I'm not in a position where I'd like to give anyone my personal info so p411 and the likes is a no go in my books. I'll just troll around on here until I find the 'perfect storm', a cute young lady with good reviews that will take on a newb at a reasonable price. It's a long shot but I've got nothing but time.

And just in case it helps anyone out there, here is the thought process that I go through when I see an ad. I'm not saying I represent everyone, I'm just trying to be helpful.
1) Does she meet my definition of hot?
2) Are the pictures too professional? Is there at least 1 normal photo in there that shows me what she really looks like without hours of hair/makeup and photoshop.
3) Does she have a pretty face? A hot body is all good and well but if you show up and the chick has 2 black teeth and a Pinocchio nose then all bets are off.
4) Will this fit into my budget?
5) Google Google Google. Try to find reviews. Also try to see if her phone # turns up any red flags like postings across multiple cities etc...
6) Research what activities does she open to? (Mostly to make sure I'd be on the same page, I don't want to try to kiss her if every review says she doesn't do it. Or even mention greek if she's listed it on a website as a 'dislike' )
7) Does she require references?
SofaKingFun's Avatar
trapperkeeper2000, that is one kick ass avatar, dude!

I think there's some unrequited sexual tension between Whispers and Wicked Milf.

Whispers and Wicked Milf sitting in a tree,
First comes love,
Then comes marriage,
Then comes baby,
In a baby carriage!

Originally Posted by Carl
{enter Maury}

"Whispers, you ARE the father!"

{cut to photo of the cyber-baby, WickedWhispers}

OMG! Could you imagine...?
Just think about that for a while.

Oh the horror.
Whispers's Avatar
trapperkeeper2000, that is one kick ass avatar, dude!

{enter Maury}

"Whispers, you ARE the father!"

{cut to photo of the cyber-baby, WickedWhispers}

OMG! Could you imagine...?
Just think about that for a while.

Oh the horror. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Your so off base here dude....

Anyone that knows me at all knows I would never do Maury.....

Maury never has strippers on a pole on the stage....

Jerry Springer maybe.....
Springer is into strippers!
And it would surely be the right setting for da baby mama
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Even better! Whispers and WickedMILF on The Jerry Springer Show!

I'd definitely Tivo that one.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-15-2010, 09:36 AM
Steve better wear a helmet.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Even better! Whispers and WickedMILF on The Jerry Springer Show!

I'd definitely Tivo that one.
Originally Posted by SofaKingFun

Enough already! Ya'll are making me puke!

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-15-2010, 10:08 AM
Enough already! Ya'll are making me puke!

Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
~ Hamlet Act 3, scene 2, 222–230
I agree with Baloney Pony, figure out what your niche is, then do the little things that will differentiate you from other providers.

Advertising is important to bring in new customers, and the way customers are treated once they meet you will determine if they come back. Make sure you do the little things that tell the customer you care about them.
Guest062010's Avatar
Or just keep up a never-ending feud... Carl, .. psst.. When ya gonna redeem that IOU? I can stream the W/WM show for ya while humming Happy Birthday and simultaneously finding out how many licks it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop.

Topic- As the economy continues to decline, so do my rates. Duh.