ok so YMMV

ratboy jam's Avatar
yeah I run that bitch so STFU. Seriously www.ymwv.net I'm on staff. Google is your friend in the big city Hoss.

Just kidding well sort of... but it is really funny.

We were saying that it shouldn't be a catch all excuse for bad service, or a reason for the provider to phone in the session. Of course it exists but we were trying to raise the bar a little. Originally Posted by Wayward
...i still have that question
What is "YMMV"? Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

Why is s.ofh. trying to sneak in a reference to her threADs over on a board that she said she doesn't visit??
ANONONE's Avatar
ANONONE knows what Dallas thread I am talking about.

God dammit..........where is that place ANONONE was going to put me?

It keeps moving.

I don't mind being a "troll" to your manpussy. But, would you get a little more original.................Dalla s backwash bores us.

Impress me and I mightl hook you up with better shit than you will ever find on this board.

But, cover up all of those reviews. They are blinding me. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Hmmmm. . .still nothing of merit to say.

I'll check back later.

Oh, and for the record, coprophagia just really is not my gig, so your services aren't needed. Not to judge you or anything; diversity is a good thing and one man's taboo is another man's fetish. I prefer DATY to stool samples, but whatever puts wind in your sail, DH, is cool with me.

PS: Look down. You are standing in a Skinner box, and I did not put you there.
dearhunter's Avatar
I am still waiting for you to impress me.............wait wait wait........no, you just had a brain fart.

I've changed my mind..............YMWV does describe your hobby efforts.

I misjudged you.

ANONONE, check your PM
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
sofia it is time for your meds again. Originally Posted by Wayward
play on your own board....Or is it too empty.....You just addressed me as Dr. Sofia, a while ago....Get your meds......Time for your Aslavital.....
ANONONE's Avatar
I am still waiting for you to impress me.............wait wait wait........no, you just had a brain fart.

I've changed my mind..............YMWV does describe your hobby efforts.

I misjudged you.

ANONONE, check your PM Originally Posted by dearhunter
Still standing in that box, I see. When you get tired of hitting a lever for your cheese, all you have to do is is talk about ideas instead of insulting people.
dearhunter's Avatar
But, you have not expressed an idea that piques my interest.

You must be fucking Chachi..............

Now, let's see if you play checkers or chess.
ANONONE's Avatar
But, you have not expressed an idea that piques my interest.

You must be fucking Chachi..............

Now, let's see if you play checkers or chess. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Still waiting for an original thought. . .

I think I am going to venture off to do something more productive like sleeping.

I will check back in the morning and see if you were able delineate an actual position and defend it.

Good Luck!

dearhunter's Avatar

That's ok....not everyone can play chess.

Just hang out and be my alter-ego...........you know, my manposse.

I still thinck you may be fucking Chachi. But, that can wait until another day.
Wayward's Avatar
Sadly yes, but I think we have a chess player in there waiting to come out.
PokerMan's Avatar
SubCilla, you are right in your thinking and your actions. You thought of your customers and yourself in taking care concerning health matters (Physical or mental) A lot of ladies let their pocketbook make their decisions as to seeing a customer or not. They don't think about the outcome of seeing someone when maybe they should have turned down the date. It's just a matter of economics. When your rent is due, late on your car payment, the utilities are being cut-off, and your kids are hungry...........ladies sometimes see customers just to survive. To prove that point, how many HDH have been had for less than their quoted rate.
You, Subcilla, have a standard of service that has earned you the following you have.
On the other hand, as a true submissive, how would feel knowing you have given anything but your BEST efforts in servicing your customers. That's the TRUE exchange of POWER you are rewarded with.
carkido45's Avatar
Who's Chachi?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-15-2010, 10:17 PM
It was mia and meating is an inside joke with some old friends, but yes I did go down on her, this lead to...

Seriously nice to see you out of the HDH section for a change and out here with the rest of the riff raff my friend. Originally Posted by Wayward
We're all riff raff....least thats what I have been trying to convince them

I knew there was an inside joke somewhere I wasn't privy to.
Wayward's Avatar
True enough, we are all here because we aren't all there, the meat thing always made me laugh.
ANONONE's Avatar

That's ok....not everyone can play chess. Originally Posted by dearhunter
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vBaDMRUnPc"]YouTube- Criminal Minds 5x12 - Spencer Reid play chess[/ame]

Nope, some of us are bored with the game because in reality there are only so many moves and strategies you can employ on a field 64 squares, especially when your opponent would rather be childish than civil. Real life is far more interesting.

I laid out my defense of the validity of YMMV. You have yet to actually provide any valid points for the counter position. Nor have you shown any logical flaws in my defense, besides calling me names. We are not on a playground in middle school any more. You may have some potential one day DH, so I will stop back from time to time to see if you have decided to post ideas instead of insults.
dearhunter's Avatar
Wayward, I thought you said there was "potential"................... ..This quote is for the bro who thincks he is fucking Chachi "the fact that I need to explain it to you is why I chose not to."

You can quote me on that.