Ladies that don't see AA men.....?!

Ripmany's Avatar
So it's racist. Big fucking deal. Blacks are the most racist of all races. Originally Posted by biggeorge565
Yes because many black been around other blacks so there know what kind of dirt bags there are. Racism is best talk by the way oppress race it self. When every time you around black people you get Rob every time you around white dudes you get tip you see only chalk cock.
Sunshine Lovely's Avatar
I've been in the business a long time and this may ruffle some feathers, but I've noticed it's because most have "management" and they typically aren't okay with it. --- Interested in others opinions/ experiences on this topic?
[/FONT] Originally Posted by Adrianna xo
I realized over time that it’s not just AA men who would come and see me and try to “own” me in a way, which pushes me away.. any person of ethnicity can try to push there self on to a woman in that way, for me it’s just been mostly men of African descent.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Oh this is filled with much.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-26-2020, 06:38 PM
Some people like it, some don't. You can't force anyone to see anyone they don't want to. There's someone here for everybody
Oh this is filled with much. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
most of these forums are filled with conservative middle-aged 40up white men so they tend to be biased, don't take them seriously, and avoid the nonsense.

A lot of these no AA girls really see black men on the low but their clientele wouldn't want them screwing a black guy (jealously) so it's best for business to keep things hidden.

It's business at the end of the day but the life-long John really wants to think the whore is his fantasy wife so she plays along.
Getting the angry people out of the way an back on tipic.

That whole "down low" thing has been proven false. It just seems odd that for some reason, so many AA men would do same sex activities bcd. Why? That never made sense to me and since then I've found out it was just a rumor started by some loud mouth celebrity.

So it's not that.

I think it really has more to do with AA people in general being relegated to the lowest caste in American society. Meaning most providers will see AA men bcd, but out in the open it's ok and even accepted to say "no AA". Like untouchables in India. It's just a societal heritage thing.

As you can see here, unlike with other groups, the push back is minimal by doing that to the low caste, and if there is any push back, you will feel the wrath of the dominant society for merely discussing it. Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
You're thinking too much into it, this is business, feelings aren't caught much when the girl screws 8-12 guys a day so I don't think "lower-caste" or whatever you think is appropriate.

Just a nut for a buck nothing more nothing less.

To keep up the clientele women need to have a certain image and the image of blacks in America is very negative as well see in these types of posts. What she wants and what's best for business is very different. I know a ton of white escorts who screw black in their personal lives but if the clients find out they won't see them anymore.

Sometimes to make one person feel good, you gotta make another one feel bad.

Don't forget Racism helps bring in Money, stereotyping people helps create ideas that bring in money... so the business is business.

If you clean and you look good and a girl thinks you look good if she can see you without losing other money she will. I never caught feelings over this stuff, it's loose pussy anyways, nothing to get too serious over.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I've been on here a solid 9.5 yrs....lurked months before actually joining in late 2010.
And seen it all...mostly unbothered and unphased.
But...sometimes....whew. lol
The majority of this black BBW's clients are actually 40+ conservative-ish white men (most not all).
Conservative doesn't equal racist to me since a lot of black people across the diaspora are fairly conservative on a lot of things.
That's not quite I commented what I did.
There were a few good posts here but most of it's just nonsense and it wasn't just from the guys.
The petty arguments that spring up here are amusing.
I clicked, I laughed, I cringed.

most of these forums are filled with conservative middle-aged 40up white men so they tend to be biased, don't take them seriously, and avoid the nonsense.

A lot of these no AA girls really see black men on the low but their clientele wouldn't want them screwing a black guy (jealously) so it's best for business to keep things hidden.

It's business at the end of the day but the life-long John really wants to think the whore is his fantasy wife so she plays along. Originally Posted by bankai
I've been on here a solid 9.5 yrs....lurked months before actually joining in late 2010.
And seen it all...mostly unbothered and unphased.
But...sometimes....whew. lol
The majority of this black BBW's clients are actually 40+ conservative-ish white men (most not all).
Conservative doesn't equal racist to me since a lot of black people across the diaspora are fairly conservative on a lot of things.
That's not quite I commented what I did.
There were a few good posts here but most of it's just nonsense and it wasn't just from the guys.
The petty arguments that spring up here are amusing.
I clicked, I laughed, I cringed. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
people do what needs to be done to feel good about themselves, I'm not saying conservatives are all racist some are cool but a troll is being smelt a mile away and these forums attract real basement dwellers who have real problems so they say what they say to get a rise out of strangers.

It's fun to them, have a good night.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
I thought this topic died a long time ago, no need to have another thread like this, the last one lasted years and didn't resolve anything, I'm glad that one is long gone, no need to start this again
I thought this topic died a long time ago, no need to have another thread like this, the last one lasted years and didn't resolve anything, I'm glad that one is long gone, no need to start this again Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Yes, great idea there. Forbid people from talking about things and everything works out, right? That is the whole problem today. We aren't allowed to talk about X, Y, or Z, and even if we do, we have to be careful to not use certain words. Oh, and the language changes like the wind these days, too, so be careful to not use words which are perfectly acceptable today but not in a week, month, year(s), etc. AND, if you are conversing about whatever, and ONE WORD is uttered which the other party dislikes, "gets triggered", is too scared by it's use, the conversation immediately degrades to be about that word and the original conversation goes dormant and festers for another day.

