Shame on you Sherry of DFW.....Using someone that has breast cancer to make yourself money

Right on... Isn't that a big No No? Talking about someone's family?

I know if I was Whitney and someone talked about my personal business with my parents on a shmb I'd see red, to say the least. Whitney is handling herself in a very ladylike manner, my respects to you, Whitney.

Again shame, shame, shame Sensual Nurse. That was ANOTHER low blow.

Like I said, it was easy to see from her first post who the crook was.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Um.. I don't think that's what she meant by "daddy"..but yes.. Not ok.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I also think that this thread was a bad idea by the OP. It makes you seem extremely ungrateful for the funds that she did send. It doesn't matter if you called her out on it or not, you were still given money that she did not have to give. She sucked the dicks, not you. Yes, we all fall on hard times. I have as well. I am curious as to why you would come to Eccie for help vs. your RW friends and family? Surely someone in your personal life is more capable of lending a hand than hookers and John's. I agree with THN. Something is definitely off here. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
A member asked me to read this thread and give my opinion. As I was reading it from top to bottom, what Kendall basically wrote was spinning through my empty head. (I know other posters made the same point as Kendall. I mention her only because she made the point first.) It's undisputed that Sherry gave Sensual $150 to help with Sensual's medical expenses. To me, that's commendable. Sherry's inadvertent use of Sensual's RW first name was a mistake, it appears -- yes, a violation of the rules, but an unintentional one.

I'm not taking sides in this dispute. I have no dog in this hunt. I'm just pointing out something that jumped out at me from my screen.

Also, I think it's unseemly for hobbyists to attack providers because of the provider's age. I'm also reading attacks here based on a provider's appearance, rates, and menu. To me, there is far, far too much of that stuff going on here.

I'm all for enforcing rules. But perhaps too much emphasis is being placed on technical violations of the rules and not enough emphasis on enforcing rules that are meant to foster civility among members.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 09-27-2015, 02:24 PM
All you folks just remember, "No good deed goes unpunished"
Boltfan's Avatar
All you folks just remember, "No good deed goes unpunished" Originally Posted by motor
Truer words were never spoken
All you folks just remember, "No good deed goes unpunished" Originally Posted by motor
completely agree on this one, and just my 2 cents...for a small paltry 300 or 150$ you screwed yourself out of however much more money in lost business for yourself cause now you look like a scumbag on the boards...great business decision there...nother quote for you, 'dont sh*t where you eat'
annie@christophers's Avatar
Free sherry.
Just read this whole thread.
The drama runs deep in Texas.
Wow, I just read this whole thread and it's shocking. It seems to me that it's unlikely the charity event generated more business than usual even with the discount. Sherrys motives were likely not to increase business and this thread does not help her or the OP. Also, all the age bashing is deplorable. The outing deserved a ban, but the piling on from the OP is not good for her business.
Not as active anymore. Occassionally lurk around to see how everyone is. I miss me some shysterjon and tinman every so often. Just read this pile of ----, and I am reminded of the downside to catching up with the SMHB.

I know the OP was unable to report her concern here earlier, but if she had done so during that gap of time when she had been led to believe she was getting money from sherrys 'fundraiser' it would've been better. That was the issue; the money promised to help didn't immediately come. Regardless of the truths contained in pms, etc. (ie. the things we don't know), there was a promise of help which didn't arrive and she felt sherry had misled others.

But coming to the board to report this After sherry got some money to you looks shitty. You're lucky she got you some, and who gives a shit if she kept some of 'cummy sundays' funds for herself. But you call her out to get some money, and then blast her on the board when the money wasn't enough?! Word..

Times are tough, and I'm sorry you're going through all that you are, but you haven't done yourself any favor with this thread. You were prepared for the haters, so you knew they would come. When a couple of people came forward to gently support sherry, your reaction was poor. I'm assuming you were pissed about rw info outing, which is understandable, but some of your reactions, and defensiveness, just cast you as digging a hole.

Man, I've got parents and others who are around Sherrys age, and I can assure you some of them can't remember shit one hr to the next. She does need to update her age tho. 50 to 73?? Thx OP for letting me know that bit of misinformation.

Guess I'll crawl back under my rock now. I'll come lurk on you guys later.

Peace and orgasms,
melannie_star's Avatar
LMAO.. Cummy Sunday.. That was good. Hade to say that Happy Friday LNH!!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
A member asked me to read this thread and give my opinion. As I was reading it from top to bottom, what Kendall basically wrote was spinning through my empty head. (I know other posters made the same point as Kendall. I mention her only because she made the point first.) It's undisputed that Sherry gave Sensual $150 to help with Sensual's medical expenses. To me, that's commendable. Sherry's inadvertent use of Sensual's RW first name was a mistake, it appears -- yes, a violation of the rules, but an unintentional one.

I'm not taking sides in this dispute. I have no dog in this hunt. I'm just pointing out something that jumped out at me from my screen.

Also, I think it's unseemly for hobbyists to attack providers because of the provider's age. I'm also reading attacks here based on a provider's appearance, rates, and menu. To me, there is far, far too much of that stuff going on here.

I'm all for enforcing rules. But perhaps too much emphasis is being placed on technical violations of the rules and not enough emphasis on enforcing rules that are meant to foster civility among members. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
I am just curious are you like the equivalent of a chief or a village elder - where the locals would have to go to settle a dispute? No disrespect , but your opinion is like everyone else on here - you believe what you believe and others as the same- I actually agree with you - but a little time you enter these discussions as if your word is law- please don't believe the hype.
I do believe a years suspension is far too harsh for the crime she committed but again that's just my opinion - eccie has really become sad if some member pmed you to give your opinion on a thread and the person who pmed you and yourself have way too much time on your hands- far more important things in this world than a dispute over blow jobs from a 73 year old provider and a cancer provider. Shame shame shame !
Bobster36's Avatar
"cancer provider"? I think (hope?) you meant cancer survivor!
KittyLamour's Avatar
I am just curious are you like the equivalent of a chief or a village elder - where the locals would have to go to settle a dispute? No disrespect , but your opinion is like everyone else on here - you believe what you believe and others as the same- I actually agree with you - but a little time you enter these discussions as if your word is law- please don't believe the hype.
I do believe a years suspension is far too harsh for the crime she committed but again that's just my opinion - eccie has really become sad if some member pmed you to give your opinion on a thread and the person who pmed you and yourself have way too much time on your hands- far more important things in this world than a dispute over blow jobs from a 73 year old provider and a cancer provider. Shame shame shame ! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
That's nothing...the pettiness and the messiness of some people on here get's way worse and much lower than you can imagine. Trust and believe that this is some people's life or should I say obsession... and they empower themselves behind a computer screen... when in reality they have no life.

Any chance they have to draw blood is absolutely a big occasion to them. Usually at a provider's expense. Friends I have who do not hobby, yet do not judge my lifestyle, are absolutely appalled at the viciousness of this site's members.

What makes me sick is the casualness with which they go about destroying someone's livelihood since this is how a provider makes a living. It's mind-blowing how careless they are with someone's well-being who serves to give them pleasure. I wonder how they would feel if the roles were reversed and it was their finances and job security being sabotaged, threatened and destroyed? Would they worry about how to pay their bills? How to keep a roof over their head? Maybe, but far be it to show compassion and understanding to a provider, best to cut her down swiftly and leave her bleeding.

We're all big shots on eccie. That goes for hobbyists and providers. Females are just as ruthless in their treatment of each other. I can assure you that the level of personal vendettas, stalkers and haters on this board is astronomical. Is it swept under the carpet? Absolutely.

I'm not using this case as an example but as an excuse to speak my mind on the subject. Believe me, my opinion was forged via brutal personal experience and my own wounds have yet to heal. That is why my heart went out to Sherry having been myself the victim of a bully and had the whole site dogpile me. Only to be ultimately vindicated when the bully incriminated herself bragging about her dirty deeds in chat. Did that make me feel better? No. The damage was already done. So, yes I feel very bad for Sherry and totally empathize with her.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Kitty ... some very fine words.

Paragraph three? Oh yes. So true.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Kitty ... some very fine words.

Paragraph three? Oh yes. So true. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Thank you Elisabeth your approval of my post means a lot to me because I was very intimidated to say it...