1 hundo THOUSAND!

rooster's Avatar
President Trump can win it for the 3 rd time Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Suuuurrrreeee……61 losses in a court of law sure do say that he won in 2020!

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
yah in our 3rd world "legal system"
Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Whereas.....in the story in your mind.. that BDS construct...he won!

(Man! I luv that word! It's so....sophisticated...makes me sound like I understand things mere lefties cannot)


rooster's Avatar
Hey! Speakin of events and Trump appearances....how did things go at the Libertarian convention the other day? I heard there was a BIG crowd, with lots of reaction...


Err Coco
Next Best Thing's Avatar
great thread
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
who is making???? I may want ta buy some stock
great thread Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
yah and the mods havent been up our ass for thrAD hijack

...yet, we seem to be in one of those cycles where

they lay back then come back in twice as hard ...

and it turns a total 180
Flair4Drama's Avatar
great thread Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
welcome back.....
Gdubya110's Avatar
“ This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who is corrupt. ... We'll keep fighting. We'll fight to the end, and we'll win. ... The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5, by the people. They know what happened here. I am a very innocent man." - Big Fn Baby

Though found guilty not by the judge, but by jurors, which included a sales professional, a software engineer, a security engineer, a teacher, a speech therapist, multiple lawyers, an investment banker and a retired wealth manager. A jury that his lawyers had a hand in selecting.

And all his flock will bleat is “Trump! Trump! Trump!”….

“Baaaaa! Baaaaa! Baaaaaaaaaa!”
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

And all his flock will bleat is “Trump! Trump! Trump!”….

“Baaaaa! Baaaaa! Baaaaaaaaaa!” Originally Posted by Gdubya110
ok i get it because you actually think your jack nicholson

its alraedy waking up more on your side and pushing them to Trump

you idiots always go to far and it backfires

he is still standing thats what rallies people that were sitting it all out

and now see how psycho you all are
rooster's Avatar
ok i get it because you actually think your jack nicholson

its alraedy waking up more on your side and pushing them to Trump

you idiots always go to far and it backfires

he is still standing thats what rallies people that were sitting it all out

and now see how psycho you all are Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Whew! The...bitterness. And.. hostility. This drunck postin ain't workin no more...


rooster's Avatar
1 hundo THOUSAND!....seconds it took the jury to find him guilty of ALL charges.

1 hundo THOUSAND!....hours until he is sentenced as a convicted felon.

1 hundo THOUSAND!....times FOX syncophants have said the words "sham!" and "farce!"

1 hundo THOUSAND!....ways Trump has conned, misled, and lied to his supporters.

1 hundo THOUSAND!....lawsuits and criminal charges left for him to face.

1 hundo THOUSAND!....times he will claim he is a "very innocent man."

1 hundo THOUSAND!....laughs Mother Theresa is havin from heaven while she thinks "I coulda hired a dead snake as a lawyer and gotten off on these charges."

1 hundo THOUSAND!....times butt-hurt Cucks on this site will say that crooked Biden is worse...and old...and senile (but I'm still votin fer his head in a bottle of blue goo over this....convicted felon!)

And last...but certainly not LEAST....

1 hundo THOUSAND!....more lies to be told about the charges, the trial, and the "lawfare" being waged against him by the felon (convicted!) and his taintlickin Wehrmacht loyalists

Gdubya110's Avatar
ok i get it because you actually think your jack nicholson

its alraedy waking up more on your side and pushing them to Trump

you idiots always go to far and it backfires

he is still standing thats what rallies people that were sitting it all out

and now see how psycho you all are Originally Posted by JONBALLS
First, I’m providing a resource for identifying the objectivity of a new source:


From Bloomberg Press (noted as mainstream with minimal partisan bias):

“More than half of swing-state voters wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump if he were convicted of a crime, according to a new Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll, a warning sign for the Republican frontrunner who continues to lead President Joe Biden in key states.

The poll found that 53% of voters in the seven closely watched battleground states would be unwilling to vote for Trump in the general election if he were found guilty of a crime, a figure that grows to 55% if he’s sentenced to prison. Trump’s”

So when you say “ it’s alraedy waking up more on your side and pushing them to Trump” (I carried your typo forward, for accuracy), where are you getting your information? I’m guessing you don’t care for reality and get your information from sources on the right.

Maybe when they’re swearing in President Harris, youll all have a WTF did we do moment. You’ll have as much a hand in that as the libs, if not more so.

Yeah, when you can’t really come up with a thought, try cartoons and name calling. That’s what your hero does.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
First, I’m providing a resource for identifying the objectivity of a new source:


From Bloomberg Press (noted as mainstream with minimal partisan bias):

“More than half of swing-state voters wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump if he were convicted of a crime, according to a new Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll, a warning sign for the Republican frontrunner who continues to lead President Joe Biden in key states.

The poll found that 53% of voters in the seven closely watched battleground states would be unwilling to vote for Trump in the general election if he were found guilty of a crime, a figure that grows to 55% if he’s sentenced to prison. Trump’s”

So when you say “ it’s alraedy waking up more on your side and pushing them to Trump” (I carried your typo forward, for accuracy), where are you getting your information? I’m guessing you don’t care for reality and get your information from sources on the right.

Maybe when they’re swearing in President Harris, youll all have a WTF did we do moment. You’ll have as much a hand in that as the libs, if not more so.

Yeah, when you can’t really come up with a thought, try cartoons and name calling. That’s what your hero does. Originally Posted by Gdubya110
And now you want me to trust Bloomberg???
Who puts itself with NPR, CNN and MSNBC as being mainstream???
That's fuckin hysterical.....