Beautiful But Crazy - How Do You Deal With It?

If this is true, leave her ass I can start pointing people?? Originally Posted by DarthMaul
C'mon dmo. No need to point people for this foooking thread. This isn't kindergarten. Let us have a little fun every now and then. (I never do bsc women at all and I got two kids so I'm Gucci) if you need some rest I'll gladly fill in on your mod shift. Just let me know. #MOD TIES. Real recognizes real. Family. Respect. G shit. Honor. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez.....
boardman's Avatar
There you go again. You are as connected to the mod staff as I am connected to this guy...
Originally Posted by DarthMaul

boardman's Avatar
tbone i've been following how you've been trolling SC for a while now. tbh, i see a Supreme Directive in your future. if you would have been doing that crap to me, it would have happened long ago. ijs.

your signature line is also a rule violation imo. it will be coming down shortly imo. Originally Posted by pxmcc

How is his sig line a violation?
VitaMan's Avatar
Unfortunately he trolls dozens of people and contributes nothing have no idea what I contribute to on this board. You have no idea who I talk to. You have no idea about anything about me. You know nothing. Again being stupid is not a crime.
VitaMan's Avatar
Sounds just like the Trumpeter
as apposed to??
^^ya i'd like to see him call SC boy to his face. or you. or me, for that matter. it's not as bad calling a white person boy, but it would not fly with me in 1000 years..

i predict tbone is about to eat some points shortly. there's nothing funny about his conduct-including cyberstalking SC-and i for one am not amused in the least. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Px.....this almost sound like a threat. Care to elaborate a little more?
Good boy sc...... Originally Posted by tbone2u
You call sc a boy and you call me a foooking boy Originally Posted by shinepro
^^ya i'd like to see him call SC boy to his face. or you. or me, for that matter. Originally Posted by pxmcc it 1865 I being given a speech after being set free. Sounds alot like something said to my ancestors. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You boys need to all play nice.

More evidence that the same (3) posters = same (1) person. I read zero racial insult, stereotyping or implication in the original "good boy" post. Grow the fuck up. Be a man, don't declare you're a man, only boys do that.
boardman's Avatar
Which one of you boys was offended?
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Boy oh boy... really?
VitaMan's Avatar
as apposed to?? Originally Posted by tbone2u
No wonder your approval rating is going down

You have made threats on this board.
please elaborate my friend.

Do you really think I give a shit about my approval rate on a hooker board?
I'm not like you. I don't start stupid ass threads all the time in the little box. I also actually know how they get cars unloaded to the ground from an auto transporter trailer.

Can you do me a favor? find on Eccie where member approval ratings are....because I don't know. Then give yourself another gold star from me. You're sweet. toodles

By the way.... after lunch I took a piss. I'm a BOY too...are you?
VitaMan's Avatar
It's become sad. Not worth my time anymore. Hope you will look in the mirror before you get banned.
PacoTheBald's Avatar
As my psychiatrist told me, "Paco, stay away from those exciting women."

Or 'Don't stick your dick in crazy'.