Most Americans want War with ISIS.

LexusLover's Avatar
I thought you didn't like the fat Arab but yet obsessed With her Pictures lmao ...

But I'll answer you since I see that you did some growing up and you figured having a grown conversation is better than being a bitch to me ... Trust me you don't want to cause i can pull that shit better than you :P Originally Posted by ArabianGoddess
Not obsessed at all. But since you are keeping track I was actually checking to see if you had posted any more "recent" photos to reflect your incredible weight loss. You haven't! Consequently, I can safely assume you haven't lost the weight.

Now .... as to "growing" ..... Cf "weightloss' above.

My academic/intellectual curiosity regarding "Arab" perspective toward Persians is more "historic" than "current" .... It appears to me from general news that the Persians are using the Arabs as pawns and whores to do their bidding against the Persian's enemies ....

... my first indepth experience with with Arabs (Iraqis to be specific) was in the late 60's when I was tasked with the responsibility of training them to drive automobiles, when the extent of their mobility was one of them had ridden a bicycle and the rest either walked or rode animals. That was right before the 67 ass kicking by the Israelis and I tried to discuss with them the potential of the Isrealis, but they failed to comprehend that there are people out there who have superior intellect and skills then they do.

I can see from your posting .... there has not been much progress in 50 years.

Have a nice day!
1-I'm not trying to loose weight
2-i love my body and men love it to a real men ... if you don't you got some manhood issues you need to fix will discuss that later
3-no one asked your opinion about my weight loss
4-i Lolled at your academic/intellectual curiosity
5-you really obsessed with me fool
6-Thanks for fucking up this conversation too
7-I Hear people get bitchy when they get too old so i suggest Hiking its a great type of therapy
8-i never asked for your take you asked for mine idiot
9-i see you still got some well a lot of growing up to do
10-you have a nice day too
Not obsessed at all. But since you are keeping track I was actually checking to see if you had posted any more "recent" photos to reflect your incredible weight loss. You haven't! Consequently, I can safely assume you haven't lost the weight.

Now .... as to "growing" ..... Cf "weightloss' above.

My academic/intellectual curiosity regarding "Arab" perspective toward Persians is more "historic" than "current" .... It appears to me from general news that the Persians are using the Arabs as pawns and whores to do their bidding against the Persian's enemies ....

... my first indepth experience with with Arabs (Iraqis to be specific) was in the late 60's when I was tasked with the responsibility of training them to drive automobiles, when the extent of their mobility was one of them had ridden a bicycle and the rest either walked or rode animals. That was right before the 67 ass kicking by the Israelis and I tried to discuss with them the potential of the Isrealis, but they failed to comprehend that there are people out there who have superior intellect and skills then they do.

I can see from your posting .... there has not been much progress in 50 years.

Have a nice day! Originally Posted by LexusLover
  • DSK
  • 02-20-2015, 09:08 AM
1-I'm not trying to loose weight
2-i love my body and men love it to a real men ... if you don't you got some manhood issues you need to fix will discuss that later
3-no one asked your opinion about my weight loss
4-i Lolled at your academic/intellectual curiosity
5-you really obsessed with me fool
6-Thanks for fucking up this conversation too
7-I Hear people get bitchy when they get too old so i suggest Hiking its a great type of therapy
8-i never asked for your take you asked for mine idiot
9-i see you still got some well a lot of growing up to do
10-you have a nice day too Originally Posted by ArabianGoddess
Judging by your pictures it does appear you have lost weight. Good for you! I think President Obama is doing the best he can with the mess in the Middle East, and I appreciate your opinions on the subject. What I like most is that he is trying to show the Arabs that we do not have to be their enemies. Not everyone in this country is going to accept that, of course.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-20-2015, 09:50 AM
Not obsessed at all. But since you are keeping track I was actually checking to see if you had posted any more "recent" photos to reflect your incredible weight loss. You haven't! Consequently, I can safely assume you haven't lost the weight.
y! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLiar is not obsessed with you AG....he just checks your pictures every time you post something he does not agree with so he can try and negatively effect your business. But he is not obsessed! He is just a frustrated gay man trying to fool us into thinking he is straight.
LexusLover's Avatar
LexusLiar is not obsessed with you AG....he just checks your pictures every time you post something he does not agree with so he can try and negatively effect your business. But he is not obsessed! He is just a frustrated gay man trying to fool us into thinking he is straight. Originally Posted by WTF
Another homophobic post from the illiterate gallery, trying to pretend he can read people's minds again. AG at least promise the guy a BBBJ when you're in town.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I guess you have finally reached the bottom of the barrel when you start talking about the positive aspects of Saddam Hussein.

