QE is creating a speculative stock bubble.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-09-2013, 12:53 PM
I agree. Originally Posted by bambino

agreement comes from an idiot that can't spell ...
bambino's Avatar
agreement comes from an idiot that can't spell ... Originally Posted by CJ7
And you can? I quit playing the gotcha game with tampons like you. What's the use. Now, don't deflect attention from your idiotic attempt at seriously debating LL. you're clearly out of your league.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-09-2013, 01:49 PM
And you can? I quit playing the gotcha game with tampons like you. What's the use. Now, don't deflect attention from your idiotic attempt at seriously debating LL. you're clearly out of your league. Originally Posted by bambino

you're correct, "nobodies" in your league..

serious debating ? that's rich ... Then I suggest you. and Laddieboy drop the kindergarten profanity If you can, and get serious.
I B Hankering's Avatar
agreement comes from an idiot that can't spell ... Originally Posted by CJ7
you're correct, "nobodies" in your league..

serious debating ? that's rich ... Then I suggest you. and Laddieboy drop the kindergarten profanity If you can, and get serious.
,. Originally Posted by CJ7

More hypocrisy from this forum's "Rhoades Scholar": CBJ7.
bambino's Avatar
Complete dipshit.
Complete dipshit. Originally Posted by bambino
GOD DAMN IT! this avatar high jack has me all fucked up...LOL
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-09-2013, 08:55 PM
That's all you got, WTFudgepacker? I give you the chance to explain yourself and you come back with nada?

You know what that means? You know what time it is now?
Originally Posted by lustylad
It is Miller time here in Waikiki! I'll get to your lies when I get back in Houston. In the meantime keep on digging! Oh and you sure talk a lotta shit for a homosexual.
Watch him WTF the busty lad is lusting after your ass again.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2013, 12:25 PM
lustylad is a Pissburg tranny that thinks the economy turns on a dime.Reagan gets all thw credit for hiring Volcker even though he didn't. Reagan gets all the credit for low oil prices, even though he had very little to do with it...unless you count saling arms to Iran! Lol
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-10-2013, 02:30 PM
It is Miller time here in Waikiki! I'll get to your lies when I get back in Houston. In the meantime keep on digging! Oh and you sure talk a lotta shit for a homosexual. Originally Posted by WTF

arrrrrrgggghhhhhh ... you pussy, running from the cold front !!

I should wish you the cruse of the SHANKS, but as a golfer I can't

Hit em straight..

you sorry motherfucker YOU.
lustylad's Avatar
lustylad is a Pissburg tranny that thinks the economy turns on a dime.Reagan gets all thw credit for hiring Volcker even though he didn't. Reagan gets all the credit for low oil prices, even though he had very little to do with it...unless you count saling arms to Iran! Lol Originally Posted by WTF
Sheesh, WTFucktroll. I've only been posting in this forum for a month and I've already figured out how you and CBJackass fit in here. You guys dumb down the political threads. Your purpose is to drive away intelligent life. I mean, who the fuck wants to waste their time arguing with beavis and butthead? Not sure why I do it either. Debating you guys is like arm-wrestling with little girls. I can't believe the owners actually let the two of you pollute the board with over 27k posts. I assume they tried to ban you. Did you threaten to sue for discriminating against autistic gay liberals?

“lustylad... thinks the economy turns on a dime.”

No, asshole, that's the way YOU think. You're the idiot who said “Carter righted the ship in 1979” simply by appointing Volker. I'm the one who corrected your dimwit claim that the economy turned on a dime in 1979, remember? I said “it took Volker 3 years to wring inflation out the economy because Carter spent 3 years pumping it up.”

“Reagan gets all thw (sic) credit for hiring Volker even though he didn't.”

Not my argument, dipshit. You're the moron who thinks by appointing Volker to clean up his mess, Carter somehow absolved himself of the blame for creating it in the first place. If Volker was a smart appointment (and I think he was), then Reagan deserves credit for supporting him when his Federal Reserve policies were at their most painful and for reappointing him in 1983.

“Reagan gets all the credit for low oil prices...”

You keep making this stuff up, turdhead. I said oil prices stayed low “on his watch”. Nothing about who gets credit. At least Reagan never blocked any important pipelines (like Keystone VI) and he wasn't a shameless hypocrite who tried to claim credit for higher domestic oil production after putting nothing but impediments in its way.

“lustylad is a pissburg tranny...”

So, are you still trying to boost your flagging SW career by going she-male? How is that working out for you, queerboy? Word on the street is your biz is way down.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-11-2013, 02:46 AM
Sheesh, WTFucktroll. I've only been posting in this forum for a month and I've already figured out how you and CBJackass fit in here. You guys dumb down the political threads. Your purpose is to drive away intelligent life. I mean, who the fuck wants to waste their time arguing with beavis and butthead? Not sure why I do it either. Debating you guys is like arm-wrestling with little girls. I can't believe the owners actually let the two of you pollute the board with over 27k posts. I assume they tried to ban you. Did you threaten to sue for discriminating against autistic gay liberals?

“lustylad... thinks the economy turns on a dime.”

No, asshole, that's the way YOU think. You're the idiot who said “Carter righted the ship in 1979” simply by appointing Volker. I'm the one who corrected your dimwit claim that the economy turned on a dime in 1979 by pointing out “it took Volker 3 years to wring inflation out the economy because Carter spent 3 years pumping it up.”

“Reagan gets all thw (sic) credit for hiring Volker even though he didn't.”

Not my argument, dipshit. You're the moron who thinks by appointing Volker to clean up his mess, Carter somehow absolved himself of the blame for creating it in the first place. If Volker was a smart appointment (and I think he was), then Reagan deserves credit for supporting him when his policies were at their most painful and for reappointing him in 1983.

“Reagan gets all the credit for low oil prices...”

You keep making this stuff up, turdhead. I said oil prices stayed low “on his watch”. Nothing about who gets credit. At least Reagan never blocked any important pipelines (like Keystone VI) and he wasn't a shameless hypocrite who tried to claim credit for higher domestic oil production after putting nothing but impediments in its way.

“lustylad is a pissburg tranny...”

So, are you still trying to boost your flagging SW career by going she-male? How is that working out for you? Word on the street is your biz is way down.

Originally Posted by lustylad
you still got nothing sport ... if you're intelligent life it shouldn't be hard for you to answer you own question should it ?... where's my coffee?
lustylad's Avatar
you still got nothing sport ... if you're intelligent life it shouldn't be hard for you to answer you own question should it ?... where's my coffee? Originally Posted by CJ7
You're home already? Another slow night down there in tranny alley? Did you leave WTFuckmyass out there alone? How nasty.
It was WTF that was coming home..
bambino's Avatar
you still got nothing sport ... if you're intelligent life it shouldn't be hard for you to answer you own question should it ?... where's my coffee? Originally Posted by CJ7
"Answer you own question"!!!!!!! God you're stupid. Gotcha. Anyway, try to keep up with LustyLad, it's entertaining. And LL is correct, you and your pack of hyenas have ruined this forum because you're not bright enough to carry on an intelligent debate. Try again, I need a good laugh.