If you had to bet who do you see winning the GOP nod???

  • Laz
  • 08-28-2011, 08:27 PM
let me ask you a serious question- how would you rate George W Bush's 8 years???? I mean let's get real- where were the massive jobs created as a result from his Tax cuts to the wealthiest 2%? What happened to Trickle down economics during the Bush years?
Some of you Republicans act as if Bush years were prosperous- and you want to go back to that crap???? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Why does everyone never mention the tax cuts for the lower income people also. It would take repealing those also to make a dent in the deficit. As for the economy Bush inherited the tech bubble bursting and 9-11. Those two things were just as bad as what Obama inherited. Bush made some bad decisions but compared to Obama he did pretty good.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Why does everyone never mention the tax cuts for the lower income people also. It would take repealing those also to make a dent in the deficit. As for the economy Bush inherited the tech bubble bursting and 9-11. Those two things were just as bad as what Obama inherited. Bush made some bad decisions but compared to Obama he did pretty good. Originally Posted by Laz
The lower income people aren't getting tax cuts in my book, their getting hair cuts! As in getting their 401(k)'s chopped up by the busts of the stock market, if they even have a retirement. To include rising food prices, devaluing of the dollar, higher costs for energy, and higher prices for consumer staples. Even if you have good credit just look at the interest rates big banks want to charge the serfs.

As far as Bush and Obama go, hell I'd put them in the same category. Both of them! To me it isn't a black/white issue and it isn't democrat vs. republican but thats the way a lot of people see it. Both of them are clowns and their are many more puppets that can be lumped into that category.

We know what Bush Jr. did, to include his dad, Clinton, and the list goes on and on. To see some of the things Obama preached about and failed to deliver I ask you to watch the first 14 minutes of a documentary called, "Lifting the Veil: Obama and the failure of Capitalist Democracy." You can google it and find the full legnth video. Watch the first 14 minutes of the film!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
This is about the future. I do not live in the past. Bush was and did suck. He was better than your sh3t. When 9/11 hit we are lucky he was the pres.

As far as the future. Us Republican types will not stand for any of the BS from the past. We are about AMERICA and our future. As I know you are too.

come on guy's. Let's get together. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
We were lucky that he was the President??? Are you shitting me???? What great marvel did he do??? Let's see he got us in two wars- over one man(OBL) whom after 7 years he could not capture or kill and you want me to give him some credit???? The biggest attack in American History happened on his watch!!
Also, Obama administration has captured or killed more Al-Queada/Taliban operatives in a mere 3 years than bush's 7 years after 9-11!!!!!!
Let's see 9-11 led to wiretaps and patriot act by Bush and you want me to be thankful???? Bush waited too long to go after OBL and even under the advice of a top General he (Bush) refused to send in extra bombing when they happened(OBL) cornered in Tora Bora.
It's estimated that OBL alone caused the U.S to spend 1 trillion tax dollars on this so called war on terror. Fuck Bush and the horse he rode on!!!
waverunner234's Avatar
Fuck Bush and the horse he rode on!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Let Cheney join him please
George W. Bush was the most incompetent President in modern history. There is no close 2nd!
  • Laz
  • 08-30-2011, 07:16 AM
Compared to Carter or Obama, Bush looks pretty good.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Compared to Carter or Obama, Bush looks pretty good. Originally Posted by Laz
Only an ignorant Republican would make that statement!!!!
  • Laz
  • 08-30-2011, 02:00 PM
Only an ignorant Republican would make that statement!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You have your opinions and that is fine. Many people disagree with you. If you have to fall back to cheap insults I doubt anyone is that impressed.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I bought into all of that "Hope and Change" and voted for BO. I admit now that it was a mistake. The guy doesn't seem to have a clue..

But the name calling from the left makes me ashamed of my vote.

I guess that's all they have left....other than more taxes and more spending.

Only a Democrat would call balancing the budget a radical idea or a terrorist act.

Good Grief!
anaximander's Avatar
Obama is in worse trouble than any candidate before

Realtime unemployment is closer to 18% if you use
the preobama standards.

Gasoline is only going to get more$$$ because
of obamas epa and govt regs.

Nationwide energy will get scarcer and costlier
for the same reasons.

Obama abandoned NASA, effectively ceding
the high ground to the CIS and the PRC.

Do I need to mention obamas loss of the
US AAA+ credit rating?

If the economy picks up in 2012? rotfl puhleeze.
We are damn near bottom. Black unemp over 45%.
2012 has to be better, we can't get much lower.
That won't be because of obama, in spite of.

I got one for you.
If gold is still over 1400 an oz I don't see dems winning.

My man is a fellow West Texan.
Perry for President.....
5th largest if admitted to opec
1 of two sources of strategic helium reserves on the planet.
*the other is in russia/CIS.
If obama succeeds
waverunner234's Avatar
Nice signature
TexTushHog's Avatar
Only an ignorant Republican would make that statement!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Actually, only a fool would make that statement. I'm not even sure most Republicans would agree. I think most of them hated Bush in their hearts. They're just free to admit it now.
TexTushHog's Avatar

Only a Democrat would call balancing the budget a radical idea . . . .

Good Grief! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Maybe you had better look at the party affiliation of the last President who actually DID balance the budget!!!

anaximander's Avatar
Clinton balanced nothing.
All financing legislation comes out of Congress.
Which the GOP took in 1994.
It was GOP legislation that clinton signed.
Similarly GW's budgets were teasonable until 2007.
The US financial slide coincidentally lines up
with democrat electoral shifts.
Them's the ugly facts.

Clinton gutted our military capability almost as bad
as obama has- ethanol in our military aviation fuel!?
Just wait till those chickens roost.

Perry has his flaws: at least he loves this country
isn't a friggin commie, and he eventually does take
NO for an answer- he may stretch it out but he does
understand the meaning.

Lastly I must put the kabosh to the notion that
obama is out to get terrorists unlike GW.
This administration is acting on intel that GW's
admin accquired and mined for almost ten years.
GW was severely constrained by democrats from
expanding the war on terror, none other than obama
himself criticized GW for using drones on villages.
And just how has oblabla got the majority of bad guys?
Say it with me- drones.

Our muslim president made it up to his brothers in arms
for his approval to kill sheik bin laden.
A chopper full of the kefir soldiers who killed ubl
were placed where they could be easily reached.
The mahdi is just in his ways,
Peace be upon him.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Maybe you had better look at the party affiliation of the last President who actually DID balance the budget!!!

Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Yeah....And it was the Republicans who dragged him kicking and screaming to do it.