Who is suiram77 express your opinion

suiram77's Avatar
Your code buddy gave you an interesting one. Multiple shifts.. don't see that as often in number cyphers. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
And who is my so call code buddy gracy?
Grace Preston's Avatar
The one you mentioned in your post... whoever taught you the cipher method you're using No shade was intended by my post.. I actually enjoy ciphers.
suiram77's Avatar
The one you mentioned in your post... whoever taught you the cipher method you're using No shade was intended by my post.. I actually enjoy ciphers. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Well he is a math wiz at a university, and not my buddy, but I understand your meaning. Very interesting gracy, it’s honestly really no need for no one to try, because only him and I know what it means and he is not on eccie to my knowledge.

I didn’t take it as shade or anything negative sun chip, so you good.
Btw if you are curious why I’m calling you sun chip, it’s because sun chips the poato chips are extremely good. All this time I have been saying you are extremely good, on the boards. Lol

It was me giving props to you, I just decode it for my enjoyment lol I like codes and decoding words.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm a closet math nerd.... that's why I've taken such an interest in the code. I'm stuck at the hospital for most of the day tomorrow-- so it will actually give me something to occupy my time with.

Yes.. I know with our back and forth its sometimes hard to know when I'm being sincere and when I'm fucking with people.. but when I say "no shade".. that always means I'm actually interested in something.
suiram77's Avatar
I'm a closet math nerd.... that's why I've taken such an interest in the code. I'm stuck at the hospital for most of the day tomorrow-- so it will actually give me something to occupy my time with.

Yes.. I know with our back and forth its sometimes hard to know when I'm being sincere and when I'm fucking with people.. but when I say "no shade".. that always means I'm actually interested in something. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Cool, well don’t reck your brain trying to figure it out sun chip, and no I will never reveal it because it’s to heavy for this place. I don’t want to give up what I was taught a few days ago this soon. I may teach someone in my RW life how to decode numbers one day, but not any time soon.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Nah.. no brain wreck here. These things are fun for me.. seriously. Keeps my brain sharp when I'm stuck inside for days at a time.
suiram77's Avatar
Nah.. no brain wreck here. These things are fun for me.. seriously. Keeps my brain sharp when I'm stuck inside for days at a time. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I’m the same way I’m a beast with puzzles.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Ignore the bait tactics, it will piss off the troll clique and eventually get them pointed and more importantly, banned. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Is there much overlap between the troll clique and the dick clique ?
Is there much overlap between the troll clique and the dick clique ? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
They are almost synonymous. The only difference is that the dick clique is just full of dicks, whereas some members of the troll clique have vaginas.

And to stay on topic, even if any of y'all decode his signature line and post the correct answer, there's no way he's gonna admit it. He's too egotistical to admit that there are intelligent people on this board.
GeminiGuy's Avatar
S77 - I must admit I too have been trying to figure the code out for 3 days haha.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I know the first line-- I'm working on the rest. Its not a fully functioning cypher, so if you're using regular cypher methodology.. you'll miss the easy parts.

As to the first line-- man.. fuck you Suiram.
suiram77's Avatar
I know the first line-- I'm working on the rest. Its not a fully functioning cypher, so if you're using regular cypher methodology.. you'll miss the easy parts.

As to the first line-- man.. fuck you Suiram. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Whoa!!!! Gracy why the Fuck me sun chip. Again these numbers are not even remotely possible to figure out, so what you mean by as to the first line. There is no line boo they are just numbers.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Lol.. nice try-- I told you I'm into cyphers. Step one is to convert the code in its most simple form.. then you use math and patterns for the rest. If I knew the precise formula, I'd have it already-- but I don't.. so I'm having to decode it piece by piece. First line is decoded already.

Side question-- who is Mindy? :P
suiram77's Avatar
Lol.. nice try-- I told you I'm into cyphers. Step one is to convert the code in its most simple form.. then you use math and patterns for the rest. If I knew the precise formula, I'd have it already-- but I don't.. so I'm having to decode it piece by piece. First line is decoded already.

Side question-- who is Mindy? :P Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I don’t know who the hell Mindy is grace. I have an ex name Mindy, Please don’t tell me you ran into her grace, because if you did, anything she told you is a lie and I ask that you please do not repeat it on the boards. She know a lot of my real life information, and she is just mad I dropped her like Jerry Jones dropped T O, and T O and Mindy never saw it coming lol.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Here is what I have so far--

Line 1--
GRACE BABY DADDY IS A HOBBYIST (hence the Fuck You Suiram)

Line 2--
Code is off... I can't quite get it solved-- there is an off cypher

Line 3--

Line 4--