Have you ever had a whore refuse to see you based on your behavior on this board

Next Best Thing's Avatar
N...she gonna let you tap her now? Asking for a friend....LOL Originally Posted by Zollner
Doesn't look good.

But tell me, Z - who really loses here.
Zollner's Avatar
N...That's a tough one....LOL
Next Best Thing's Avatar
N...That's a tough one....LOL Originally Posted by Zollner
Within 15 seconds of blowing my load I begin to regret jeopardizing my health and safety and also start to question my judgment in fucking whores in the first place. This happens virtually every time I do this and once it starts it never gets better.

At the very least the prostitute walks away with a couple of hundred bucks and the pleasure of my company.

8.5 times out of 10 I think the wrong idiot is paying for this shit.

Zollner's Avatar
Within 15 seconds of blowing my load I begin to regret jeopardizing my health and safety and also start to question my judgment in fucking whores in the first place. This happens virtually every time I do this and once it starts it never gets better.

At the very least the prostitute walks away with a couple of hundred bucks and the pleasure of my company.

8.5 times out of 10 I think the wrong idiot is paying for this shit.

Z2020 Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
N Honestly, sounds like you have some serious 'guilt' & 'guilty conscience' issues...you of the RC cult? Or one of its splinter cults that can be just as bad or worse, that so frown on this Hobby resulting in you getting so little joy from it? As you definitely partake very very very little in the hobby in spite of being here almost 10 freaking years FFS! 2 negative reviews, your sole legacy here to date after ~10 years! Come on man!!!

Fat Paulie will DEF NOT be pleased with your 'ratios' .... He feels it's quite important to track monger 'ratios' BS like that. It's almost as important as keeping up on all his multiple handles/members he misses so, that were just BANNED...LOL! He's kind of the board's resident 'BS Specialist', as many will say. You may luck out now and get an 'invite' to an upcoming GOBC Soirée, where 40 buck 'specials' abound from some of the fine but ampler mature ladies of his 'team' at his Bunny ranch, which some ex-members do warn, is more like a mature bovine corral. N then you can get cracking and post your 3rd Icky review....WHEW

But I digress....what's with ALL the guilt issues??? Most righties of all stripes, especially those recent Don supporters now sporting brand new prison stripes, usually have NO issues simply dismissing guilt/conscience! Hell, look at tRump and his whole cabal/cabinet of crooks! AG Barr completely abandoned his RC roots as Barr 'services' unabashedly Despicable Don! Don't forget Moscow Mitch. Oh and don't leave out our religious VP Mike Penis. Surely guilt/conscience never enters his mind anymore with the way he fawns, so infatuated with his Degenerate Donny, looking as if Mike P just may be one of Degenerate Don's 'Joy Toys'....LOL

Carlos Danger's Avatar
The victims may not find your views so righteous whew

Zollner's Avatar
The victims may not find your views so righteous whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
Slick sure knows how to take care of the competition!.....WHEW

Willie Wanker's Avatar
N Honestly, sounds like you have some serious 'guilt' & 'guilty conscience' issues...you of the RC cult? Or one of its splinter cults that can be just as bad or worse, that so frown on this Hobby resulting in you getting so little joy from it? As you definitely partake very very very little in the hobby in spite of being here almost 10 freaking years FFS! 2 negative reviews, your sole legacy here to date after ~10 years! Come on man!!!

Fat Paulie will DEF NOT be pleased with your 'ratios' .... He feels it's quite important to track monger 'ratios' BS like that. It's almost as important as keeping up on all his multiple handles/members he misses so, that were just BANNED...LOL! He's kind of the board's resident 'BS Specialist', as many will say. You may luck out now and get an 'invite' to an upcoming GOBC Soirée, where 40 buck 'specials' abound from some of the fine but ampler mature ladies of his 'team' at his Bunny ranch, which some ex-members do warn, is more like a mature bovine corral. N then you can get cracking and post your 3rd Icky review....WHEW

