How Illegal Immigrants harm America in Ways You Never Considered

According to ALL accounts, the 442nd was a gung-ho, blood and guts outfit that wanted to prove they were as good Americans as anyone else. Their fighting and bravery are legendary. They are heroes.

Old Dingus
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Oh boy.....Mr. Charm School offers opinions on making friends and influencing people. That's funny. Douche-lick. Originally Posted by timpage
You are a nutcase.
BigLouie's Avatar
I think we have treated the Indians really well - Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I would advise you not to repeat that around Native Americans as you may find it hard to eat with no fucking teeth. What are you going to say next, that the Germans treated the Jewish people really well during WW II.
Actually, the Russian army saved you..... Originally Posted by timpage
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, I don't know who saved JL ... probably Jesus ... but MY family wasn't saved by anybody. We were fighting for Uncle Sam in WWI and WWII.

If the "white man" saved European Jewry, JL, then why the fuck did it take so long? Because the WHITE MAN didn't know what Hitler was doing?


Obviously, you're giving money to museums you really haven't visited.

June 1 can't come soon enough for me.
Actually, the Russian army saved you..... Originally Posted by timpage
Actually, the Russian army got them killed in the first place.

First, by siding WITH the Nazis to invade Poland in August 1939 thereby allowing the Nazis to conquer Continental Europe. This made it infinitely harder for the British and the Americans to attack from the west (D-Day and all that).

Second, prior to fighting the Nazis, in the late 1930s, the Russian Army purged (i.e., annihilated) about half of its officer corp because Stalin did not trust them.

So, when the Nazis launched Barbarossa in June 1941, they were opposed by incompetent cluster fucks\ - and it showed in the casualty counts.

In the meanwhile, the Nazis had nearly two years to amass men and materiel to invade Russia, consolidate their hold on Europe, and, oh yeah, slaughter the Jews wholesale.

The Russians liberated more concentration camps in the east than the Americans and Brits did in the west because that's where the Jews were (mostly). They built the camps where the victims were.

That's not to detract from the formidable task the Russians accomplished after Zhukov turned things around at Stalingrad.

But they don't escape blame for letting things get out of hand in the first place.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nor should we.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I would advise you not to repeat that around Native Americans as you may find it hard to eat with no fucking teeth. What are you going to say next, that the Germans treated the Jewish people really well during WW II. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Actually, I'm good friends with an Indian and he agrees with me that their has never been a better time to be an Indian in the US, and the current configuration of reservations, government assistance, and casino profits makes for a favorable climate for those who don't by into the myth making machine. He does not deny that some Indians vicously killed white people. So I guess if I said something the wrong Indian didn't like, he might consider that a valid reason to remove my teeth. Such a savage belongs in jail.
Interesting, BigFatLouie, that your concern with eating manifested itself in your post, fattie.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Actually, I don't know who saved JL ... probably Jesus ... but MY family wasn't saved by anybody. We were fighting for Uncle Sam in WWI and WWII.

If the "white man" saved European Jewry, JL, then why the fuck did it take so long? Because the WHITE MAN didn't know what Hitler was doing?


Obviously, you're giving money to museums you really haven't visited.

June 1 can't come soon enough for me. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Don't be such a stupid fuck, Dick Rider. If the US Army (and the allied nations) had not eventually defeated Hitler and the Germans, you and I would not be here to have our uncivilized arguments. They did it as fast as they could, dumb ass. The Germans were a complicated and difficult foe who almost defeated all of Europe. Everyone with an ounce of intelligence knows the war with Japan was starved of men and material so the Germans could be defeated first, and quickly as possible, to prevent them from developing the atomic bomb and wiping out all humanity....dipshit
Yssup Rider's Avatar
and if my grandma had balls shed be my grandpa.

You will NOT be missed, fuckstick.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Actually, I'm good friends with an Indian and he agrees with me that their has never been a better time to be an Indian in the US, and the current configuration of reservations, government assistance, and casino profits makes for a favorable climate for those who don't by into the myth making machine. He does not deny that some Indians vicously killed white people. So I guess if I said something the wrong Indian didn't like, he might consider that a valid reason to remove my teeth. Such a savage belongs in jail.
Interesting, BigFatLouie, that your concern with eating manifested itself in your post, fattie. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
do not forget the mineral rights to all of that oil rich lands

my daughters are 1/8 Otoe Missiouri and they get $700 a quarter from their small casino north of here

I wonder what the members of WinStar get?, 5th largest casino in the world

just a truck stop Assup?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what do you get from it, Mr. Ante Up?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
what do you get from it, Mr. Ante Up? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I get zero

but let me add, my ex was 1/4 and got her entire undergraduate and masters paid for by being Indian
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Awesome. I assume that was because it came from the Federal government, not from a truck stop in Oklahomediocre
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, JL. Let me show you around the Pine Ridge reservation some time. Those folks are living it up, big time!

From 1980 to 2000, the counties that make up Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota comprised the poorest of our nation's 3,143 counties. The 2000 census found them the third poorest, not because things got better on Pine Ridge, but because things got worse on two other South Dakota Indian Reservations.


While the 2000 census reported a population of 15,521, a study by Colorado State University and accepted by U.S. Housing & Urban Development (HUD) estimated the population at 28,000. Tribal Government records show 38,000 enrolled members living on Pine Ridge Reservation.

Extreme Poverty

The poverty on Pine Ridge can be described in no other terms than third world. It is common to find homes overcrowded, as those with homes take in whoever needs a roof over their heads. Many homes are without running water, and without sewer.

Pine Ridge Statistics as of 2007

Unemployment rate of 80-90%
Per capita income of $4,000
8 Times the United States rate of diabetes
5 Times the United States rate of cervical cancer
Twice the rate of heart disease
8 Times the United States rate of Tuberculosis
Alcoholism rate estimated as high as 80%
1 in 4 infants born with fetal alcohol syndrome or effects
Suicide rate more than twice the national rate
Teen suicide rate 4 times the national rate
Infant mortality is three times the national rate
Life expectancy on Pine Ridge is the lowest in the United States and the 2nd lowest in the Western Hemisphere. Only Haiti has a lower rate.

Yeah, it's great to be Native American.