
dirty dog's Avatar
Be a mod, who the fuck wants to be a mod. You people are fucking delusional. LOL be a mod man thats fuckin rich.
dirty dog's Avatar
Dude....Wait, What?
Does this mean Cindertasha is gay? I know she had a thing for BDS but I always thought she was just bi-curious. Originally Posted by boardman
Something about the way you walk and the smell of shit in the air tells me you already knew that.
bp6570's Avatar
Money's on him to do what exactly? Originally Posted by boardman

Whatever you need!
malwoody's Avatar
Left me in charge? I made a joke. Sorry you didn't get it. Ok, not really. Quit taking shit so seriously man. Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
Taking shit seriously? That's not it at all man, I'm just trying to figure out which part was supposed to be funny..
ElumEno's Avatar
Time to find some fucks for bucks...
Bartman1963's Avatar
Huh. Let me see if I follow this:

Got a escort whose kid dies and she says she misses him on a escort board. People go ballistic about if it was appropriate or not. People from SH come in and stir it up so it burns completely like shit in a 55 gallon drum.

Thread gets closed.

The people stirring the shit hop on the new mod.

Escorts bash one another. Johns bash one another.

Some guys hate on the spidey hole guys. (By the way, if what I am reading is indicative of spidey hole jokes, put downs and crap in general....weak. Cartman thinking that putting Butter's dick in his mouth while Butters is asleep makes Butters gay; that kind of weak).

Spidey hole guys think they are too damn smart and funny. Some local guys grow(?) to agree with them.

In the end...It's all almost as funny as getting PWND by International Valarie in real life. Right WU? LOL
pyramider's Avatar
Something about the way you walk and the smell of shit in the air tells me you already knew that. Originally Posted by dirty dog

Cindertasha is a waitress, note the term waitress. A hot waitress. A waitress that gets it and is a good sport.
dirty dog's Avatar
Cindertasha is a waitress, note the term waitress. A hot waitress. A waitress that gets it and is a good sport. Originally Posted by pyramider
Whatever you have to tell yourself, I dont judge.
boardman's Avatar
Whatever you need! Originally Posted by bp6570
Oh, OK cuz I don't NEED anything.
boardman's Avatar
Huh. Let me see if I follow this:

Got a escort whose kid dies and she says she misses him on a escort board. People go ballistic about if it was appropriate or not. People from SH come in and stir it up so it burns completely like shit in a 55 gallon drum.

Thread gets closed.

The people stirring the shit hop on the new mod.

Escorts bash one another. Johns bash one another.

Some guys hate on the spidey hole guys. (By the way, if what I am reading is indicative of spidey hole jokes, put downs and crap in general....weak. Cartman thinking that putting Butter's dick in his mouth while Butters is asleep makes Butters gay; that kind of weak).

Spidey hole guys think they are too damn smart and funny. Some local guys grow(?) to agree with them.

In the end...It's all almost as funny as getting PWND by International Valarie in real life. Right WU? LOL Originally Posted by Bartman1963
Not exactly....but close.
boardman's Avatar
Time to find some fucks for bucks... Originally Posted by ElumEno

I like the sig line Mule. It's good to see someone in KC has a sense of humor.
bp6570's Avatar
Oh, OK cuz I don't NEED anything. Originally Posted by boardman
Yeah you do. To bad ya don't see it.
boardman's Avatar
Well, why don't you educate me?

You've got all night. You KC'ers are wiping me out from laughing so hard.
Wakeup's Avatar
I wouldn't misspell the wife's name again Bartman, she can be a bit vindictive...and if she can she can hold her own in the Houston forums...she'll tear these forums, and the guys in it, a new asshole...
Bartman1963's Avatar
When the day comes I start thinking about these forums enough to take you or yours seriously...I'll pay your "wife" to come up here and do just that. In person.