But I digress....what's with ALL the guilt issues??? Most righties of all stripes, especially those recent Don supporters now sporting brand new prison stripes, usually have NO issues simply dismissing guilt/conscience! Hell, look at tRump and his whole cabal/cabinet of crooks! AG Barr completely abandoned his RC roots as Barr 'services' unabashedly Despicable Don! Don't forget Moscow Mitch. Oh and don't leave out our religious VP Mike Penis. Surely guilt/conscience never enters his mind anymore with the way he fawns, so infatuated with his Degenerate Donny, looking as if Mike P just may be one of Degenerate Don's 'Joy Toys'....LOL
Originally Posted by Zollner

Lol. Spoken like a true Hedonist Zollner.
You're really trying to talk someone out of having a healthy conscience?
What you call a guilty conscience is hardwired into our brains for a reason. The feeling of disgust that accompanies doing something violent, immoral, or life endangering, is actually your compassion, empathy, and self preservation. Basically, It's what prevents us from eating our own young. It's the spark of divinity that JP talks about.
I would question the advice of anyone trying to tell you it's a negative emotion.
Zollner's Avatar
Lol. Spoken like a true hedonist Zollner.
You're really trying to talk someone out of having a healthy conscience?
What you call a guilty conscience is hardwired into our brains for a reason. The feeling of disgust that accompanies doing something violent, immoral, or life endangering, is actually your compassion, empathy, and self preservation. Basically, It's what prevents us from eating our own young. It's the spark of divinity that JP talks about.
I would question the advice of anyone trying to tell you it's a negative emotion. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Nice rationalization but was looking forward to N's rationalizations...LOL

Come on, our brain is a blank slate at birth, nothing more. Culture, parents, religions, customs of all spectrum's fill it with all forms of brainwashing from day 1.

Look at trump as he is eating his citizens for BIG MONEY! Lives matter little to him and his non-existent conscience Jared, at present it seems! MONEY just matters!

Jim Jones of Jonestown fame, even wonders about your Orange turnip....LOL

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Nice rationalization but was looking forward to N's rationalizations...LOL

Come on, our brain is a blank slate at birth, nothing more. Culture, parents, religions, customs of all spectrum's fill it with all forms of brainwashing from day 1.

Look at trump as he is eating his citizens for BIG MONEY! Lives matter little to him and his non-existent conscience Jared, at present it seems! MONEY just matters!

Jim Jones of Jonestown fame, even wonders about your Orange turnip....LOL
Originally Posted by Zollner
You know better than that professor. We have a natural fear of snakes,. the dark and other potential dangers even before we're taught.
Zollner's Avatar
You know better than that professor. We have a natural fear of snakes,. the dark and other potential dangers even before we're taught. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Come on some have an innate fear of flys, the dark, thunder and lightening, water. It's all cultural conditioning.

In the Bond flick Live & Let Die, a voodoo cult in the Caribbean loved snakes!

Don't be acting like Sheriff J.W. Pepper....LOL

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Maybe time to brush up on your studies.

Babies Confirm: Fear of Snakes and Spiders Is Hardwired
Many people squirm at the thought of a spider dangling above them or a snake slithering underfoot. In fact, research shows that at least five percent of the population has a strong, inhibiting fear of spiders and snakes.

But do we learn this fear, or is it something we're born with?

A group of researchers from the Max Planck Institute in Germany and Uppsala University in Sweden decided to find out by testing a segment of the population least likely to show fear: babies.

Forty-eight six-month-old infants were tested at the institute to analyze how they reacted to images the researchers predicted might be frightening. While sitting on their parents' laps, infants were shown images of spiders and snakes on white backgrounds for five seconds. To prevent parents from inadvertently influencing their infants' reactions, they were given opaque sunglasses during the experiment that prevented them from viewing whatever image was shown.

When the babies saw pictures of the snakes and spiders, they consistently reacted with larger pupils than when they were shown control images of flowers and fish. This finding, published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, suggested that a fear of these creatures could be innate.

That's because dilated pupils are associated with activity in the noradrenergic system in the brain, the same system that processes stress. Closely measuring changes in pupil size has been used in previous studies to determine a variety of mental and emotional stress in adults.

"There was a definite stress response in the brain," said lead researcher Stefanie Hoehl. She noted that it's difficult to characterize the exact nature of the type of stress infants experienced, but dilated pupils show heightened states of arousal and mental processing. Rather than indicating fear in particular, the study says this shows an intense focus.

