What would you do or expect if caught?

I say you wildout for at least a year like:

I mean, you deserve it.

Come over, we'll have a dance party; me, you, and Rhianna.

Better yet, cash in your alimony for ones and I will throw them at you while you twerk that milfy yoga ass on vine till we're billionaires.

faithfulforyears, please, you could never out troll us; brah.

I hope y'all enjoyed my post too!!!
(banning is optional)

Oldrichwhiteguy's Avatar
I'm not convinced this poster is genuine but I'll play along like it is.

Ah, the jilted wife, after finally seeing the gilded cage in which she confined herself, comes here to stalk and snarl. Do so, but know the snarls are misguided.

We are all addicted to that which dulls the pain of living. Even you madam. For many men it is sex, for you it may be exercise or something else entirely, but there will always be something.

Blue Pill: You have bought into and likely continue to buy into the construct of marriage. You allowed a man to buy your pussy, nay your entire life for a ring, perhaps a house, and the illusion of "respectability". Because you allowed yourself, what appears here to be a bright, intelligent woman, to be infantilized into believeing this is what "good" women do. Make no mistake, you have been bought just as much as many of the people you came here to finger wag and condescend to, only you literally donated your body, your domestic labor, your reproductive fecundity, the years of your youth, and emotional availability for pennies on the dollar. Why would you barter away all of your assets so easily madam? The joke is on you because you never saw that this arrangement is for the most part a soft slavery reinforced by legal, economic and social institutions so that you can feel superior to us "bad" girls.

Red Pill: You are neither farm animal nor domestic servant. As a woman you have all the assets, and you have all of the leverage. You always did, even before you met him and you have it still. Find a way to understand this and manifest the incredible power it gives you and go up. Female standards direct male behavior, always have, and always will. Lead yourself to a more advantageous relationship with your husband, or lead yourself to a more advantageous life out of the marriage, but own and ruthlessly apply the assets that eons of evolution gave you as a woman. But for God's sake never give them away again.
Jesus Miss V... You should found your own religion... DAMN!
illuminati's Avatar
Let's assume the SO in question chimed in, shall we????

Yep. I did it. I did all these prostitutes and paid for it. Why? Because it is easier than going on Ashley Madison and looking for a fellow cheating spouse to bed. This way, I go in, get it done and go on with my life. And if I feel that itch again I find another. You've known in the 20 plus years of marriage that I've been a freak. I have dropped hints several times to the point that you caught me once with a two girlfriends. I found the error of my ways and reformed. But I did it for the children and in retrospect it is abundantly clear that haven't changed. I'm a closeted sex addict.

Take me to the cleaners. Tell my family, tell your family but the only regret will be with our children. Eventually they will find it their hearts to forgive me. They'll see me with another woman whom THIS TIME I'll get it right! I'll find a woman who won't judge me on my sexual depravity (as you call it) and one who is willing to explore our sexual senses without feeling guilty. Hell! The first and only time we did it K9 you cried!!! How the hell do you think that made me feel? But its not just about the sex. We have grown apart and we don't share the same ideals for society and the same goals for our children or our future. There are times that I wonder what we would be like once the kids left the house? I don't know if I could live alone with you because we really do not get along.

I don't blame you. You didn't make me do this. I chose to do this. I can blame it on the addiction but I sent the email and the text and logged on to this site to find a hooker. We've been nothing but roommates raising our children with sex every now and then. Take the house. Take the boat. Take the vacation homes in Colorado and Key West. You can get full custody of the children but that will NEVER EVER stop me from being their father. Quite honestly, I don't need your forgiveness because your forgiveness comes with strings attached and that string will be a rope around my neck constantly reminding me of this mistake. The only forgiveness I need is from my children and my God. After I repent one will forgive and the other two will soon follow.

I wish you well. I know we'll still be in some sort of contact because of our children but take this ordeal as an open door to the rest of your life without me, and I'll do the same.

Many of the whores here who lured your husband were once in the same situation you find yourself. Unfortunately, their hubby didn't have the good job, or had multiple addictions. After their worlds were shattered, they didn't have an option other than becoming providers in order to keep their children fed and clothed. Shaming them is not going to change their economic reality, it is only going to further lower their self esteem and possibly prevent them from seeking alternative employment. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
+1 Bingo.
After their worlds were shattered, they didn't have an option other than becoming providers in order to keep their children fed and clothed. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
I often enjoyed your counseling to young Sherman.

But stating they didn't have an option seems extremely broad with victim-consciousness. I suspect others in similar situations found different solutions.
Aaaaand married men with boners have also found solutions other than cheating. Not all hookers are victims and not all cheating men are scoundrels. Always is never a good word to use and "never" always has its exceptions.
black sunshine's Avatar
What if you were in his shoes? Would you want him to work it out with you? Personally I would like to think that I could. But who really knows until it happens to you?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
What if you were in his shoes? Would you want him to work it out with you? Personally I would like to think that I could. But who really knows until it happens to you? Originally Posted by black sunshine
Been there and I've done that... Just want honesty and then we could work it out... sex is sex and love is love they don't always go together when they do it's amazing but it doesn't always work out like that sometimes you need a little strange and you just need to bust a nut
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Ahh... I'm actually out of town right now expected to be back on Friday. Perhaps I ought to just stay over here????
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I would.

