Anyone out there

leglover05's Avatar
You guys need to visit KatieinBiloxi. She is trimmed but still has her bush. Great legs, sensitive nipples, and other very nice attributes. Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS
SkipperRon's Avatar
... still has her bush
To each their own of course - but this is just not my cup of tea.

Or bush.
You bet justaguy...I have seen Katie and you are right...she is a very good lady with a lot of very nice attributes....including a bush that is not full but a trimmed one....very nice and thanks for the heads up. I am just re settling on the Gulf Coast and need to find all the good ones ..............v
You are the first person I've heard of in quite some time that likes a full bush. I've only met 2-3 who like that. There was a sitcom or movie, I don't remember which one, where the guy had been married/asleep/coma for 30years (I think), then sees current porn .... relevant part is line he says "Where did pubic hair go" (paraphrase). Not sure why that sticks in my mind.... odd, huh?
As for myself, I'm not full... more like an area rug surrounded by hardwood. More of a helicopter landing pad than a regular landing strip. LOL

I make trips to coast occasionally, stay in touch!

clarkkentglasses's Avatar
Try Tia travels she has a full on naughty jungle of love
DallasRain's Avatar
Tia is awesome fun!!
i am still here in s. ms and working on bring more hobbing to hattiesburg