Edit By Namssa Did eveyone forget the guidelines?..

Little Monster's Avatar
You know what I meant. Anybody who frequents this Forum knows what I meant. She is a member of the House of Representatives, which along with the Senate makes up the Legislative Branch. She should not be a member of that branch of Government. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I know exactly what you meant and as I have stated I agree with you. we are both right. Perhaps you should explain that to your half witted colleague I B. Who in one post will disagree with someone just because they have different political views and then turn around and contradict his own self when someone who does agree with his own ignorant views states the same exact thing.

He sure does take after his hero Trump
I B Hankering's Avatar
I know exactly what you meant and as I have stated I agree with you. we are both right. Perhaps you should explain that to your half witted colleague I B. Who in one post will disagree with someone just because they have different political views and then turn around and contradict his own self when someone who does agree with his own ignorant views states the same exact thing.

He sure does take after his hero Trump
Originally Posted by Little Monster
The House unto itself does not constitute a branch of Congress.

I B is certainly not one of them. He is contradicting his own self repeatedly and is way too half witted & ignorant to realize it. If he did attend school it was wayyyyyy back in the early 1900's when the curriculum was far less sophisticated. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Only in your delusional dreams.

You’re now arguing In your spare time. With yourself! YOW!

Like you said, a successful 8th grade civics student knows what you’re squawking about. I don’t see anybody in here disagreeing with that. Certainly not to the point where you have to do the old broken record in Hyde Park bit again.

Give it a rest, amigo.

(Welcome folks, to Day 4 of IBH’s first named Meltdown of the 2019 season. It’s a Cat I Meltdown, but is intensifying over empty posts and tedious topics and is expected to end as a noisy Cat 3 Meltdown, followed by an abrupt getaway in a late model HUFF. )
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If I were arguing with myself I at least would be engaged in intelligent debate.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Day 4 of Meltdown Amerosa continues.

I think LM nailed it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Day 4 of Meltdown Amerosa continues.

I think LM nailed it.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You "thinking" and L M "nailing it" are listed among the world's most improbable possibilities. The three branches of the U.S. government are, and always have been, the legislative, the executive and the judicial. The House unto itself does not constitute a branch of government.
themystic's Avatar
You "thinking" and L M "nailing" are listed among the world's most improbable possibilities. The three branches of government are, and always have been, the legislative, the executive and the judicial. The House unto itself does not constitute a branch of government. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IB have you ever admitted wrongdoing or being wrong? Surely you must make a rare mistake
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Never. Stick around. He’ll do this for another few days and then leave in a late-model HUFF. If history teaches us anything, it’s that IBH likes to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over ... until he gets the last word.

Nevern mind that it never has anything to do with the OP but some minutiae he picks out of his own poop.

Last time I looked, this thread was about the promotion of false accusations by the state-sponsored RWW propaganda. Can we please get back to that?

The anger over this scandal was born of an uncorroborated story from a RWW blog. Never grew legs enough to cover up the audacity of Trump’s outrageous power grab.

So now ... something else.

You still don’t get it.

I B Hankering's Avatar
IB have you ever admitted wrongdoing or being wrong? Surely you must make a rare mistake Originally Posted by themystic
You're mistaken for believing so. There's no mistake on my part. The House unto itself does not constitute a branch of government. You're mistaken for believing otherwise, and "mistaken" would be a polite way of telling you that.

Never. Stick around. He’ll do this for another few days and then leave in a late-model HUFF. If history teaches us anything, it’s that IBH likes to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over ... until he gets the last word.

Nevern mind that it never has anything to do with the OP but some minutiae he picks out of his own poop.

Last time I looked, this thread was about the promotion of false accusations by the state-sponsored RWW propaganda. Can we please get back to that?

The anger over this scandal was born of an uncorroborated story from a RWW blog. Never grew legs enough to cover up the audacity of Trump’s outrageous power grab.

So now ... something else.

You still don’t get it.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The House unto itself does not constitute a branch of government. It's sad that you don't know that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have no opinion on the topic of the thread, IBH?
I B Hankering's Avatar
You have no opinion on the topic of the thread, IBH? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Noticed how you keep harping about the OP without you're actually addressing the OP; hence, my opinion is that your concern is both artificial and hypocritical.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Noticed how you keep harping about the OP without you're actually addressing the OP; hence, my opinion is that your concern is both artificial and hypocritical. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Never. Stick around. He’ll do this for another few days and then leave in a late-model HUFF. If history teaches us anything, it’s that IBH likes to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over ... until he gets the last word.

Nevern mind that it never has anything to do with the OP but some minutiae he picks out of his own poop.

Last time I looked, this thread was about the promotion of false accusations by the state-sponsored RWW propaganda. Can we please get back to that?

The anger over this scandal was born of an uncorroborated story from a RWW blog. Never grew legs enough to cover up the audacity of Trump’s outrageous power grab.

So now ... something else.

You still don’t get it.

Sad. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What part of that don’t you get, IBH?

What happens if you don’t get the last word?

National Emergency!!!!!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
What part of that don’t you get, IBH?

What happens if you don’t get the last word?

National Emergency!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's very clear how you keep harping about the OP without you're actually addressing the OP; hence, my opinion is that your concern is both artificial and hypocritical as you're still not remarking on Omar.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Noticed how you keep harping about the OP without you're actually addressing the OP; hence, my opinion is that your concern is both artificial and hypocritical. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Last time I looked, this thread was about the promotion of false accusations by the state-sponsored RWW propaganda. Can we please get back to that?

The anger over this scandal was born of an uncorroborated story from a RWW blog. Never grew legs enough to cover up the audacity of Trump’s outrageous power grab.

So now ... something else.

You still don’t get it.

Sad. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What part of that don’t you get?
I B Hankering's Avatar
What part of that don’t you get? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's very clear how you keep harping about the OP without you're actually addressing the OP; hence, my opinion is that your concern is both artificial and hypocritical as you're still not remarking on Omar.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No it’s not.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No it’s not. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your concern is both artificial and hypocritical as you're still not remarking on Omar.