!VI! Pimp Update (If not interested DON'T READ)

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I had an ex that beat the crap out of me. When I'd had enough after she finally went too far I kicked her out, and she threatened to send some guys after me. I called the cops not about the abuse but the threat. She'd have done it. Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk
Did you learn your lesson from all those ass beatings or do women still beat your ass?
So I have been gone for a year and this V stuff is still going on?
TinMan's Avatar
So I have been gone for a year and this V stuff is still going on? Originally Posted by Tara Evans
It was just a fun little reindeer game we were playing until you got back
TheEccie214's Avatar
So I have been gone for a year and this V stuff is still going on? Originally Posted by Tara Evans
You were gone? Hadn't noticed.
Where have you been?
Welcome Back!!!!
It was just a fun little reindeer game we were playing until you got back Originally Posted by TinMan
Welcome Back!!!! Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Thanks Tony
So I have been gone for a year and this V stuff is still going on? Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Ironically, Vi's supposed pimp has a username on ECCIE and wrote a review on you.
Ironically, Vi's supposed pimp has a username on ECCIE and wrote a review on you. Originally Posted by Dilbertgolf
Good for him. Guess he needed some Tara fame. No shame in his game
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Did you learn your lesson from all those ass beatings or do women still beat your ass? Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Tell you what... Why don't we find out exactly what I've learned tough guy?
sean rider's Avatar
So the main character in our story here, the Pimp, had a hearing where he petitioned the court to represent himself. His request was approved. At least he arranged to have a standby lawyer to advise him or even take over if need be. Still, we've all heard the "fool for a client" wisdom on this.

Even though the guns were found unambiguously in his possession, and he confessed to having someone buy them for him during his probation, he wants to argue that the technical nature of probation is such that it doesn't make his possession of a gun illegal. The case he references, USA v Fazande, seems to say that in fact deferred adjudication in Texas is probation, and serves as a conviction when viewed as a prior act in considering a new crime. In other words the case he references seems to uphold the state's case and does not make his possession of a gun legal.

In any case that's not been heard yet in court yet, and apparently he will deliver the argument himself.

To me this looks like a classic case of a narcissist's own obsessions with himself doing him in.
sean rider's Avatar
This is an update. If the story is of no interest to you please read no further.

The Pimp has filed additional motions for relief and a hearing.

He has requested a hearing to set bail claiming, among other things, that he has "little to no criminal history" and that he "does not have a passport and is not a flight risk." The fact that he was in fact in violation of probation and in effect in flight, and that he missed previous bail hearings, and had his bail increased several times seems to escape his attention.

More interestingly he is claiming that a number of items of *his property* be returned to him because the search was executed in a "no knock" manner. He also wants those items suppressed as evidence. These are items that apply both to the gun charge that is being pressed, and the alleged trafficking acts that so far haven't been charged.

Items of interest include:

* "Audio speakers containing a camera device" and "Video/recordings on any type of storage media depicting <!VI! referred to by real life initials> engaging in sexual activity".

So if he says that device and the recordings are his, then it's difficult to say he wasn't complicit in secretly recording !VI! with her clients.

* "Tasers/stun guns"

Thus he admits that he indeed had such devices

* "Firearms"

Thus he again admits that he had guns in his possession (I.e. he wasn't framed) illegally while on probation.

* A computer, a pair of iPhones, and misc related devices. It's speculation, but I wonder if these would provide confirmation of the Pimp making the outing posts. He already claims (above) that he had !VI! sex tapes in his possession as his property.
sean rider's Avatar
This is an update. If the story is of no interest to you please read no further.

After filing all manner of silly motions The Pimp found himself on the receiving end of additional charges. He has now negotiated a plea, although a judge still has to determine the penalties in a pending hearing.

The three charges he is pleading guilty to are:

1. Use of a facility of interstate commerce in aid of a racketeering enterprise (i.e. using the internet to pimp out !VI!)

2. Illegal receipt of a firearm by a person under indictment (i.e. the previous charge up until now)

3. Cyberstalking (his posting as !VI! after she left him)

Thus he has now admitted to what some of us, including me, have theorized. Some diehards may want to argue that just because he admitted to it doesn't mean he actually did it, etc. etc. etc. To them I'd merely point out that the government has *evidence* to back up 1, 2, and 3. But some people will never change their minds out of pride.

