HEEELLLPPPPP me save the turtles! Yup kids, I'm begging for donations. Donations thread.

I think of Grandmaws Turtle Soup
bojulay's Avatar
I think of the zombie kid on youtube...

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CMNry4PE93Y Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie

Alright.......you're uh....great...zombie

Classic, always cracks me up. Such a random response from the kid.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Where are all of the guys who preached on the "I'm giving it away for free" post that's now on page 2 saying that the OP didn't ask for anyone's opinions on the topic?
Hello? Hello?
Crickets. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Different threads, intentions, audience, and concerns... How do they work?

You mean to tell me you can't see the difference of why people might be concerned with the validity of what the OP is asking for others to do VS your competition (yes, every lady is the competition of every other lady) giving away your product for free and crying foul? Some may certainly want to help a good cause but have concerns. If those concerns are aired and resolved publicly then surely it would help others feel more secure.

At least posted the video I alluded to.
The world is hypocritical and only feels justified when they feel it fits.

The whole debate in the other thread is that the OP didn't ask for opinions. You either join in on her thread with what she discussed or you move on. The same philosophy should apply here and everywhere to people who preach it.

I wasn't referring to the people who asked for the charity or were genuinely curious. I was referring to the ones who gave their opinions on what she is wanting to do that aren't on the same side.
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
I saw Kaylee months ago and she spoke at length about this cause, it was obviously something she was very passionate about. Kaylee also mentioned back then how this (Eccie) is a place she sees as her community, so I think it's cool that when she was told by the foundation to reach out to those she knows and cares about to solicit help that for her, that is US. Really when you look at her list she's not asking for much.