Leaving Eccie

What a tangled Web we weave when we practice to deceive......

Clarice, when I first posted I wasn't bashing you. I told you that there was no need to defend yourself and wished you luck. You CHOSE to attack me, not once but twice. Now, it comes to light that you are stealing photos? At least mine are real and not photo shopped in the least. Before you take pot shots at others you may want to make sure you have your act together. This threAD has done nothing but make you look petty and ridiculous. I have a feeling that you will be sticking around and that there will be a name change to try to run from this fiasco. It can be done, but you will need to learn from this mistake. Cutting your nose off to spite your face is never a smart thing to do. Again, good luck to you.

I wanted to add that I have been in this business for 4 years and I can count on ONE hand the BBFS requests I have received. It all depends on how you market yourself. I took a look at your ads and they scream desperation. Perhaps try a different approach. You get what you put out there......if you are asked, say no and move on. The point is, it's YOUR business. Run it how you see fit and are most comfortable. Starting rants NEVER works out in your favor. I think you realize that now.

Any takers on over/unders?
Kendall, you always have a way of getting your point across clearly and distinctly without a needle.

You're MY girl crush!
Well, well RandBfan and chicagoboy. Looks like I got a love letter from the delightful and talented Clarice.

I love fan mail!
Awe, thanks girlie. Be careful giving me a compliment she might start sending you Ghetto pm's too.

Wakeup's Avatar
Be careful guys and gals...she sent me a PM where she said she could find out all my personal info, info about my business, and my wife, and not to miss with her...paraphrasing, of course...

It was a fun PM...
Yep, she's blowing me up with insults and threats as well....smh....
Yep, she's blowing me up with insults and threats as well....smh.... Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Aww look the bully's are ganging up on me on so terrified lol God bless you all
SunniD's Avatar
Thank you honey. And i dont want to get too much into her business lol.i dont know the lady but I just wanted to make people aware of safe sex but i understand about the "Why pay for less" deal. Make sense but it just makes my job a little harder. Lol

And thank you for explaining to me why gentlemen like what they like. Its a hit and miss with hobbyist everyone has a preference.
Thank you honey. And i dont want to get too much into her business lol.i dont know the lady but I just wanted to make people aware of safe sex but i understand about the "Why pay for less" deal. Make sense but it just makes my job a little harder. Lol

And thank you for explaining to me why gentlemen like what they like. Its a hit and miss with hobbyist everyone has a preference. Originally Posted by SunniD
No problem dear, I just want to spread awareness everyone should know about these things to protect themselves. That is all I was trying to do but you have some people on here who think they are powerful try to slander me. It's nice to have people who understand

Originally Posted by Nicolet
Wakeup's Avatar
http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1541143 Originally Posted by Clarice Loren
160??? Yep...fat...
160??? Yep...fat... Originally Posted by Wakeup
You all have done me a favor and now I thought I was leaving I'm here to stay now. What are you going to do bully me into leaving yeah right. LOL thank you this profile and my account will continue to run.
Wakeup's Avatar
You're welcome...