Quality over quantity.

blowmypop23's Avatar
I think it's natural to have doubts, but you never know until you test drive it.
I'm done with this thread. I said my peace, I've defended myself against straight up cruel men and women. So that part is done peeps.

buh-bye now. Originally Posted by Innocentblondie
Good for you, To heck with all these jerks. Now I do happen to agree that your pricing is way out of line and that your phone is not going to ring but no reason for all the pile on and bashing of your looks. Especially if you consider how all of these dudes look. She's right, all you keyboard warriors couldn't get pussy outside of here to save your lives.

Most of threads on this site are exactly like that, basically guys having a dick measuring and oneupsmanship contests when they bicker amongst themselves. There is no doubt that SOME guys are on here because for one reason or another, they cannot get pussy in RL unless they paid cash for it, but not most. Most guys see and pay pretty providers BCD who probably would not give them the time of day in RL and have no drama side effects of RW relationship. But, when they are drama queens on the board, the guys have that crap already in RL, so it steers guys and their money away from those type of providers and that is why the guys are giving you shit.

Your best bet, Innocentblondie, is to not only quit replying in this thread and not open up any new ones, but also in your time here, maybe answer an ISO thread or make comments here and there, answering questions that are relevant, however, for the most part, just post ads, like 95%+ of the other providers do. Originally Posted by davidfree986
I tried man but you are just so annoying. I'm guessing you're around 50 but you post like you are pre-college

No- you are wrong and that's an ignorant statement- what if most hobbyist thought that ladies like you provide because you are uneducated pimped out whores who can't get a real job in the real world? You have a lot to learn and you have already tarnished your image. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

I disagree, I'd wager that 90% of the dudes bashing her are less then a 3 on a 1-10 scale and at least 40lbs overweight. I'd also wager that at least 50% of them based on how they post actually do feel the way you suggested.
pmdelites's Avatar
This is all funny to me. ... yes. I dropped my prices. Got kinda tight with rent and electric. I'm not stuck up. ... I'm just sayin I have low miles. No wear and tear, AND NO I don't have a pimp. ... Anyway, I'll be here a couple more days. Don't really give a shit how this thread made me look either. Have a good day everyone. <3 Originally Posted by Innocentblondie
1. sounds like you were just here to take our cash. ok, i can deal w/ that.

2. actually i dont remember you saying until this post "low miles. No wear and tear" [not a very good marketing technique if you ask me, but you didnt, so ignore my thought].

3. if you dont give a shit about this thread, what does that say about what you do give a shit about?

have a deliteful weekend!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Very, very average looking female.
blowmypop23's Avatar
You guys have all made your points, 350 an hour is high. Don't call or pm or go see but the constant bashing of ladies looks is necessary and just f'd up. Take it to the MLR to trash the ladies looks don't do it in coed or at the very least do it in private tags.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
She asked for it
When threads backfire..
blowmypop23's Avatar
She asked for it Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
No lady on here is ever asking for you to bash her looks.

Why would you want to be a coward and talk behind her back?
At least she has the opportunity to rebut what's being said....... or shoot herself in the foot..... which seems to be the case. Originally Posted by black sunshine

Ok dip$&@@ lets just go around calling every lady here fat and ugly because it's ok, they have the chance to rebuke.

Is this what p-dude was talking about for ww post hijacking. I agree she asked to much and I agree this thread was not a good idea. Also she hasn't shown the best attitude but if you guys had to post your fucking pics here it would be ruff. All you guys calling this lady a used yugo etc... And pile on to be "one of the crowd is bs". Some of you guys haven't seen your dicks in 10 years so who are you to judge how she looks.

Show some class and ignore her or keep it about rates and services.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
It's an easily anticipable consequence of the tenor and content of her posts.

Based on the replies I think this speaks for itself.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Competitive business.

Average product + standoffish advertising + attacking the target audience = massive pushback.
blowmypop23's Avatar
Actually I could post pics, I'm not some fat guy..... I'm one of the 10% that's fit. I weigh 155 lb and can see my dick just fine. Go ahead and make assumptions while you go about insulting people because you're projecting your own fat onto others. Originally Posted by black sunshine

Sure you are, I'm sure that's why you always have such a lovely dimeaner on here. Black sunshine, sounds like an oxy moron.

The lady has run off, all you keyboard warriors have done your job. I'm sure she feels beaten down, how dare her come here without all you ww scavengers getting your free taste for you wonderful, profitable reviews that will bring her all the business.

This is why I stay the fuck out of ww.

Miss lady the op. It doesn't sound like you will be getting a lot of takers at your new rate. Who knows maybe you are, the guys that will won't post in here and won't be like this to you.

My suggestion is you ask it to be closed, it is never going to come back good for you in this thread.