In that vein, that guy Joe Stalin was really ok, except for the millions that died in the great purges, the Gulag, and during his fits of paranoia. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well Jackie the Shah of Iran was no Angel and who was his biggest supporter? Also, who was one of Iraq's biggest supporters during the Iran-Iraq war???? Also,who continued to support Iraq been after Saddam gassed his own people??? I'll check back for your response....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why speculate any further?

LLIdiot hasn't posted a single review on ECCIE and I don't believe he ever posted one on its predecessor.

I as recall he got quite hostile the first time I it pointed out.

LLIdiot is either frightened of women or prefers members of the same sex. Or worse. He could actually prefer same sex members. Or be some creepy Norman Bates kinda guy.
lustylad's Avatar
Well Jackie the Shah of Iran was no Angel and who was his biggest supporter? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Hey limpdick, why don't you apply your logic consistently? If Bush fucked up Iraq by toppling Saddam, then by the same logic Jimmy Carter fucked up Iran when he pulled the rug out from under the Shah and let fanatical mullahs take over. Just think how much better things would be today if the Shah was still on his Peacock Throne!

And Libya's Qaddafi was no angel either. Who helped push him out? Does that look like it was a good idea?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hey limpdick, why don't you apply your logic consistently? If Bush fucked up Iraq by toppling Saddam, then by the same logic Jimmy Carter fucked up Iran when he pulled the rug out from under the Shah and let fanatical mullahs take over. Just think how much better things would be today if the Shah was still on his Peacock Throne!

And Libya's Qaddafi was no angel either. Who helped push him out? Does that look like it was a good idea? Originally Posted by lustylad

Or when Odumbo sold out Mubarak to the Muslim Brotherhood, and when Odumbo and Hildabeast took out Khadaffyduck with a drone.
LexusLover's Avatar
Judging by your pictures it does appear you have lost weight. Originally Posted by DSK
Was that since your last session with her?
LexusLover's Avatar
I as recall he got quite hostile the first time I it pointed out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Really? Off your meds again?

Let me share a widely known secret with you. There are a lot of hot ladies who won't even see anyone who posts reviews on Eccie AND there are a sufficient number that don't want ANYTHING to do with anyone who even is a member.

In addition, why would I want to inform you, or anyone else, who I fucked?

I learned that in high school (7th grade actually). Apparently you learned to "run your mouth" in high school. "Outing" people who post on here is a "game" to some on this board, and a past-time for providers. Look at the "Arabian Princess" ... tracking computers on her pictures!!!!

Angry? Not at all. If you want your personal information all over the web, so be it, but don't drag others down to your gutter level to make yourself feel better.
LexusLover's Avatar
... Also,who continued to support Iraq been after Saddam gassed his own people? ... Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You mean with WMD's like these?

You know. That "did not exist" ...

.....................but ISIS NOW HAS!!!!!!

Is that why Obaminable doesn't want U.S. boots on the ground????????
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey limpdick, why don't you apply your logic consistently? If Bush fucked up Iraq by toppling Saddam, then by the same logic Jimmy Carter fucked up Iran when he pulled the rug out from under the Shah and let fanatical mullahs take over. Just think how much better things would be today if the Shah was still on his Peacock Throne!

And Libya's Qaddafi was no angel either. Who helped push him out? Does that look like it was a good idea? Originally Posted by lustylad
I have said many times that Jimmy Carter is the Godfather of Modern Terrorism. He gave legitimency to Arafat who took terrorism from a local thing to an international event. Bill Clinton was the midwife.

I know some weak minded partisans still want to blame George W. Bush for everything including ISIS but it was the 1970s when the students took over OUR embassy in Tehran and burned our embassy in Pakistan. It was the 1980s when they took our people hostage and hung some of them in Lebanon. They killed our Marines who were there to protect people and not nation building. They also killed Leon Klinghoffer on the Achilles Lauro. It was the 1990s when they bombed the Twin Towers for the first time, murdered two CIA agents outside the Langley headquarters, murdered in the street Rabbi Kahane, bombed our embassies in Africa, blew up our ship in Oman, and killed our people at the Khobar Towers. That was all before George W. Bush ever took office!
LexusLover's Avatar
I have said many times that Jimmy Carter is the Godfather of Modern Terrorism. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Operation Cyclone. "Train-the-Trainers" ... in terrorism.
Don't Mind Him Honey at least i don't anymore cause i figured while i'm doing this that Guys With Small Penises seem to overcompensate by being a huge dick ... So yeah let the Dick be ....
Why speculate any further?

LLIdiot hasn't posted a single review on ECCIE and I don't believe he ever posted one on its predecessor.

I as recall he got quite hostile the first time I it pointed out.

LLIdiot is either frightened of women or prefers members of the same sex. Or worse. He could actually prefer same sex members. Or be some creepy Norman Bates kinda guy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider