Gentlmen, What made you choose youre handle?

texasborn465's Avatar
Well, when I found this great hobby of ours via CL, I found "the board" and lurked there for a few weeks and learned I needed to sign up. A wise thread said that my handle should not be anything close to my real name, and that I needed an email that was anon also. After an hour or so of pondering I thought well, I was born in Texas, and that was it. I just carried the number over from my hotmail since it was taken there. I guess I could have left the number off here but why change.
a1websurfer's Avatar
Mine is what I do, just have too much time on my hands. Need to do more time with providers.
Cardoc's Avatar
My handle is my profession.
  • Rebel
  • 01-09-2010, 07:21 PM
I choose mine for a couple reasons but many due to the fact that conformity is boring...
Its because I can go a long time.... If needed of course.
Iaintliein's Avatar
The avatar came first, I wanted to use a photo I had taken and noted on aspd that no one used a lion in Dallas at least. Next came a weak play on words, sort of like the joke about calling the zoo and asking for Mr. Lyon.

This guy lends himself to playful variations pretty well to.

Can't Get Enough's Avatar
Well sadly, mine is like an alcoholics admission of being an alcoholic
sandman227ahb's Avatar
Old call-sign from the Air Force days....cheesy, I know
Bushaholic's Avatar
if i could find a girl with the looks i prefer, and that keeps a little hair down there, i just might turn into an addict, lol
Phrodo's Avatar
Mine is a variation of a character from one of my favorite books, Frodo, from Lord of the Rings. Just one I could think of that wasn't already taken.
I am a radiologist and I read CT scans for a living. Get it, ReadCT. Physcian humor is not always funny.
snowking2010's Avatar
when entering, i was watching a movie with John Wayne in it and figured i needed more and for some reason a book i read as a kid about carnival acts came to mind with JoJo the dog boy. go figure. trying to change now anyway since its too similar to others.
Hotdiggity Dog!-- excitement, anticipation, good vibes about wonderful things to happen soon...
I'm pretty sure mine speaks for itself!
Merlin's Wand's Avatar
It's not the size of the wand, it's the magic in it.