Screening/Checking ID.

Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 02-07-2013, 09:32 AM
My previous reviews from NOLA should have also spoken volumes, I'm not sure why seeing a client in Dallas would change my behavior towards IDing or how I treat clients. Originally Posted by Taylor_Love
Because providers have been known to be used by LE as bait in busts? Because providers have been know to be used by thugs as bait in robberies? Just think about how many gentleman a well reviewed provider could draw in while "on tour"...

I'm not trying to imply that's the case with you, but I am trying to offer you some paranoid-guy-with-money perspective. Would the lack of ID make any difference in real life? Cops don't not arrest people due to lack of ID, but it is harder to blackmail someone or burglarize their home if you don't know any personal information about them. And when you come to Dallas and do things way differently than guys are used to, well, that sends up those red flags and can't be good for business.

Again, knowing that there are other ways to screen guys and that IDs are easy to fake, what good does it do you to have this rule? I understand Gina's reason for the rule, it discourages P411 ID sharing. But I don't see how it protects providers in any way (other than providing info that can seriously hurt a hobbyist).
GinaXXX's Avatar
it is harder to blackmail someone or burglarize their home if you don't know any personal information about them.
At no point have I, or has anyone, said that you should be giving providers your personal information!

Cover up all of your sensitive details with tape (or whatever), and show only your photo, DAY of birth, and the name as it shows on your client id.NEVER have I ever recommended giving out your last name, or any other real life info to providers! In fact one of the main reason P411 was created, was to allow clients to protect their private information, while still allowing providers a method of screening.

Showing identification, is ONLY to show that your name and DAY of birth (and face) matches your P411 client id. This proves that you are the true owner of the client id.

Providers don't need to know exactly who you are (so cover that info!), but they do need to know you are a legitimate client and that you aren't using a shared or stolen client id.

And the same goes for hobbyist accounts. In fact, I bet more often a hobbyist account is used for nefarious reasons than a provider account (assumption).

I also went to a lot of trouble to make it known I was going on tour, trouble I don't think LE would have gone to, that's where doing your homework as a hobbyist helps too. If you look at my posts you would see I started posting to test the waters in Dallas a few weeks ago, posted ads to pre book leading up to my tour, and continue to post in NOLA to pre book for when I get home.

Yes, ID's can be faked. Right now I can't think of any be all end all answer to making sure the hobbyist AND the provider are safe, if I do, I'll let ya know, just like I hope anyone that does, says something. Checking ID is just one more step to making myself safe the best I know how. And mind you that is AFTER I do my own extensive screening, which I do in fact do. I think it's been hinted that there are lots of ways a provider can be thorough without checking ID, who's to say which provider has the best and safest screening method that's sure fire without ID?

There's only one certainty in this biz, it's dangerous. I just do what I can to minimize the risk both to MYSELF and those I see, by using the tools available to me.

*Like Gina has said, and I've said previously, I DO NOT want to see your address, I don't need it, your first name and photo, are sufficient. If you're a P411 member, the last 4 numbers you used to sign up with for P411 as well as the above.*



Because providers have been known to be used by LE as bait in busts? Because providers have been know to be used by thugs as bait in robberies? Just think about how many gentleman a well reviewed provider could draw in while "on tour"...

I'm not trying to imply that's the case with you, but I am trying to offer you some paranoid-guy-with-money perspective. Would the lack of ID make any difference in real life? Cops don't not arrest people due to lack of ID, but it is harder to blackmail someone or burglarize their home if you don't know any personal information about them. And when you come to Dallas and do things way differently than guys are used to, well, that sends up those red flags and can't be good for business.

Again, knowing that there are other ways to screen guys and that IDs are easy to fake, what good does it do you to have this rule? I understand Gina's reason for the rule, it discourages P411 ID sharing. But I don't see how it protects providers in any way (other than providing info that can seriously hurt a hobbyist). Originally Posted by Crock
Taylor Love at the end of the day thanks for bringing up a topic that has been sort of swept under the rug. I hope this wont be your last visit to dallas
No, thank YOU for joining in on such an important topic!! While the thread got a little hot in the beginning, I'm glad to see such a good flow of conversation come from it eventually. It NEEDED to happen!

Keep it up Dallas, spread the word, let's make the hobby just a wee bit safer for all of us if we can, however it is we do that.



Taylor Love at the end of the day thanks for bringing up a topic that has been sort of swept under the rug. I hope this wont be your last visit to dallas Originally Posted by Thatdude
Some of you guys act like your being asked to GIVE your DL, SSN, and birth certificate to a provider.

Your worried about small amounts of unrelated info that, even taken as a whole still provide nothing that can be used to track you? Just by showing up, she could now have a picture of your face, your license plate number, and make and model of your car. I can do FAR more damage with that than what is required by P411.

Yea Yea, you can always park down the street. You do that EVERYTIME? Really? In the rain or freezing tempatures? You throw away that hobby phone every time you use it, right? You change your email and use an anonymous email server through a proxy server in a country that will not release that info to anyone after every email right? You stake out that incall for a few hours before hand to make sure there are no cops you can see, thugs, pimps, or what ever in the area, right? You never rely upon what people using fake names post on the internet, right? Oh, dont forget to shread your hard drive after each use because there are traces of everywhere you go on the internet on it and formatting really will not help you that much. You have training on how to spot and loose a tail on your way home after that session, right?

If you don't want to use P411, then don't. If you dont want to show any ID to a provider, then don't. We all have to weigh the risk v the rewards we seek in the hobby. Clearly there are many who find the system at P411 to be solid and helpfull. Its not perfect but then again, nothing is. If a provider wants to verify the info I provided for her to screen me, then I have no issue with that. She decides what she needs and I decide what I am willing to give her.