"The current work, and indeed no existing work, has provided evidence that fear of snakes or spiders is innate," said David Rakison, a psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon University who researches early infant development.

"Infants possess a specialized fear mechanism that means that they are 'prepared' to learn quickly that snakes and spiders are associated with a specific emotional or behavioral response," he noted.

To explain this innate focus, Hoehl points to a human evolution that has coincided with historically dangerous snakes and spiders.

A History of Fearing Snakes and Spiders
"It's a very long period of coevolution—nearly 40 to 60 million years of it, that early human ancestors and spiders and snakes have interacted," Hoehl explained. A venomous bite from one of these creatures lurking hidden in the grass could have left early human ancestors incapacitated or dead. Therefore, Hoehl's study claimed, humans' innate fear of these animals could serve as a defense mechanism..

This claim is supported by previous studies in adults and children that have claimed to indicate an innate evolutionary fear of spiders or snakes.

In 2001, a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology asked a group of university students to identify photos that depicted sources of fear. Consistently, students identified snakes and spiders as more dangerous than other photos of mammals or fungi.

"Snakes have provided a recurrent threat throughout mammalian evolution. Individuals who have been good at identifying and recruiting defense responses to snakes have left more offspring than individuals with less efficient defense systems," the study's coauthor, Arne Öhman, told National Geographic at the time.

A study published in 2008 in the journal Cognition, and another in 2014 in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, also point to an inherited fear of spiders and snakes.

Link for reference :
Amber Does's Avatar
N Honestly, sounds like you have some serious 'guilt' & 'guilty conscience' issues...you of the RC cult? Or one of its splinter cults that can be just as bad or worse, that so frown on this Hobby resulting in you getting so little joy from it? As you definitely partake very very very little in the hobby in spite of being here almost 10 freaking years FFS! 2 negative reviews, your sole legacy here to date after ~10 years! Come on man!!! Originally Posted by Zollner

Wait wait wait, NBT has been on the site for the past 10 years????
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Thank God Z came back to again restore a semblance of order and to take a deep dive into my board legacy and my subconscious motivations.

I'll try to provide some additional detail so hopefully he can straighten this out further.

I prefer to maintain my current posture with the GOBC. I'm pretty sure I'm not old enough to join, don't like elderly or overweight whores, and am distrustful of attending semi-public gatherings dedicated to illegal activity inviting pesky law enforcement intervention. I have enough governmental oversight at work and don't need them trying to spoil my fun during leisure time.

I am afraid of snakes and don't like air travel, which I find unnatural. I'm forced to get on planes a lot and don't like it.

I only write negative reviews and at the moment I'm not going to reveal the most important reason why my two existing reviews are negatives.

I'm becoming a little less satisfied with The Donald lately because I feel that he is capitulating.

When I was in high school a group of friends and I successfully convinced a classmate that Bruce Springsteen's real name was Roger John Frankie. This went on for over a year and was a lot of fun for some reason.

I am primarily left handed but also sort of, but not genuinely, ambidextrous. For example I can hit a baseball as far both right and left handed, but throw the same baseball like a girl or equivalently like most members of the GOBC as well as other assorted male lesbians.

If that whore that is robbing people and causing all kinds of havoc in Syracuse will answer my texts, I'll write an honest review.

My current favorite board characters are JB, Z, the whore Chloe, and anyone who is aggressively hostile toward the GOBC, in no specific order.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Wait wait wait, NBT has been on the site for the past 10 years???? Originally Posted by Amber Does
My anniversary is in September sexy girl, same month as my birthday.

Hopefully you're saving up to get me a special present. 10 years is an important milestone.

Amber Does's Avatar
My anniversary is in September sexy girl, same month as my birthday.

Hopefully you're saving up to get me a special present. 10 years is an important milestone.

Z2020 Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Well lucky me or you, not quiet sure, but MY birthday is in September also!

Yes 10 long years spewing your misogynistic thoughts and belittling practically every female that interacted on a heaux message board is definitely a profound milestone to celebrate! Cheers. 🤭 😌 👏 😘
I think your fanclub should make you up a plaque or some shit for that. Maybe a bumper sticker would do. Slap it right next to the bumper sticker of your good ol' golden boy DT. Heh dt. Lol