Do you believe in Sharia?

TeaParrotriot bretheren.
Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! The Tea Party must really be fucking with your didn't like the 2010 liberal beatdown at all........
I B Hankering's Avatar
Don't worry, they've got their minds made up. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
You, Randy4Andy, on the other hand have had your Kool Aid sotted mind made up for you by your Great Obominable Leader and other Kool Aid dispensing Dim-wits.
Iaintliein's Avatar
" Do you believe in Sharia?"

Can you link to some of her reviews? :-)

Seriously, the leftists will always fall back on their favorites; "it can't happen here" and "it can't happen again."

I know it's fun to poke leftists and watch them wiggle, but surely no one expects a serious answer from them?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
No, they don't, Ianitliein. I'm not necessarily that much of a lefty, but I AM allergic to BULLSHIT. It's just that you can't figure out that who got duped by the fascists the last time were the ones who were so worried about the "purity" of their national experience and more concerned that the trains ran on time, not the so-called "intellectual, elite, lefties." You can drop off the cliche's at the corner trash bin.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No, they don't, Ianitliein. I'm not necessarily that much of a lefty, but I AM allergic to BULLSHIT. It's just that you can't figure out that who got duped by the fascists the last time were the ones who were so worried about the "purity" of their national experience and more concerned that the trains ran on time, not the so-called "intellectual, elite, lefties." You can drop off the cliche's at the corner trash bin. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Really, Randy4Andy!?! Did you forget that it was the "lefties" who were concerned with leveling society, confiscating private property, mandating collectives, populating gulags, etc., in Russia, and it was the "lefties" who scared the average German citizen into the ranks of the Nazis!?!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Really, Randy4Andy!?! Did you forget that it was the "lefties" who were concerned with leveling society, confiscating private property, mandating collectives, populating gulags, etc., in Russia, and it was the "lefties" who scared the average German citizen into the ranks of the Nazis!?! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yes, IB-buttfuckingMichelle (you wish), really. And no, I didn't forget. Neither did Hitler and Mussolini. When they came to power they did everything in your quote. the only thing that "scared" the Huns and Dagos into the arms of Adolph and Benito was having to roll wheelbarrows full of cash around in order to buy a loaf of bread. You know, the ol' "national pride" angle. I think that's why Hitler named it National Socialism. Of course, it was neither once he took power - with - by the way - less than 35% of the vote the last time he ran for anything. Don't worry, you TeaPunks are at about 22% and you'll be headed off before you get past 30%. A Totalitarian state, whether it's called "Socialist," "Communist," or "Nationalist," is still a Totalitarian state.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes, IB-buttfuckingMichelle (you wish), really. And no, I didn't forget. Neither did Hitler and Mussolini. When they came to power they did everything in your quote. the only thing that "scared" the Huns and Dagos into the arms of Adolph and Benito was having to roll wheelbarrows full of cash around in order to buy a loaf of bread. You know, the ol' "national pride" angle. I think that's why Hitler named it National Socialism. Of course, it was neither once he took power - with - by the way - less than 35% of the vote the last time he ran for anything. Don't worry, you TeaPunks are at about 22% and you'll be headed off before you get past 30%. A Totalitarian state, whether it's called "Socialist," "Communist," or "Nationalist," is still a Totalitarian state. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
And just which party is advocating leveling society and confiscating property -- via heavy taxation -- Randy4Andy? And lest you forget, Randy4Andy, it was the left -- Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, Che, etc., -- that established totalitarian societies and wrought misery in Eastern Europe, Cuba and Asia for more than two plus generations!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Hey, IBH, it was actually the war reparations and the shitty economy who "scared the average German citizen ito the ranks of the Nazis!"

This tired old clash of civilizations shit has been being floated for at least 20 years since Samuel P. Huntington tried it in a lecture around 1992 and then wrote a book about it. This was the theme that the NeoCons at PNAC were humming when they dreamed up the strategy that got us into Afghanistan and Iraq (it was going to allow us to take over and control the world oil supply and manage our economic foes like the E.U. and Japan - how did that work out for ya?).

Turns out that Islam and Islamic countries have more than enough cultural and social upheaval right now to deal with and actually, other than a few extremists, could care less about declaring war on the west or bringing Sharia law to the U.S. Yes, Mohammed advocated Islam as the worldwide religion, culture and law in the world when the world was a little slice of mostly the eastern Mediterranean coast - ho hum. Most world religions have advocated that they are the dominant or only religion, culture and government (bringing heaven to earth one burning at a time usually). So what? The legal standard in religious communities in many countries in the world is to let religious laws (Cannon, Halakhah or Sharia) and religious law bodies administer community law as long as it doesn't conflict with the law of the land. This actually takes the burden off the court system and reserves it for more serious issues like criminal law in many cases.

Also turns out that most religions have advocated theocracies for most of their history and in most countries for most of human history you had a official state supported religion (which supported the king, queen or emperor and thus got reciprocal support) that influenced and dictated the laws in those lands. Any great empire in history including the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, Chinese and many others practised this. Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and even Hinduism all had many instances of this until democracy and separation of church and state appeared a little over 200 years ago. The Christian right is trying to erode this in the U.S. and if they are successful there will then likely be a serious struggle to be the "state religion" of the U.S.A. From that to Islam supplanting Christianity as our state religion and Sharia as our law is a much smaller step. As long as we are vigilant about the true separation of church and state we are probably OK (as is Europe and much of the rest of the world). Religions grow up too and learn to coexist with others and in fact Islam was very tolerant and forward thinking for much of its history. Unfortunately some of Islam is experiences some slippage back into fundamentalism and intolerance, but that too will pass.
LovingKayla's Avatar
This thread is hysterical. Seriously I'm crying here.

There are exactly 5 women that post in here, 2 of which probably don't know the first thing about what happens to women in towel head law.

Hell no we don't want that here and I'll fight to the last bullet if someone ever tried to cut off my ears and nose and hair. (did y'all see the pic of that woman?) wow

Using the bible against Christians doesn't work. It doesn't matter that the old testament is full of "kill the women, children and bring me 100 foreskins" type God.


Jesus is the difference. The only difference.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Ps. Man you guys make it real obvious what's up to date on the Muslim brotherhood and who isn't.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hey, IBH, it was actually the war reparations and the shitty economy who "scared the average German citizen ito the ranks of the Nazis!" You're wrong, austxjr. There was a fear the Communist would take control of the government and initiate a revolution similar to that which took place in Russia. That fear of Communism is what swelled the Fascist ranks.

This tired old clash of civilizations shit has been being floated for at least 20 years since Samuel P. Huntington tried it in a lecture around 1992 and then wrote a book about it. Again, you're obviously wrong, austxjr. Your explanation doesn't explain or account for Egypt's recent and expectant demand for the abrogation of 1st Amendment rights in the U.S. This was the theme that the NeoCons at PNAC were humming when they dreamed up the strategy that got us into Afghanistan and Iraq (it was going to allow us to take over and control the world oil supply and manage our economic foes like the E.U. and Japan - how did that work out for ya?). Afghanistan has oil, austxjr!?! Since when?

Turns out that Islam and Islamic countries have more than enough cultural and social upheaval right now to deal with and actually, other than a few extremists, could care less about declaring war on the west or bringing Sharia law to the U.S. Yes, Mohammed advocated Islam as the worldwide religion, culture and law in the world when the world was a little slice of mostly the eastern Mediterranean coast - ho hum. BTW, austxjr, every strong Islamic ruler since Mohammed has called for the conquest of the West. Of course, you on the left always choose to ignore the fact the Christian West and Islamic East were in constant conflict from the 7th century to the early part of the 20th century. It was only during the period between WWI and the 1950s that the West imposed a tentative peace on SW Asia. So much for your "benign" Islamic society. Most world religions have advocated that they are the dominant or only religion, culture and government (bringing heaven to earth one burning at a time usually). So what? The legal standard in religious communities in many countries in the world is to let religious laws (Cannon, Halakhah or Sharia) and religious law bodies administer community law as long as it doesn't conflict with the law of the land. This actually takes the burden off the court system and reserves it for more serious issues like criminal law in many cases. Another thing you need to remember, austxjr, Islam was -- from very early on -- spread at the point of a sword. Christianity, on the other hand, was spread via missionaries during its first three centuries. It was not the state religion of Rome until the 4th century under Constantine.

Also turns out that most religions have advocated theocracies for most of their history and in most countries for most of human history you had a official state supported religion (which supported the king, queen or emperor and thus got reciprocal support) that influenced and dictated the laws in those lands. Any great empire in history including the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, Chinese and many others practised this. Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and even Hinduism all had many instances of this until democracy and separation of church and state appeared a little over 200 years ago. Once again, for your edification, austxjr, Islam has never made this distinction. The Christian right is trying to erode this in the U.S. and if they are successful there will then likely be a serious struggle to be the "state religion" of the U.S.A. Now who is being paranoid, austxjr? From that to Islam supplanting Christianity as our state religion and Sharia as our law is a much smaller step. Never said that would happen austxjr. Perhaps you should re-read the thread. However, terrorists advocating such a change will be a threat to the U.S. for the foreseeable future, and that's a fact you're trying to obfuscate and ignore, austxjr. As long as we are vigilant about the true separation of church and state we are probably OK (as is Europe and much of the rest of the world). Religions grow up too and learn to coexist with others and in fact Islam was very tolerant and forward thinking for much of its history. Islam began attacking the West in 674 and continued through until 1922. Once again, so much for your "benign" Islamic society, austxjr. Unfortunately some of Islam is experiences some slippage back into fundamentalism and intolerance, but that too will pass.
Originally Posted by austxjr
[QUOTE=LovingKayla;1051686789]This thread is hysterical. Seriously I'm crying here.

There are exactly 5 women that post in here, 2 of which probably don't know the first thing about what happens to women in towel head law.

Hell no we don't want that here and I'll fight to the last bullet if someone ever tried to cut off my ears and nose and hair. (did y'all see the pic of that woman?) wow

Using the bible against Christians doesn't work. It doesn't matter that the old testament is full of "kill the women, children and bring me 100 foreskins" type God.


Well your post is extremely hysterical...who in this thread is promoting that women in the USA should give in to towel head law....take your time, read slowly..and then you'll know that you can save your last bullet for some worthy cause, not some make believe cause.

And not using the bible either for or against Christians doesn't work??? Isn't that suppose to be the word of God for you Christians...or do you just get to pick and choose.

Come on girl...there are plenty of wonderful thoughts and statements contain in the Bible.
Absolutely no question. But just like other religions, their "book of God" is sprinkle with archaistic wording...just like any other religion.
Hey dumbass, answers these questions..........

Why don't we hear moderate muslim voices condemning the radicals?

Why did we watch so many muslims celebrating in the streets on 9/11/01?

Why are so many radical muslim running muslim countries?

Why is World conquest in muslim doctrine?

Why is there a holocaust of Christians going on in the Middle East?

Why are the muslims so uneducated throughout the World?

Why do the muslim always get into wars when they bump into other religions throughout the world?

Why do you think muslims believe every human being should submit to their religion or die? Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
Ahhh, I see another player into the world of...I don't know shit, but I can yell loud...

One of the main reasons Al Qaida has failed in many places in Mid East (like Iraq), is the average Arab Muslim...who I will be the first to state, is not pro-Western...does not support their warped view of jihad and indiscriminate killings of innocent Muslims or Christians.

And you are probably one of these dumb fucks that is all for "democracy"...but if it is not pro-Western democracy, then somehow it is bad or evil. Listen dipshit, if you are going to fight for democracy and freedom, then you need to pull your head out, and realize...sometimes in cases like Egypt, they are not going to elect what you perceive to be the "good guys". Sorry this is not "John Wayne-type movies" where your version of the good guys win.

And in terms of the "mob scenes" after 9/11 or the more recent "mob scenes" protesting at our embassies. Check out news outlets like Rueters or AP...these scenes are typically merely a less than a couple of thousands protestors. Are some radicals, of course. But to be so small minded to think that these represent the majority of the population is...well dumb ass.

Look at what has happen in Lybia...and the general reaction by the major population to the tragic killing of our ambassador.

I would say this to you....but your type really is a waste of time...but to the other folks out there...who have valid disagreements with some of my point of realistic 1.6 billion or some arbtrary % of Muslims are not out to "kill the American". Many may disagree with us....Many may even hate us.....

But there are very valid reasons (most which are not "pro-American" but are not simply blindly kill the Westerns) why Al Qaida has been a total failure in sweeping up Arab support
A confrontation is coming and it will be between the west and islam. Do you believe in Sharia law or do you want to live under Sharia. I am very interested in the answers of the ladies.

I ask because we have a president who refers to the pedophile prophet of Islam as the Holy Prophet. Funny I have never heard him say anything about Jesus. Even the Reverend Wright admitted that he is not sure that Obama really converted which would indicate that Obama was something else before he was a christian...if he truly converted. If we don't have a Muslim president like Madonna thinks then we have a hard core sympathizer.

So ladies do you want to be second or third class citizens? Do you want to be beaten for not covering your hair, walking alone, or speaking to a man who is not your husband. Do you want to be stoned to death for adultery? It is not a pretty thing. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well Hell NO I do not beleave in it...fuckem
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Al Queada has failed??? Do you leave a football game after the first drive? This is a generational conflict. The idea that Al Queada has failed has to be reviewed after what happened last month all over the Middle East. Change takes time...where did I hear that?