155 hahahaha, what are you like 5'2". That's the other class of dude I see on here. The tiny dudes who can't get laid. Chicks don't want a tiny dude.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Especially if you consider how all of these dudes look. She's right, all you keyboard warriors couldn't get pussy outside of here to save your lives. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
Guys here are paying for time with the girls so I think they do have the right to judge a lady's looks. They have the money so they evaluate, from the information available, their purchase compared to the rest of the selection.

If the Op would have done some research or been advised by her friends that have experience here, she could have picked a better price point. She's probably only doing this for the quick buck so maybe the higher cost could be that it has to compensate for her giving of herself, that she's not the kind used to sucking 10 dicks a day.

Op is average looking at best, think the strong negativity from the comments was only due to her demeanor. Many girls are less attractive here and do very well because they're not arrogant and friendly. IOP goes a very long way. If she'd come back today and posted she was sorry and had shown some decency in her attitude with the lower prices she's have a handful of cash right now. As is she's probably sitting alone hating this group.
blowmypop23's Avatar
I did apologize to a select few. Doesn't matter, those who know me know that I'm actually really sweet and super soft spoken. This post was aimed originally at all the hate messages from my welcome wagon. Like HOW DARE I ask for that much. If that's how much I think I'm worth then that's my business. I have self respect, I have good self esteem and I have moral and promises to myself. But to be bashed for them? Yeah I think I have an excellent body and I'm a good person. I think I'm beautiful however in eccie world a girl with standards or self worth is bashed, spit on and hung on the line. Come on guys, is this how your mother raised you??

I don't care about this thread anymore, I also do not care how it "tarnishes" my appearance. I know what I'm worth. At the end of the day if no one will defend me, I'll defend me. Eccie is a sticky area for a woman standing up for herself which is complete bullshit and there are too many trolls that just have to put their 2 cents in.

Let me quote a song really quick.
"I mean for real, fuck how YOU feel.
Fuck your 2 cents if it ain't goin towards the bill"

Thanks guys. Happy friday and I DO apologize for anyone that I offended.
But I will NOT apologize for defending myself, standing up or sticking to my own promises.
Something I learned in school. When a man says "oh she has a mind of her own" YES. She does.
Eccie world is an entire other realm. Which, I'm cool with but keep your evil comments to a minimum and stop nit picking every little detail you don't agree with...


Guys here are paying for time with the girls so I think they do have the right to judge a lady's looks. They have the money so they evaluate, from the information available, their purchase compared to the rest of the selection.

If the Op would have done some research or been advised by her friends that have experience here, she could have picked a better price point. She's probably only doing this for the quick buck so maybe the higher cost could be that it has to compensate for her giving of herself, that she's not the kind used to sucking 10 dicks a day.

Op is average looking at best, think the strong negativity from the comments was only due to her demeanor. Many girls are less attractive here and do very well because they're not arrogant and friendly. IOP goes a very long way. If she'd come back today and posted she was sorry and had shown some decency in her attitude with the lower prices she's have a handful of cash right now. As is she's probably sitting alone hating this group. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Listen here little girl...

You could have easily have come onto this board and started out with an "introductory rate" of $200 for an hour for your first week until you got a handful of reviews under your belt. Guys would have been JUMPING all over that, and you'd have been verified in two days tops. After getting some glowing reviews, change your rates the next week to $300 and enjoy that market price and learn how to handle your business as the fresh meat of the week. Believe me, you're mileage would not be "so low" any more. You might get a couple of clients that came in the door still thinking they were only going to pay you $200, BUT, if you took care of business (TCB) properly, they'd know their donation before they arrived at your incall.

You've gone and shot yourself in the foot for this business already by coming on here with, mind you, a really good thread title, but really a shitty point.

You are brand spanking new. You are a little young thing with no experience in this industry or really in knowing much about actually pleasing a grown man, or men of varying degrees of needing pleasing. (Yes, I am higher mileage than you, but a few years from your age, I had plenty of miles on me and boy did I know what to do with all kinds of men, because I listened to them and did what they told me to do)

You have nothing on record to back up the fact that you know anything about what you are doing. And here, I can say I do this on the side for extra cash for myself, and everyone here knows this. It's a side job for me. You claim you do this for "fun", yet you dropped your rate and did it for the "last day" because of bills. Hun, you are in this job for real now, so I'd suggest you straighten your shit up and you talk to your provider girlfriends and get it together. Honda Accords and Civics, (as well as Chevy Trucks) are decent cars. They run well, get you where you need to go, and that's what you buy until you can afford a BMW or more expensive car. Get realistic dear.

And Rambro, I've agreed with everything you have said.
Fiona_theone's Avatar
Thank you for this babe. It is our body and we are worth what we deside. I respect and love myself and I love what I do so I will not lower my rates. I find it disrepectful for someone to ask unless it is a regular and we have a mutual understanding.

Ladies love Love yourselves. You are beautiful and deserve nothing less than you give yourself.