No shame in her game!

[QUOTE=citizen44;1059198205]For all the idiots who spout: "Everybody is barebacking somebody". Is that a true statement? Yes it is.

The devil is in the details though. For most of the guys on here, that someone is a frumpy 50+ year old housewife who had maybe a total of 5-6 sexual partners in her life, and those were probably 20-30 years ago. Of the guys she did fuck long ago, they most likely had a similar low number of sexual partners.

Either you have some collective data on the guys on here, how old their wives are and how many sexual partners their wives have had or you just made the stupidest ass-umption on Eccie for the day....congratulations either way.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

I absolutely hate condoms no matter what material they are fashioned from and I enjoy the feeling and intimacy of bareback sex with creampies.

Originally Posted by milfy2002
this sounds so sexy. and the reason you like Creampie's is because God created you to enjoy creampie's. He created you to crave it to be inside your womb and for you to be proud those millions of fish consider your womb their protector. It's why you're so proud of it and I bet you smile mightily after getting creamed. It's like a Spiritual experience for your womb.

Also God programmed you to undergo a chemical reaction with sensors that run from your vagina to your brain and when that hot sticky hits your pussy then shockwave signals race to the brain causing that chemical reaction. however, BB'ing in the hobby is against my personal policy unless a condom breaks and I don't know I'm gonna be nosey and ask for a review. how did the creampie'ing go last night. LOL and while I'm at it let me ask since you take creampie's you've seen all manner of cream and as such I will hench forth consider you the CUM EXPERT! Some days my cum is thick and sometimes it's runny and sometimes it's a mix between thick and runny. Do you know if that's diet related or just psychological or related to stress.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Sounds like this thread is dead. You should put that ^ in the coed as a new thread, not hijack (again!)
oilfieldscum's Avatar
See that title under my handle? I have access to all sorts of things... Originally Posted by Wakeup

Sure you do...that's why you keep trying to remind everyone.
Wakeup's Avatar
She asked the question...I answered it. I don't have to try and convince anyone of anything, do I?
milfy2002's Avatar
Lol. Never tried that! I had one today: "You cannot love life until you live the life you love" bed. Lmao! Sounds about right. Hahhaha Originally Posted by Alyssa71

See, it's pertinent every time! Ancient Chinese secret ;-)

Wake-up's title is the board equivalent of a large belt buckle.

Sistine, I'll get back to you on that!

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
this sounds so sexy. and the reason you like Creampie's is because God created you to enjoy creampie's. He created you to crave it to be inside your womb and for you to be proud those millions of fish consider your womb their protector. It's why you're so proud of it and I bet you smile mightily after getting creamed. It's like a Spiritual experience for your womb.

Also God programmed you to undergo a chemical reaction with sensors that run from your vagina to your brain and when that hot sticky hits your pussy then shockwave signals race to the brain causing that chemical reaction. however, BB'ing in the hobby is against my personal policy unless a condom breaks and I don't know I'm gonna be nosey and ask for a review. how did the creampie'ing go last night. LOL and while I'm at it let me ask since you take creampie's you've seen all manner of cream and as such I will hench forth consider you the CUM EXPERT! Some days my cum is thick and sometimes it's runny and sometimes it's a mix between thick and runny. Do you know if that's diet related or just psychological or related to stress. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I like this God At what church can he be found?
Wakeup's Avatar
Wake-up's title is the board equivalent of a large belt buckle. Originally Posted by milfy2002
I don't speak rube...can you explain your analogy?
  • 1+1
  • 02-17-2017, 01:56 PM
Milfy you were the one who started this thread after I had dropped it. It was done and over with. To clarify I don't look through provider ads. I saw "bbfs" and I opened it, yes I was curious. I honestly thought it was a joke. However, I left this thread alone a week ago. I was having a horrible day the day I wrote it. I was going to write an apologetic thread, but I had decided against it since it was already squashed and no more replies had been posted. I'm not one to judge anyone, and you can run your business as you'd like. That is all. Alyssa out. BTW, I can't control what people type on this board, the outcome of this thread was not my intention.BULLSHIT Originally Posted by Alyssa71
No shame in her game!

Oh, here we go again. A walking death wish. Gents, ya might want to hurry before she's all booked up!ahahhaha!

"Cum fill my kitty; I wanna ride you bareback."-- So much for being discreet about it.

"No thugs or illicit substances tolerated. Gentlemen over 35 "preferred", any race. Please be drug, disease, drama free & HYGIENIC, as am I."

This ^^^ part was pretty comical. It's nice to know she prides herself in being "hygienic"

If I were a man, I wouldn't touch her with a 10-foot pole.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

If I were a man, I wouldn't touch her with a 10-foot pole. Originally Posted by 1+1
what are you?
  • 1+1
  • 02-17-2017, 02:14 PM
You first ^........Don't ask a question you are
not prepared to answer yourself.
Changing the subject won't help the defense.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You first ^........Don't ask a question you are
not prepared to answer yourself.
Changing the subject won't help the defense. Originally Posted by 1+1
Me first? Why? I asked first!

I'm a man. A black muthafucker even though my skin isn't as dark as I'd like.

and you are?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Me first? Why? I asked first!

I'm a man. A black muthafucker even though my skin isn't as dark as I'd like.

and you are? Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
^ prove it
  • 1+1
  • 02-17-2017, 02:42 PM
Sister Chapel,Promoter of a Book, I already have the answer to your
very question.
Stay on topic.
I am interested in how this lady does
her screening process for doing bareback.
She gets tested according to her statements but how
does she not know if a client has a clean bill of health?
Wakeup's Avatar
You're not going to get away with ignoring what you're going to have to deal with it soon...