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Ahh... I'm actually out of town right now expected to be back on Friday. Perhaps I ought to just stay over here????
Originally Posted by Sir Hardin Thicke
If you live in Cedar park run together 3 times a week with the wife, who does yoga,have a single well off boss... had an std the last few months ,been together 21 or so years after meeting in High School and have daughters.. I say just run away
I'm not convinced this poster is genuine but I'll play along like it is.

Ah, the jilted wife, after finally seeing the gilded cage in which she confined herself, comes here to stalk and snarl. Do so, but know the snarls are misguided.

We are all addicted to that which dulls the pain of living. Even you madam. For many men it is sex, for you it may be exercise or something else entirely, but there will always be something.

Blue Pill: You have bought into and likely continue to buy into the construct of marriage. You allowed a man to buy your pussy, nay your entire life for a ring, perhaps a house, and the illusion of "respectability". Because you allowed yourself, what appears here to be a bright, intelligent woman, to be infantilized into believeing this is what "good" women do. Make no mistake, you have been bought just as much as many of the people you came here to finger wag and condescend to, only you literally donated your body, your domestic labor, your reproductive fecundity, the years of your youth, and emotional availability for pennies on the dollar. Why would you barter away all of your assets so easily madam? The joke is on you because you never saw that this arrangement is for the most part a soft slavery reinforced by legal, economic and social institutions so that you can feel superior to us "bad" girls.

Red Pill: You are neither farm animal nor domestic servant. As a woman you have all the assets, and you have all of the leverage. You always did, even before you met him and you have it still. Find a way to understand this and manifest the incredible power it gives you and go up. Female standards direct male behavior, always have, and always will. Lead yourself to a more advantageous relationship with your husband, or lead yourself to a more advantageous life out of the marriage, but own and ruthlessly apply the assets that eons of evolution gave you as a woman. But for God's sake never give them away again. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina

I think i just feel in love with a chick! 💋💋💋

OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!!! SL u r a dirty boy!!! LMAO I seriously took a drink of tea before reading that and it almost went everywhere!

To the SO, if u r real. I know it sux for most women but u gotta understand that is just how most men are. They r diff from women. THEY NEED SEX! Lots of it. They think about it constantly.

Best try to work it out and see if u can come to mutual agreement. Take it from me, divorce IS NOT pretty. Everything comes out! So, plz, spare ur kids and do it amicably. Please. Think of them. Good luck! 💗
My children have to finish school so it's a few years before I do anything for myself other than rid our home of an extremely poor example of a man that pretended to be a father.

You are all so far off of the reality of the situation. It is no surprise to see the quality of people he chooses to associate with these days. Should he choose to do anything other than crawl away and try to keep his family and coworkers from knowing anything more than we split up perhaps it will be something you read about somewhere else.

I have absolutely no intention of being bitter about any of this. I am looking forward to resolving it all. When it is done it is done and whatever relationship he chooses to have with his children will be what the court allows and what they make of it. They are old enough and mature enough to judge for themselves as well as decide what they want.

I know how they were raised and believe I know how they will react.

In the long run perhaps he will have what he wants with all of you here although he will probably not be able to afford it as he has.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Right on time, like clockwork.
Let's assume the SO in question chimed in, shall we????

Yep. I did it. I did all these prostitutes and paid for it. Why? Because it is easier than going on Ashley Madison and looking for a fellow cheating spouse to bed. This way, I go in, get it done and go on with my life. And if I feel that itch again I find another. You've known in the 20 plus years of marriage that I've been a freak. I have dropped hints several times to the point that you caught me once with a two girlfriends. I found the error of my ways and reformed. But I did it for the children and in retrospect it is abundantly clear that haven't changed. I'm a closeted sex addict.

Take me to the cleaners. Tell my family, tell your family but the only regret will be with our children. Eventually they will find it their hearts to forgive me. They'll see me with another woman whom THIS TIME I'll get it right! I'll find a woman who won't judge me on my sexual depravity (as you call it) and one who is willing to explore our sexual senses without feeling guilty. Hell! The first and only time we did it K9 you cried!!! How the hell do you think that made me feel? But its not just about the sex. We have grown apart and we don't share the same ideals for society and the same goals for our children or our future. There are times that I wonder what we would be like once the kids left the house? I don't know if I could live alone with you because we really do not get along.

I don't blame you. You didn't make me do this. I chose to do this. I can blame it on the addiction but I sent the email and the text and logged on to this site to find a hooker. We've been nothing but roommates raising our children with sex every now and then. Take the house. Take the boat. Take the vacation homes in Colorado and Key West. You can get full custody of the children but that will NEVER EVER stop me from being their father. Quite honestly, I don't need your forgiveness because your forgiveness comes with strings attached and that string will be a rope around my neck constantly reminding me of this mistake. The only forgiveness I need is from my children and my God. After I repent one will forgive and the other two will soon follow.

I wish you well. I know we'll still be in some sort of contact because of our children but take this ordeal as an open door to the rest of your life without me, and I'll do the same. Originally Posted by illuminati
Wow! That tiok alot of guts to say that! I really hope its not u shes after but if it is, u got sum brass ones hun! Hope u find what u r looking for! 💋

Oh and Miss V, will u marry me??? 😘