Mar-A-lago lit up at nite

rmg_35's Avatar
Keep whining, sniveling, crying, and posting bullshit. Typical reptarded response. Find right-wing bullshit. And you still think tRump won the 2020 election. ��
chizzy's Avatar
If I recall correctly, the band of liberals here yelled and screamed their asses off about the fake Russian collusion case until it was proven there was none by Trump and further it was proven that the little dossier was fake and paid for by the little c**t

Not a peep was heard in terms of a apology or saying I was wrong by the band of liberals

I suspect this will happen again
Mature adults admit when they are wrong.
berryberry's Avatar
If I recall correctly, the band of liberals here yelled and screamed their asses off about the fake Russian collusion case until it was proven there was none by Trump and further it was proven that the little dossier was fake and paid for by the little c**t

Not a peep was heard in terms of a apology or saying I was wrong by the band of liberals

I suspect this will happen again
Mature adults admit when they are wrong. Originally Posted by chizzy
You are 100% spot on Chizzy. The sad thing is some of them STILL refuse to admit the Russian Collusion Case was a hoax perpetrated by Hillary Clinton and her libtard cronies even though it has been exposed and even the libtard media had to admit it. Most of the libs posting here are not serious people
berryberry's Avatar
Berry. You can sit on here and rant and rave all you want. That tangerine turd is guilty as hell and all the walls are closing in on that son of bitch. All your fake right-wing radical propaganda news isn't going to save him. He and your radical news sources that have lied to you are not going to save him. He appointed the fbi director and the federal judge that signed off on the raid were both appointed by the tangerine turd.
Originally Posted by rmg_35
Now per reports....nothing to see but DJT just forgot to give back some nuke information. Not anything every single enemy of the USA would want. Just hearsay at this point but per the Washington's the reason they didn't ask pretty please ...give us back the nuke stuff?!

Garlands going to get the warrant opened up so everyone can see. If you find out that dumb dumb or his kids or someone (as Trump will claim) just packed up the codes with the pictures on his desk....blah blah blah.
Originally Posted by eyecu2
Ummm, given the latest Washington Post report noting this was all a big nothing burger, can you remind us again exactly how and where "the walls are closing in" and where all of the so called Trump has highly classified nuke information is? Thanks
HDGristle's Avatar
You mean that leftist, failing, worthless Bezos rag you only trot out to make fun of until they post something you like?

Are they reliable or aren't they? Hard to follow the flip floppery on your part.
eyecu2's Avatar
Jeepers, Merrick Garland thinks there is enough there to warrant a special council. So I'm pretty sure that some damning things have been uncovered at MarALago, but per Jonathan Turkey, the biggest issues that DJT has is the obstruction in Georgia. Enough to damage DJT as a candidate by proxy, even if the result is the same as every other special counsel investigation. Nothing.
berryberry's Avatar
Jeepers, Merrick Garland thinks there is enough there to warrant a special council. So I'm pretty sure that some damning things have been uncovered at MarALago, but per Jonathan Turkey, the biggest issues that DJT has is the obstruction in Georgia. Enough to damage DJT as a candidate by proxy, even if the result is the same as every other special counsel investigation. Nothing. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Ahhh, you are keeping the dream alive. How predictable.

A blatant political ploy by Senile Biden to try to harm one of his now declared 2024 opponents. How special. Did they find those nuke documents yet you claimed Trump had at Mara Lago?
eyecu2's Avatar

A blatant political ploy by Senile Biden to try to harm one of his now declared 2024 opponents. How special. Did they find those nuke documents yet you claimed Trump had Originally Posted by berryberry
Who knows what they found? I believe my original post I said it was hearsay, and that time would tell. Interestingly though, you would deflect that these investigations have no merit, despite all of the pictures of evidence at Mar-A-Lago, and of course, the telephone recording of Trump trying to change the votes in Georgia. The guy has been involved in more obstruction than J Edgar Hoover.

I say judge the man on his actions,let the chips fall where they may.

Do you think he's innocent because he claims he is?

The only thing Trump is innocent of, is knowing that the law applies to him. I don't believe he has any such knowledge.

But he loves the poorly educated, and they love him.
berryberry's Avatar
Who knows what they found? Originally Posted by eyecu2
LOL, keep that dream alive even though the very liberal Wash Post admitted this was a big nothing burger