Each charge separately has possible max penalties including:

* imprisonment for a period not to exceed five years.
* a fine not to exceed $250,000 or twice his gain or victim's loss
* a term of supervised release of not more than three years after imprisonment.
* a mandatory special assessment of $100
* costs of incarceration and supervision

The text below is from the summary of stipulated facts court document, i.e. it is a summary of what The Pimp has now admitted to. Names and a couple other redactions were made to not out those involved. Again, this is now what The Pimp admits to. Here it is:


In the fall of 2012, The Pimp met eighteen-year-old !VI! at an anime convention in Dallas, Texas. They began dating shortly thereafter. On or about November of 2013, the exact date being unknown, The Pimp began engaging in the unlawful activity of promoting !VI!'s prostitution. The Pimp would post commercial sex advertisements for !VI! on sex-based websites such as Backpage.com, and The Pimp would communicate with commercial sex customers using cellular phones. The Pimp benefitted financially from !VI!'s commercial sex activities.

The Pimp and !VI! lived together in various apartments located within the Northern District of Texas, often with roommates. One such roommate, <redacted roommate>, shared an apartment with The Pimp and !VI! for an extended time period. <redacted roommate> was friends with The Pimp . In March of 2015, The Pimp wanted to obtain firearms, and he was unable to do so himself because he was on deferred adjudication probation for: Theft of Property in Case Number <redacted> in the 400th Judicial District Court in Fort Bend County, Texas. The Pimp was placed on five years of deferred adjudication on May 28, 2010, and he did not successfully complete his probation. The Pimp remains on probation currently.

During March of 2015, The Pimp received an HS Products d.b.a. Springfield Armory XDS-9 semi-automatic 9mm pistol from D.E. Then, in November of 2015, The Pimp received a HS Products d.b.a Springfield Armory XDS-45ACP, semi-automatic .45 ACP pistol from D.E. Neither of these firearms was manufactured in the state of Texas.

!VI! continued to engage in commercial sex acts at the direction of The Pimp until November of 2015, when she terminated their relationship. In January of 2016, !VI! moved into her parents' home. Shortly after she moved in with her family, The Pimp began posting commercial sex advertisements on Backpage.com for !VI! He posted such ads between on or about January 22, 2016 and March 27, 2016, without her knowledge or permission. These advertisements contained photos of !VI! as well as !VI!'s parents' address and The Pimp 's cell phone number. The Pimp , posing as !VI!, communicated with commercial sex customers, and told them to go to her parents' house where she would engage in commercial sex acts with them. Multiple men went to !VI!'s parents' house with the intent to have sex with !VI! This caused !VI! and her family substantial emotional distress, and it caused them to fear for their physical safety. !VI!'s family contacted law enforcement based on these fears.

Accordingly, The Pimp acknowledges that between on or about January 22,2016 and March 27, 2016, the exact dates being unknown, in the Dallas Division of the Northern District of Texas and elsewhere, he, with the intent to injure, harass, intimidate or place under surveillance with the intent to injure, harass, or intimidate !VI!, used an interactive computer service, electronic communication service, electronic communication system of interstate commerce, and other facilities of interstate and foreign commerce, namely text the internet website Backpage.com, to engage in a course of conduct that placed !VI! and an immediate family member of !VI! in reasonable fear of serious bodily injury to !VI! and an immediate family member of !VI!, and caused, attempted to cause and would reasonably be expected to cause, substantial emotional distress to !VI! and an immediate family member of !VI! The Pimp further admits and acknowledges that his conduct violated 18 U.S.C. §§ 2261A(2) and (b)(5).

Likewise, The Pimp admits that from on or about November of 2013 until on or about November of 2015, the exact dates being unknown, in the Dallas Division of the Northern District of Texas and elsewhere, he knowingly used facilities in interstate or foreign commerce, namely a cellular phone and the internet, with the intent to promote, manage, establish, carry on, or facilitate the promotion, management, establishment or carrying on, of any unlawful activity, and that he performed or attempted to perform an unlawful act, as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 1952, namely Promotion of Prostitution in violation of Texas Penal Code Section 43.02. The Pimp further admits and acknowledges that his conduct violated 18 U.S.C. §§ 1952(a)(3) and (A).

Finally, The Pimp admits that from on or about March of 2015 through on or about April 27, 2016, in the Dallas Division of the Northern District of Texas and elsewhere, he illegally received firearms, namely an HS Products d.b.a Springfield Armory XDS-45ACP, semi-automatic .45 ACP pistol and an HS Products d.b.a. Springfield Armory XDS-9 semi-automatic 9mm pistol, said firearms having been shipped and transported in interstate commerce, while he was under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year, to wit: Theft of Property in Case Number <redacted> in the 400th Judicial District Court in Fort Bend County, Texas. The Pimp further admits and acknowledges that his conduct violated 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(n) and 924(a)(l)(D).
TinMan's Avatar
So, it appears that he was posting as her after she left him, and was responsible for the outting most of us assumed was her own doing. Eccie isn't mentioned, so it is still quite possible she controlled her own account prior to leaving him.