RedLeg505's Avatar
I don't give a fuck how you see it. Originally Posted by shanm
Of course not.. you are so in the TANK for him, he can lie to you over and over and you just smile and say "Thank you sir, may I please have another" hmmm?
  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 04:07 PM
Of course not.. you are so in the TANK for him, he can lie to you over and over and you just smile and say "Thank you sir, may I please have another" hmmm? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Yes, that's exactly it.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see things from your point of view. I just can't get my head that far up my ass.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I just can't get my head that far up my ass. Originally Posted by shanm
Well.. take your foot out of your mouth and you probably could manage it.
  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 04:13 PM
Well.. take your foot out of your mouth and you probably could manage it. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
To be a "smartass", you first have to be "smart".
RedLeg505's Avatar
To be a "smartass", you first have to be "smart". Originally Posted by shanm
But you've got the ASS part covered for sure, don'tcha?
  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 04:18 PM
But you've got the ASS part covered for sure, don'tcha? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
A yes, the classic third grade "I'll use your own against you" tactic. Very good.

The "bag of childish insults" must be pretty empty by now?
Of course not.. you are so in the TANK for him, he can lie to you over and over and you just smile and say "Thank you sir, may I please have another" hmmm? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
The fact that you see it that way, shows you're not in the tank for critical thought. He said that no one religion has the market cornered on violence in its name. Islam is roughly 700 or so years behind christianity. Christianity has gone through an enlightenment. That's why it's no longer kosher to treat people like they do in the old testament. We decided as a society those were antiquated laws and punishments and not applicable to modern society. Islam has not gone through this enlightenment. They're about where christianity was in the 1300s or so. Just take two seconds and at least recognize what we're dealing with. We're not in the tank for Obama. We simply happen to understand what he was saying and not take it personally, as you have.
A yes, the classic third grade "I'll use your own against you" tactic. Very good.

The "bag of childish insults" must be pretty empty by now? Originally Posted by shanm
That was so weak. That was like 'the jerk store called... they're all out of you'.
RedLeg505's Avatar
The "bag of childish insults" must be pretty empty by now? Originally Posted by shanm
Depends.. got any more childish comments? If so, I'm sure I can provide the insults to go with them.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
THIS IS MY LAST WARNING TO YOU TO BACK OFF COG!!!!! You don't know my religious background or what I do in my personal life. I am sick of your smart ass one liners and innuendos- you are doing nothing more than trying to expose me. You have already inquired to know who my Pastor is and that is none of your business. You need to get over the fact that exposed you for a liar back in 2012 for your ill advised prediction for Rick Perry. You attack me every chance I get for no reason except to try to tarnish my image. You are a borderline cyberstalker and you bring nothing to these forums, but lies and drama. You try to stir up the Eccie Shit pot every chance you get and I have had enough of your Bullshit. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Good. I grow tired of your empty warnings. I have never asked who your pastor is. Don't know, don't care. I don't know anything about you, except that on here you claim to be a "God Fearing Christian" which you are not. I think you're gaming us. I doubt if you are a Christian at all. You just enjoy the attention. Cool. I think it's funny, too.
Good. I grow tired of your empty warnings. I have never asked who your pastor is. Don't know, don't care. I don't know anything about you, except that on here you claim to be a "God Fearing Christian" which you are not. I think you're gaming us. I doubt if you are a Christian at all. You just enjoy the attention. Cool. I think it's funny, too. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How many last warnings have there been?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Good. I grow tired of your empty warnings. I have never asked who your pastor is. Don't know, don't care. I don't know anything about you, except that on here you claim to be a "God Fearing Christian" which you are not. I think you're gaming us. I doubt if you are a Christian at all. You just enjoy the attention. Cool. I think it's funny, too. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You still haven't got over me exposing you for your ill-advised Rick Perry predictions??? Get over man it's been over 3 years give it a rest. If you don't know mw than how do you know my religious life? How do you know if I have repented or not? Did you go to Church today? You just want to throw stones and pretend you are so much better than everyone else.
I have an idea- worry about your problems and I will let God take of me. You are an insecure old man who has to point blame at others to hide your insecurities? Funny, how you are guilty of the same sins you accuse me me of- difference is I have asked for forgiveness and have seek repentance where you hide behind your sins. I guess when you face your God maybe he will overlook your 15 reviews.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You sound a little more insecure than me, my "God Fearing Whoremonger Christian" friend. I didn't care about your thoughts on my prediction then, nor do I now. I admitted I had it wrong. I'm glad it was wrong. Perry as President? No thanks. You're giving yourself credit where none is due. If you'll notice, I've agreed with you and defended you on several occasions since then. You still make statements that I agree with. I know GFCs. You are not one. It's funny how you keep claiming you are. You're not a Christian at all. You just love the attention. C'mon, admit it. But if you truly think you are a GFC, only Hell awaits you. Religious hypocrites were not favored by Jesus. But don't worry. Hell doesn't last forever.
You still haven't got over me exposing you for your ill-advised Rick Perry predictions??? Get over man it's been over 3 years give it a rest. If you don't know mw than how do you know my religious life? How do you know if I have repented or not? Did you go to Church today? You just want to throw stones and pretend you are so much better than everyone else.
I have an idea- worry about your problems and I will let God take of me. You are an insecure old man who has to point blame at others to hide your insecurities? Funny, how you are guilty of the same sins you accuse me me of- difference is I have asked for forgiveness and have seek repentance where you hide behind your sins. I guess when you face your God maybe he will overlook your 15 reviews. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
To be fair, you come on here talking all religious and you're a god-fearing christian, etc. And you clearly bang a lot of whooores. So there's that conundrum. There's no such thing as 'sins'. Even so, if you're going to participate in your little fairtytale, at least play by the rules. I'm pretty sure that you don't just get to bang whoooores and then beg for forgiveness. At some point, your 'god' is going to realize you aren't serious about your repentance and he will spit you out of his mouth. His words, not mine.
Right......who cares if Iran has a nuke? Really?

BTW... It is widely believed that Israel has a nuke. There are several friendly countries that do.

But you don't have a problem with Iran having one....that's scarey Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It's all in the scheme of things. Iran gets their nuke, they strike Israel, World War Three. America declares Martial Law no 2016 election. WWW3 lasts a few years when it's over. NWO. That's what they keep saying. I would be more than happy to be wrong on this.