Dear, you do what you are comfortable with. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. For every guy who objects to what you require, there are more who are willing to comply. Good luck to you and I hope its a good visit for you here.

BTW, you are smoking hot and great reviews.

So, how about those Ravens?
I'm sorry, right now I don't. But this is a positive comment in this discussion! Querying the hivemind of eccie to develop a better system might be quite productive.

Yes, and everyone always reads the fine print and follows them even when they contradict what everyone else is doing.</sarcasm>
I had never noticed it before, but now I think it's evident that P411 needs to update their system so that it no longer puts hobbyists at risk.

I liked your attitude in the first quote better than the defensive one in the second. Originally Posted by Crock
Say What's Avatar
For the several people who have asked if anyone has seen and reviewed me while in Dallas?

I'm not sure why seeing a client in Dallas would change my behavior towards IDing or how I treat clients.


Taylor Originally Posted by Taylor_Love

Whether or not your behavior toward ID'ing clients would change was not the purpose of the question. In fact, I applaud you for sticking to your guns and doing what YOU believe keeps everyone safe.

When a Dallas gent, one that is not often asked to present ID, comes to see you and all goes well (I.e. the ID presentation is harmless and he has a great time with you) it makes the ID thing less of an issue.

Hell, I wish you the best and hope that you make $1M. I can't wait to read NastyMonk's review!
Taylor, I think guys are just caught off guard because showing ID is not the norm in Dallas. Like I said earlier I have never been asked, but would show if it made the lady feel more comfortable. Just let them know ahead of time. Ladies need to screen to make themselves feel comfortable.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-07-2013, 11:08 AM
I don't know about you guys BUT being forced to show your name and dob to visit a provider is not worth it to me. ill stick with the other 99% of providers that don't request this nonsense.
So, how about those Ravens? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
I had picked both Super Bowl teams 2 months in advance. I wanted to see Michael Orr win because of The Blind Side, and Lewis go out with a bang because I'm a fan. I HATE the dirty birds.

And no offense, but the way I feel about your football team (lol), sums up my Dallas experience.

By the way, my prediction for final score was 35-31. Should have bet the game.


I don't know about you guys BUT being forced to show your name and dob to visit a provider is not worth it to me. ill stick with the other 99% of providers that don't request this nonsense. Originally Posted by biglatinmale

Wait, what? I never, and I don't think anyone ever in this thread asked for DOB. I ask, for:

First name and photo to show on ID, and if you're a P411 member, the last 4 numbers you used that comprise your P411 ID number. As has been said time and again, cover the rest of the info up.


Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 02-07-2013, 11:19 AM
Wait, what? I never, and I don't think anyone ever in this thread asked for DOB. Originally Posted by Taylor_Love
Part of DOB is required by P411 as posted earlier.

It's not the whole thing, and sure, you could tape up or white out the rest of the ID, but that brings up an entirely different type of risk.

I'd really like to stop this unproductive bickering and get back to the idea of figuring out a better way to do this. Since you've ignored my question twice, I'm assuming you can't come up with any reason why you think showing ID does anything at all to make you safer. So let's come up with a better method to confirm P411 membership!
Boltfan's Avatar
I don't know about you guys BUT being forced to show your name and dob to visit a provider is not worth it to me. ill stick with the other 99% of providers that don't request this nonsense. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
It is almost like you read none of the other posts before replying. P411 iS NOT ASKING YOU TO SHOW the info you state.

OldBSG, you hit the nail on the head. Frankly, some of you guys are shockingly dense about all the data you volunteer without even knowing it. But you will be damned if she sees your first name and day of the month you were born. How is she going to know what name to scream when you give her 20 orgasms?

Good lord.
Boltfan's Avatar
Part of DOB is required by P411 as posted earlier.

It's not the whole thing, and sure, you could tape up or white out the rest of the ID, but that brings up an entirely different type of risk.

I'd really like to stop this unproductive bickering and get back to the idea of figuring out a better way to do this. Since you've ignored my question twice, I'm assuming you can't come up with any reason why you think showing ID does anything at all to make you safer. So let's come up with a better method to confirm P411 membership! Originally Posted by Crock
You do realize providers must show ID to P411 to get an account along with other verifiable information?
Part of DOB is required by P411 as posted earlier.

It's not the whole thing, and sure, you could tape up or white out the rest of the ID, but that brings up an entirely different type of risk.

I'd really like to stop this unproductive bickering and get back to the idea of figuring out a better way to do this. Since you've ignored my question twice, I'm assuming you can't come up with any reason why you think showing ID does anything at all to make you safer. So let's come up with a better method to confirm P411 membership! Originally Posted by Crock

Your birth DAY, combined with your first name, and last four of whatever ID you used to sign up for P411 is not going to allow me (if I wanted to, and I assure you I don't) anymore helpful info to blackmail you than, your face, screening info, car make and model, and license plate number.

I think it's been suggested several times in this thread, if not said directly, ID is one MORE piece of information that is helpful in the verification process. It helps me to know you didn't share your account with your brother, co-worker or who knows. If you went to the trouble of getting a fake ID, that's another risk, certainly one that has to be assessed.

The point is there are tons of things that should be used in conjuction for safety, I don't think there is one be all, end all, nor will there ever be. But certainly using multiple pieces of information to combine them all together at the meet up point (my incall), helps make ME and YOU feel a lot safer. Or at least it should.

Want a better way? P411 membership cards, like a credit card, hard plastic, has membership number, and photo on it. With some form of safety seal on it to lessen the risk of faking them. This idea could certainly be expanded on. My best suggestion.

