Well - "all the DPST candidates agree on confiscation and against the second amendment. In your mind - that is a fait accompli - J666.
The reality is no - Middle America will not tolerate Kalifornia and ny dictating to us.
i don't give a damn what the socialists agree upon - it won't happen without civil war, and the police and army will be very reluctant to use "nuclear weapons" on the American populace. - and One of your DPST lawmakers from kalifornia has recommended.
Originally Posted by oeb11
Which one you chicken shits are going to be the first to back up this loyal trump party member. He is the norm in the party not the exception.....losers.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
What's to back up. OEB states fact.
First, It's less than likely to be passed.
Second, the lefty claim of the police and national guard coming for "lawfully owned" guns in unlikely to happen.
The chicken shits are the ones thinking they can legislate away the Second Amendment. It won't happen, at least in near term.