Jim Jordan Doesn't Care if You "Whack off" in a Communal Shower

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You can watch the Nazi party do their best to defend Trump on his impeachment. You fucking Nazi Traitors are pathetic. Did you lose oebyn11? Originally Posted by themystic

thank you valued poster!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You can watch the Nazi party do their best to defend Trump on his impeachment. You fucking Nazi Traitors are pathetic. Did you lose oebyn11? Originally Posted by themystic

are you aware that nazi is a slur word based on the bavarian/austrian language?

instead of using that, just call them the national socialist party.

You can watch the national socialist party do their best to defend Trump on his impeachment. You fucking national socialist Traitors are pathetic. Did you lose oebyn11? Originally Posted by themystic
  • oeb11
  • 11-23-2019, 03:12 PM
Wait- wait wait

Wait for it

It's back - in all it's two word vocabulary glory

nazi and traitor!!!!

LOL - so pathetic!
rexdutchman's Avatar
That didn't take long the N word again ,,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 11-25-2019, 07:57 AM
The Axis of socialism does not learn well - get their hands slapped - they come right back doing the same dumb thing over and over and over.
a pathetic waste of a life - cannot realize that doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is - Insanity"!
HoeHummer's Avatar
are you aware that nazi is a slur word based on the bavarian/austrian language?

instead of using that, just call them the national socialist party. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The Bavarian/Austrian language?

Where do they teach that one? Or are theys two languages separated by a slash?

You titfuckers take turns getting offended over labels. It’s fucking embarrassing! For yous.

I thought “Nazi” is a contraction, but I suppose if it is a slur of some kind then it belongs in the dialog, since that’s all yous do.
  • oeb11
  • 11-25-2019, 08:17 AM
There it is - the "N" word arises from the fake id poster.

True character shows its' face.

Desperation in the DPST ranks.


Now - can SomeOne spell "traitor"???
HoeHummer's Avatar

What did I win, Captain America? Another date with your mum, because I’d rather be fucking the COB than your Mum, she was so loud.
  • oeb11
  • 11-25-2019, 08:24 AM
Shows necrophilia is your thing - and on the agenda for DPST addition to their list of "discriminated minorities"!!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Thank you for confirming that the COB is truly dead.
You ain't fucking nobody Yessup. You're still jacking off to your fake handle


What did I win, Captain America? Another date with your mum, because I’d rather be fucking the COB than your Mum, she was so loud. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
HoeHummer's Avatar
If James Brown was to write a song for yous, it would be Papa’s Got A Brand New Hag! I an convinced that yous are the inspiration for that one.
Redhot1960's Avatar
If James Brown was to write a song for yous, it would be Papa’s Got A Brand New Hag! I an convinced that yous are the inspiration for that one. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Speaking of SchittSucknHoes...

TheDaliLama's Avatar

Eww! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
May he who hath a free hand cast the first stone.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Bavarian/Austrian language?

Where do they teach that one? Or are theys two languages separated by a slash?

You titfuckers take turns getting offended over labels. It’s fucking embarrassing! For yous.

I thought “Nazi” is a contraction, but I suppose if it is a slur of some kind then it belongs in the dialog, since that’s all yous do. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
austrian/bavarian?? its two separate languages, its just easier to type for me to type that way.

its based on austrian/bavarian slang, bazi or ignaz. it means stupid, country bumpkin.

besides they never used the contraction officially. the contraction they used is the NSDAP; Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; National Socialist German Workers' Party. informally, they called themselves sozi.

the haters used the word part of the word sozi and changed it to nazi.

why would this be embarrassing for me?