that's what you want to believe but the truth is beyond you I'm just merely trying to save a poor girl from burning in flames but the beginning of this thread everything is absolutely correct I'm just being mister nice guy. the more you idiots keep posting on here in trying to find a chink in my armor the more you're hurting the poor girl and her business I'm merely being the gentleman you guys are being a bunch of weasels..and yes you are a big fat girl
that's what you want to believe but the truth is beyond you I'm just merely trying to save a poor girl from burning in flames but the beginning of this thread everything is absolutely correct I'm just being mister nice guy. the more you idiots keep posting on here in trying to find a chink in my armor the more you're hurting the poor girl and her business I'm merely being the gentleman you guys are being a bunch of weasels..and yes you are a big fat girl Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Throttle back on the stupid pills.

"and yes you are a big fat girl"
Ariana sure doesn't look fat.
It's obvious your an idiot observing my balls. Read the post. I see why u don't review soup line.
Are you not embarrassed by still living at home and u join a hooker site and don't even participate when the girls like you automatically and you can't even get that right. HOW PATHETIC AND LONELY THAT MUST BE.. I feel sad for you and your sad little troll gang.
Are you not embarrassed by still living at home and u join a hooker site and don't even participate when the girls like you automatically and you can't even get that right. HOW PATHETIC AND LONELY THAT MUST BE.. I feel sad for you and your sad little troll gang. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
For all that is precious to humanity anyone that considers this poor fool a friend, contact him and tell him to hang this up.
He's in WA-A-AY over his head.
Ambree Austin's Avatar
The funny thing is he's right and I know the guy who is so before you call him a liar know your facts
Ambree Austin's Avatar
Pimpin Ain't Easy LOL
guygamer112's Avatar
the plot thickens
The funny thing is he's right and I know the guy who is so before you call him a liar know your facts Originally Posted by KendalClarkson

And Adriana is pimped,or not?
Ambree Austin's Avatar
I don't know ask her if she wants to tell the truth she can if she doesn't want to that's her business too
Ambree Austin's Avatar
Dun, dun, dun to be continued
Ambree Austin's Avatar
I'm going to keep my pretty little nose out of it just no Mata is not lying and knows a lot more than most men think on this board just saying
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-08-2017, 10:43 PM
I'm going to keep my pretty little nose out of it just no Mata is not lying and knows a lot more than most men think on this board just saying Originally Posted by KendalClarkson
I like how Kendall comes in, says this girl is pimped and then exits stage right stating she wants to keep her nose out of it. A little too late to ring that bell mademoiselle. It seems you like to drop in on some drama and then exit to leave in suspense.

I think the big picture was this. Mata seemed to knew she was pimped. At this time, I would like to call time out because I think we need to address the fact that this girl is 18 fucking years old. I don't know her and I damned sure have never met her, but it seems to me that someone was playing with a chainsaw and was surprised that the blades were sharp. Guys, screwing 18yo's is fun until you have the common sense to realize that, A). They are 18 and, B) they probably have someone running the show.

Nevertheless, Mata presses on, saying she is pimped and bitching about her menu. Then, from out of left field, Mata cools down and says there was a misunderstanding of some sort and asks the mods to close this.

What I don't get is why Mata is so particularly interested in this girl. He wasn't bitching about the open menu before. He wasn't bitching about her previous pimps as he indicates that she is on Pimp #4. I truly believed she is pimped but, seeing as he never called foul previously to the other pimps, it seems a little late to bring that up at this point. He try's to ruin her name, saying Bareback is the only thing left on the menu(like high schoolers lack the capability of possessing STD's). But now something changed. Missing some of your cut, Mata?
Mr.BobDabolina's Avatar
All the guy is saying is that she went completely nuts on him for absolutely no good reason. He didn't come in here and talk trash about any of you guys but all you've done is talk trash about him. Honestly don't you guys have something better to do?
And none of you guys know her