MANY, MANY wars have been avoided with dialogue. Funny, it is usually the more left wing presidents and leaders who would rather talk/compromise than defend their position but those same people refuse to allow us to talk.

We haven't solved anything here but I am not afraid to express my first amendment right. Once the first Amendment is gone we might look back to this conversation and wish we could still debate things. We are divided more than ever. I personally welcome discourse and don't hold grudges or "cancel" people with differing opinions. Many people have fought for this right and we should appreciate that they did.

Websites/news sites used to have comment sections but no longer do. Some websites like Reddit allow conversation but ban people for wrongspeak. I suspect that is why people are vocal here.
burkalini's Avatar
Yes, great idea there. Forbid people from talking about things and everything works out, right? That is the whole problem today. We aren't allowed to talk about X, Y, or Z, and even if we do, we have to be careful to not use certain words. Oh, and the language changes like the wind these days, too, so be careful to not use words which are perfectly acceptable today but not in a week, month, year(s), etc. AND, if you are conversing about whatever, and ONE WORD is uttered which the other party dislikes, "gets triggered", is too scared by it's use, the conversation immediately degrades to be about that word and the original conversation goes dormant and festers for another day.

MANY, MANY wars have been avoided with dialogue. Funny, it is usually the more left wing presidents and leaders who would rather talk/compromise than defend their position but those same people refuse to allow us to talk.

We haven't solved anything here but I am not afraid to express my first amendment right. Once the first Amendment is gone we might look back to this conversation and wish we could still debate things. We are divided more than ever. I personally welcome discourse and don't hold grudges or "cancel" people with differing opinions. Many people have fought for this right and we should appreciate that they did.

Websites/news sites used to have comment sections but no longer do. Some websites like Reddit allow conversation but ban people for wrongspeak. I suspect that is why people are vocal here. Originally Posted by orallvr69
As long as you have a like minded opinion you are fine. Just look at Hollywood. Careers have ended because a differing opinion. If you give up and hide or are afraid to voice your opinion you are playing right into their power grabbing hands
gimme_that's Avatar
Just curious of the thought process with this from the white clients eyes? I'd like ladies opinions on this too. Seems more just like the control.

1. Do you feel like the pussy will be less tight and stretched out?

2. Do you think she will be less articulate?

3. Does it kill your fantasy of her if you find out a brotha is piping her down?

4. If she’s black does it turn you on to know she won't see her own race? Like the inside slave house mentality.

5. If she’s white does it turn you on or comfort you more to know she’s hasn’t been “Blacked” and is still untainted by African seed?

6. If she's more light skinned do you considered her less "black black." And permissable to see?

7. Etc....

I've just seen this turn ugly for a few ladies quick. Large groups of guys who once saw them won't. Some stalked and vilify them. Even worse. Just wanted to know what others feel or heard about guys opinions on this.......

I've had a few white ladies tell me not to review them or tell anyone because they would be ostracized and burn at the stake by their white clientel who perfers a girl not be tainted by the black cock. Just wanted to know the mindframe for this from clients and it about control and/or perception?

Had a few white clients who wrote review who tried to lie to me and tell me certain ladies didn't prefer black clients, but when I saw them was so far from the truth. Why yall do that?
Forcing a girl to sex you when she would prefer not to - for any reason, regardless of how racist, stupid or unfair it is - might be considered rape.

Randall Creed's Avatar
Forcing a girl to sex you when she would prefer not to - for any reason, regardless of how racist, stupid or unfair it is - might be considered rape.

Originally Posted by yitzchak
Well, now you're implying that they're so in love with and are enamored with white guys, when they really probably hate them.

Think about it. They get calls and pm's or whatever from white guys, calling them whores and n-word lovers, threatening to ruin their business if they mess around with...well, you're a smart guy. I'm sure you can imagine how a conversation like that would go.

I would bet that a bulk of this whole NBA thing is just little dick white boy syndrome shit. Pressuring these ladies with threats and creepy stalking and shit, might as well be rape.

For everyone THINKS of me on this board, never once have I ever threatened a provider, or made her feel uncomfortable or unsafe. I would NEVER do some bullshit like that...NEVER EVER.

How many guys can say that, and be TRUTHFUL in saying it??
Owj's Avatar
  • Owj
  • 07-10-2020, 07:20 PM
I personally don’t care who else she is seeing with a few caveats.
1. My time or service level is not shorted so she can get to the next client.
2. She has adequate prep time so she is fresh and has energy for the session.
3. She schedules so that I don’t encounter another client entering or leaving. Seeing a friend, family member or coworker would be awkward.

Unless she loves at a spa 24/7, she is likely going home to somebody. I don’t care about that either as long as that person is not hanging out in the next room or standing outside the door looking after that investment and I am left alone.

I can understand not wanting to see an individual because that person has done something creepy or harmful. It is not cool to lump an entire group in because of some assumption or conditioning. There are good and bad in every group.