=== Sex In Public ===

geezerdude2's Avatar
None for me as of yet. I guess no woman wanted to be seen in public with me!
Kristen, our first time together could be on the patio at the Glass Cactus if you brave enough...
Many, many times in the past. I would probably worry too much about getting in trouble these days!

It was always fun and ALWAYS quite the rush others have mentioned.

Once a friend and I drew quite an audience at Hippie Hollow. We were up on the rocks and there were several boats of people cheering us on! That was pretty hot!

--v Originally Posted by vnurse
Hippie Hollow now has bouys roping it off so you can't get closer than about 75 yards. It has also been taken over by the gay population. It's rare to see a couple on the rocks anymore. It sucks. There's nothing wrong with gays being there, but they've run off the nudist couples that were so much fun to watch.
Had an employee who routinely needed to "talk to me for a few minutes about her TPS reports" in my office. She would blow me once or twice per week... When our talks were over, everyone would look at me like they knew what was going on. Odd - mostly females at my office and none of them ever said shit or complained...

God, I miss the good old days of 2007.

I hate work now. Just got used to getting blowjobs on the clock. Nothing makes going to work easier than knowing that a 24 year old (VERY VERY HOT) girl is waiting to get you off.

She said she hated to see me stressed.

Is it wrong that I used to invent stress to complain about?
About 15 years ago I crawled under the table at an expensive restuarant to go down on my girlfriend. She wasn't too thrilled when I disappeared, barely concealing a gasp when my fingers pulled her panties to the side but the hand on the back of my head as she rounded the finish line told me she'd gotten on baord with the sex in public idea.
motocrossman39's Avatar
Kristen...PLEASE sign up for the Raffle!!!
No One has answered my question though,

Would you be willing to do this with a provider? Would you be brave enough and take the risk and do this with a provider?
Originally Posted by Kristin Keys

Papacorn's Avatar
I still miss my 1986 Mitsubishi with the ass shaped dent in the hood. The lady in question (I waited until one day after she no longer worked for me)had many fine ideas, but the dent was when she did not want to go in my apartment when my roommate's GF was there. Apparently fucking on the hood of my car in the parking lot (several folks drove by) was preferable.

I am with DFK that the spontanaiety is the thing that makes this really work for me. That said, there are a few providers I could be spontaneous with...
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Kristen, our first time together could be on the patio at the Glass Cactus if you brave enough... Originally Posted by longtalltexan311

MMMMMM I'm down!!!!!! Tell me when
thongpopper's Avatar
tried unsuccessfully to get a provider to do it on my balcony on the 15th floor.. now I'm on the 6th floor I don't even ask... anybody game that is when it warms up around here..
...however I've done it in a laundry room at my old apartment a long long long long time ago...oh and got caught by next door neighbor she was a preacher....
I fucked my female manager at the bar/restaurant i bartended at.....in her car in the parking lot late one night after work.Pretty sure we were seen by other employees.
She was married but deprived,and was she hungry!!!!
damn,just writing about is making me hard!!!!

my unfulfilled "sex in public" fantasy is on a tennis court, the woman bent over the net in a short tennis skirt.
My SO and I were at a lame engagement party a few years back and she came and whispered in my ear "come fuck me". She was wearing a skirt and kneee high boots and we went into the bathroom just off the kitchen. There were a lot of people EVERYWHERE...Well we did our deed, she had a towell in her mouth to keep quiet and I came outside to about 5 people who I didn't really know waiting to use the toilet... I motioned to my stomach and said she had too many margaritas and I think we are going home..... Don't think they bought it.

SO in an elevator in one of the Riverwalk hotels in SA- cant remember which one. Slid up her skirt and she had on crotchless panties.... didnt finish but it was still a rush.

BJ on a long haul international flight- also SO.

Hottub that was elevated above the pool with loads of family/friends in it.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I've had lots of fun with this. Favorite was against a wall in a back alley behind a restaurant while three of the dish washers watched. Lots and lots of office fun too.

I don't do it anymore unless it's way out in the country or in the middle of a lake. Can't afford to get caught and end up a registered sex offender. Too much to lose now.
BenderUnit's Avatar
When you have sex at a campout, you're basically having public sex--because nobody is seperated from anyone else by anything more than two layers of fabric...

Once I and my girlfriend at the time--a very demure and devout single mom--were making love in her tent the last night of a campout. People camped around us were already starting to pack up and get a head start on striking camp the next day, and I noticed that as there were more and more voices around the tent, she started getting wilder and more vocal...

...and I was so into her and the moment, that while some part of me was thinking "gee, you really ought to be embarassed by this," I just couldn't feel it...

She was on top of me, grabbing onto some ropes that were hanging from the tent frame (for an entirely unrelated purpose, OK? ) and working her way up to what promised to be a truly spectacular orgasm, when suddenly a car pulled up with its headlights shining full on the tent. The lighting on her was art-house-erotica dramatic, and it projected a silhouette of her on the far wall that I realized was just as good as, if not better than a mirror...

...when I realized that everyone on the far side of the tent could see that silhouette too.

And I said something to that effect to her, trying in a clumsy way to spare her any embarassment, then realized I'd done JUST the opposite by making her aware of the sitation...

...at which point, my God, how she came. And came, and came again. I did too, somwhere in there, but it was like setting off an M-80 in the middle of the Battle of Waterloo: important if you happened to be right under it, but otherwise kinda lost in all the noise.

That night, she didn't want to let me go. And I didn't want her to--even when my eyelids were droooing, nothing else was. But I realized I had to strike camp the next day and drive home, and I absolutely needed some sleep to do that, so I managed to make my excuses, with a thousand (quite sincere) protestations of affection and devotion...

Anyway, long story short, she ended up dumping me for a guy I've known for 25 years, just after he kicked his wife out and took the house and kids. Apparently he was a better Christian than me.

It's a funny old world, you know?
Guest100610-2's Avatar
None for me as of yet. I guess no woman wanted to be seen in public with me! Originally Posted by geezerdude2
Come on over, I'll break ya in